path: root/inc/
blob: 96787f002c992158b08e6324d1a2e95da1705a2a (plain) (tree)



































 * Get or set simple key-value-pairs, backed by the database
 * to make them persistent.
class Property

	private static $cache = false;

	 * Retrieve value from property store.
	 * @param string $key key to retrieve the value of
	 * @param mixed $default value to return if $key does not exist in the property store
	 * @return mixed the value attached to $key, or $default if $key does not exist
	public static function get(string $key, $default = false)
		if (self::$cache === false) {
			$NOW = time();
			$res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT name, dateline, value FROM property");
			foreach ($res as $row) {
				if ($row['dateline'] != 0 && $row['dateline'] < $NOW)
				self::$cache[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
		if (!isset(self::$cache[$key]))
			return $default;
		return self::$cache[$key];

	 * Set value in property store. Passing null or false as the value deletes the
	 * entry from the property table.
	 * @param string $key key of value to set
	 * @param string|null|false $value the value to store for $key
	 * @param int $maxAgeMinutes how long to keep this entry around at least, in minutes. 0 for infinite
	public static function set(string $key, $value, int $maxAgeMinutes = 0)
		if ($value === false || $value === null) {
			Database::exec("DELETE FROM property WHERE name = :key", ['key' => $key]);
			if (self::$cache !== false) {
		} else {
			Database::exec("INSERT INTO property (name, value, dateline) VALUES (:key, :value, :dateline)"
				. " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = VALUES(value), dateline = VALUES(dateline)", [
				'key' => $key,
				'value' => $value,
				'dateline' => ($maxAgeMinutes === 0 ? 0 : time() + ($maxAgeMinutes * 60))
			if (self::$cache !== false) {
				self::$cache[$key] = $value;

	 * Retrieve property list from the store.
	 * @param string $key Key of list to get all items for
	 * @return array All the items matching the key
	public static function getList(string $key): array
		$res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT dateline, value FROM property_list WHERE name = :key", compact('key'));
		$NOW = time();
		$return = array();
		foreach ($res as $row) {
			if ($row['dateline'] != 0 && $row['dateline'] < $NOW)
			$return[] = $row['value'];
		return $return;

	 * Add item to property list.
	 * @param string $key key of value to set
	 * @param string $value the value to add for $key
	 * @param int $maxAgeMinutes how long to keep this entry around at least, in minutes. 0 for infinite
	public static function addToList(string $key, string $value, int $maxAgeMinutes = 0)
		Database::exec("INSERT INTO property_list (name, value, dateline) VALUES (:key, :value, :dateline)", array(
			'key' => $key,
			'value' => $value,
			'dateline' => ($maxAgeMinutes === 0 ? 0 : time() + ($maxAgeMinutes * 60))

	 * Remove given item from property list. If the list contains this item
	 * multiple times, they will all be removed.
	 * @param string $key Key of list
	 * @param string $value item to remove
	 * @return int number of items removed
	public static function removeFromList(string $key, string $value): int
		return Database::exec("DELETE FROM property_list WHERE name = :key AND value = :value", array(
			'key' => $key,
			'value' => $value,

	 * Delete entire list with given key.
	 * @param string $key Key of list
	 * @return int number of items removed
	public static function clearList(string $key): int
		return Database::exec("DELETE FROM property_list WHERE name = :key", compact('key'));

	 * Legacy getters/setters

	public static function getServerIp()
		return self::get('server-ip', 'none');

	public static function setServerIp(string $value, $automatic = false): bool
		if ($value === self::getServerIp())
			return false;
		EventLog::info('Server IP changed from ' . self::getServerIp() . ' to ' . $value . ($automatic ? ' (auto detected)' : ''));
		self::set('server-ip', $value);
		return true;

	public static function getBootMenu()
		return json_decode(self::get('ipxe-menu'), true);

	public static function setBootMenu($value)
		self::set('ipxe-menu', json_encode($value));

	public static function getVmStoreConfig()
		return json_decode(self::get('vmstore-config'), true);

	public static function getVmStoreUrl()
		$store = self::getVmStoreConfig();
		if (!isset($store['storetype']))
			return false;
		if ($store['storetype'] === 'nfs')
			return $store['nfsaddr'];
		if ($store['storetype'] === 'cifs')
			return $store['cifsaddr'];
		if ($store['storetype'] === 'internal')
			return '<local>';
		return '<unknown>';

	public static function setVmStoreConfig($value)
		self::set('vmstore-config', json_encode($value));

	public static function setLastWarningId($id)
		self::set('last-warn-event-id', $id);

	public static function getLastWarningId()
		return self::get('last-warn-event-id', 0);

	public static function setNeedsSetup($value)
		self::set('needs-setup', $value);

	public static function getNeedsSetup()
		return self::get('needs-setup');
	public static function setPasswordFieldType(string $value)
		self::set('password-type', $value);
	public static function getPasswordFieldType(): string
		return self::get('password-type', 'password');
