path: root/lang/en/.json
blob: fa92867d60489c2e745bb3252e93ba9c6bdcf34b (plain) (tree)
{"loginfail":"Username or Password incorrect","token":"Invalid token. CSRF attack?","adduser":"User successfully added","password":"Password and password confirmation do not match","empty":"The archive contains no files or directories","no":"No sufficient privileges to access this page","settings":"Settings have been updated","debug":"The debug mode is active!","value":"The value {{1}} is invalid for option {{0}} and has been ignored","invalid":"Selected template is not valid","remote":"Parsing the received data failed ({{0}})","missing":"There was no file selected!","upload":"Upload failed: {{0}}","config":"Configuration with id {{0}} does not exist","error":"Could not unpack archive {{0}} to {{1}}","module":"Module {{0}} is still used by Configuration {{1}}","taskmanager":"Task Manager has returned invalid data","task":"Execution failed: {{0}}","news":"News deleted","reboot":"Confirmation prompt to reboot not confirmed","lang_unknwonTaskManager":"Unknown Task Manager error","lang_configurationCompilation":"Compile configuration","lang_moduleAdd":"Add Module","lang_adAuthentication":"Active Directory Authentication","lang_adModule":"This module makes possible the application to the client PCs with the user accounts of an Active Directory. Depending on the configuration, the use of a user directory on the client is possible.","lang_authentication":"Authentication","lang_generic":"Generic","lang_addCustomModuleInfo":"With an extended module it is possible to add any files to the basic system that uses this module, for example to use specific configuration files, which can not be created with one of the other Wizards. Adding an Extended module usually requires at least basic knowledge of the Linux system.","lang_days":"Day(s)","lang_hours":"Hour(s)","lang_specificLogo":"Institution Specific Logo","lang_institutionLogo":"Institution Logo","lang_infoLogo":"This module is used to add the logo of a College \/ University, which then, for example, is displayed on the login screen.","lang_location":"Location","lang_contentOf":"Content of \"","lang_serverConfiguration":"Server-side Configuration","lang_login":"Login","lang_createUser":"Create User"}