/* small API server that acts as a proxy to the dozmod server.
* To reduce the number of requests and connections to dozmod-server, results
* gets cached into a file cache.
* Required Configuration:
* CONFIG_DOZMOD_EXPIRE: Expiration time in seconds for the cache
* CONFIG_DOZMOD_URL: URL to the dozmod server
if (!Module::isAvailable('locations')) {
die('require locations module');
define('LIST_URL', CONFIG_DOZMOD_URL . '/vmchooser/list');
define('VMX_URL', CONFIG_DOZMOD_URL . '/vmchooser/lecture');
$availableRessources = ['list', 'vmx', 'netrules', 'runscript', 'metadata', 'netshares'];
/* BEGIN: A simple caching mechanism ---------------------------- */
function cache_hash($obj)
return md5(serialize($obj));
function cache_key_to_filename($key)
return "/tmp/bwlp-slxadmin-cache-$key";
function cache_put($key, $value)
$filename = cache_key_to_filename($key);
file_put_contents($filename, $value);
function cache_has($key)
$filename = cache_key_to_filename($key);
$mtime = @filemtime($filename);
if ($mtime === false) {
return false; // cache miss
$now = time();
if ($now < $mtime || $now - $mtime > CONFIG_DOZMOD_EXPIRE) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function cache_get($key)
$filename = cache_key_to_filename($key);
return file_get_contents($filename);
/* good for large binary files */
function cache_get_passthru($key)
$filename = cache_key_to_filename($key);
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
if ($fp) {
error_log('Cannot passthrough cache file ' . $filename);
/* END: Cache ---------------------------------------------------- */
/* this script requires 2 (3 with implicit client ip) parameters
* resource = vmx,...
* lecture_uuid = client can choose
* Takes raw lecture list xml, returns array of uuids.
* @param string $responseXML XML from dozmod server
* @return array list of UUIDs, false on error
function xmlToLectureIds($responseXML)
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($responseXML);
if (!isset($xml->eintrag))
return [];
$uuids = [];
foreach ($xml->eintrag as $e) {
if (isset($e->uuid) && isset($e->uuid['param']) && isset($e->uuid['param'][0])) {
$uuids[] = strval($e->uuid['param'][0]);
return $uuids;
function sendExamModeMismatch()
Header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
<image_name param="null"/>
<priority param="100"/>
<creator param="Ernie Esslingen"/>
<short_description param="Klausurmodus geändert, bitte PC neustarten"/>
<long_description param="Der Klausurmodus wurde ein- oder ausgeschaltet, bitte starten Sie den PC neu"/>
<uuid param="exam-mode-warning"/>
<virtualmachine param="exam-mode-warning"/>
<os param="debian8"/>
<virtualizer_name param="null"/>
<os_name param="null"/>
<for_location param="0"/>
<is_template param="0"/>
<image_name param="null"/>
<priority param="200"/>
<creator param="Ernie Esslingen"/>
<short_description param="Exam mode changed, please reboot PC"/>
<long_description param="Exam mode has been activated or deactivated since this PC was booted; please reboot the PC"/>
<uuid param="exam-mode-warning"/>
<virtualmachine param="exam-mode-warning"/>
<os param="debian8"/>
<virtualizer_name param="null"/>
<os_name param="null"/>
<for_location param="0"/>
<is_template param="0"/>
/** Caching wrapper around _getLecturesForLocations() */
function getListForLocations($locationIds, $raw)
/* if in any of the locations there is an exam active, consider the client
to be in "exam-mode" and only offer him exams (no lectures) */
$key = 'lectures_' . cache_hash($locationIds);
$examMode = Request::get('exams', 'normal-mode', 'string') !== 'normal-mode';
$clientServerMismatch = false;
if (Module::isAvailable('exams')) {
// If we have the exam mode module, we can enforce a server side check and make sure it agrees with the client
$serverExamMode = Exams::isInExamMode($locationIds);
if ($raw) {
$clientServerMismatch = ($serverExamMode !== $examMode);
$examMode = $serverExamMode;
// Only enforce exam mode validity check if the client requests the raw xml data
if ($clientServerMismatch) {
sendExamModeMismatch(); // does not return
// Proceed normally from here on
if ($examMode) {
$key .= '_exams';
$rawKey = $key . '_raw';
if ($raw) {
Header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
if (cache_has($rawKey)) {
} elseif (cache_has($key)) {
return unserialize(cache_get($key));
// Not in cache
$url = LIST_URL . "?locations=" . implode('%20', $locationIds);
if ($examMode) {
$url .= '&exams';
$value = Download::asString($url, 60, $code);
if ($value === false || $code < 200 || $code > 299)
return false;
cache_put($rawKey, $value);
$list = xmlToLectureIds($value);
cache_put($key, serialize($list));
if ($raw) {
return $list;
function getLectureUuidsForLocations($locationIds)
return getListForLocations($locationIds, false);
function outputLectureXmlForLocation($locationIds)
return getListForLocations($locationIds, true);
function _getVmData($lecture_uuid, $subResource = false)
$url = VMX_URL . '/' . $lecture_uuid;
if ($subResource !== false) {
$url .= '/' . $subResource;
$response = Download::asString($url, 60, $code);
if ($code < 200 || $code > 299)
return (int)$code;
return $response;
/** Caching wrapper around _getVmData() **/
function outputResource($lecture_uuid, $resource)
if ($resource === 'metadata') {
// HACK: config.tgz is compressed, don't use gzip output handler
Header('Content-Type: application/gzip');
} else {
Header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
$key = $resource . '_' . $lecture_uuid;
if (cache_has($key)) {
} else {
$value = _getVmData($lecture_uuid, $resource);
if ($value === false)
return false;
if (is_int($value)) {
cache_put($key, $value);
return false;
function fatalDozmodUnreachable()
Header('HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout');
die('DMSD currently not available');
function readLectureParam($locationIds)
$lecture = Request::get('lecture', false, 'string');
if ($lecture === false) {
Header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
die('Missing lecture UUID');
$lectures = getLectureUuidsForLocations($locationIds);
if ($lectures === false) {
/* check that the user requests a lecture that he is allowed to have */
if (!in_array($lecture, $lectures)) {
Header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
die("You don't have permission to access this lecture");
return $lecture;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
/* request data, don't trust */
$resource = Request::get('resource', false, 'string');
if ($resource === false) {
Util::traceError("you have to specify the 'resource' parameter");
if (!in_array($resource, $availableRessources)) {
Header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
die("unknown resource: $resource");
if (substr($ip, 0, 7) === '::ffff:') {
$ip = substr($ip, 7);
/* lookup location id(s) */
$location_ids = Location::getFromIp($ip, true);
$location_ids = Location::getLocationRootChain($location_ids);
if ($resource === 'list') {
// Won't return on success...
} else {
$lecture = readLectureParam($location_ids);
outputResource($lecture, $resource);
Header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
die("I don't know how to give you that resource");