blob: cf96ac2927b0dedf78a5ec87f12440b79c7b4abd (
plain) (
* cronjob callback. This script does periodic checks, logging,
* housekeeping etc. Should be called every 5 mins by cron.
* Make a crontab entry that runs this as the same user the
* www-php is normally run as, eg. */
// */5 * * * * www-data php /path/to/api.php cron
if (!isLocalExecution())
define('CRON_KEY_STATUS', 'cron.key.status');
function getJobStatus($id)
// Re fetch from D on every call as some jobs could take longer
// and we don't want to work with stale data
$activeList = Property::getList(CRON_KEY_STATUS);
foreach ($activeList as $item) {
$entry = explode('|', $item, 2);
if (count($entry) !== 2 || $id !== $entry[0])
return array('start' => $entry[1], 'string' => $item);
return false;
// Hooks by other modules
function handleModule($file)
include_once $file;
foreach (Hook::load('cron') as $hook) {
// Check if job is still running, or should be considered crashed
$status = getJobStatus($hook->moduleId);
if ($status !== false) {
$runtime = (time() - $status['start']);
if ($runtime < 0) {
// Clock skew
Property::removeFromList(CRON_KEY_STATUS, $status['string']);
} elseif ($runtime < 900) {
// Allow up to 15 minutes for a job to complete before we complain...
} else {
// Consider job crashed
Property::removeFromList(CRON_KEY_STATUS, $status['string']);
EventLog::failure('Cronjob for module ' . $hook->moduleId . ' seems to be stuck or has crashed. Check the php or web server error log.');
$value = $hook->moduleId . '|' . time();
Property::addToList(CRON_KEY_STATUS, $value, 1800);
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Logging
EventLog::failure('Cronjob for module ' . $hook->moduleId . ' has crashed. Check the php or web server error log.', $e->toString());
Property::removeFromList(CRON_KEY_STATUS, $value);