/** @var ?string $uuid */
/** @var ?string $ip */
if (Dnbd3::isEnabled()) {
if (!Dnbd3::hasNfsFallback()) {
ConfigHolder::add("SLX_VM_NFS", false, 1000);
ConfigHolder::add("SLX_VM_NFS_USER", false, 1000);
ConfigHolder::add("SLX_VM_NFS_PASSWD", false, 1000);
ConfigHolder::add('SLX_VM_DNBD3', 'yes');
// Locations from closest to furthest (order)
$locations = ConfigHolder::get('SLX_LOCATIONS');
if ($locations === null) {
$locationIds = [0];
} else {
$locationIds = explode(' ', $locations);
if (empty($locationIds)) {
$locationIds[] = 0;
$res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT s.fixedip, m.clientip, sxl.locationid FROM dnbd3_server s
LEFT JOIN machine m USING (machineuuid)
LEFT JOIN dnbd3_server_x_location sxl USING (serverid)');
// Lookup of priority - first index (0) will be closest location in chain
// low value is higher priority
$locationsAssoc = array_flip($locationIds);
$servers = array();
$fallback = array();
foreach ($res as $row) {
if ($row['fixedip'] === '<self>') {
$row['fixedip'] = Property::getServerIp();
$defPrio = Dnbd3::preferLocal() ? 500 : 2000;
} else {
$defPrio = 1000;
$ip = $row['fixedip'] ?: $row['clientip'];
// See if this server is meant for the client at all
if (!is_null($row['locationid']) && !isset($locationsAssoc[$row['locationid']])) {
$fallback[$ip] = true;
// Server allowed for client
if ($defPrio === 1000 && is_null($row['locationid'])) {
// Server is not assigned to this location, try to guess it by its IP address
$serverLoc = Location::getFromIp($ip);
if ($serverLoc !== false) {
$row['locationid'] = $serverLoc;
$old = $servers[$ip] ?? PHP_INT_MAX;
if (is_null($row['locationid']) || !isset($locationsAssoc[$row['locationid']])) {
$servers[$ip] = min($defPrio . '.' . mt_rand(), $old);
} else {
$servers[$ip] = min($locationsAssoc[$row['locationid']] . '.' . mt_rand(), $old);
foreach ($servers as $k => $v) {
asort($servers, SORT_NUMERIC | SORT_ASC);
ConfigHolder::add('SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS', implode(' ', array_keys($servers)));
ConfigHolder::add('SLX_DNBD3_FALLBACK', implode(' ', array_keys($fallback)));