class Page_Exams extends Page
var $action = false;
var $exams = [];
var $locations = [];
var $lectures = [];
private $currentExam;
private $rangeMin;
private $rangeMax;
private $userEditLocations = [];
private $userViewLocations = [];
/** if examid is set, also add a column 'selected' **/
protected function readLocations($examidOrLocations = null)
if ($examidOrLocations == null) {
$active = 0;
} elseif (is_array($examidOrLocations)) {
$active = $examidOrLocations;
} else {
$tmp = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid FROM exams_x_location WHERE examid= :examid", array('examid' => $examidOrLocations));
$active = array();
while ($row = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$active[] = (int)$row['locationid'];
$this->locations = Location::getLocations($active);
protected function readExams()
$tmp = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT e.examid, e.autologin, l.displayname AS lecturename, e.starttime, e.endtime, e.description, GROUP_CONCAT(exl.locationid) AS locationids, "
. "GROUP_CONCAT(loc.locationname SEPARATOR ', ') AS locationnames FROM exams e "
. "NATURAL LEFT JOIN exams_x_location exl "
. "NATURAL LEFT JOIN location loc "
. "LEFT JOIN sat.lecture l USING (lectureid) "
. "GROUP BY examid "
. "ORDER BY examid ASC");
while ($exam = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$view = $edit = false;
// User has permission for all locations
if (in_array(0, $this->userViewLocations)) {
$view = true;
if (in_array(0, $this->userEditLocations)) {
$edit = true;
if ($view && $edit) {
$this->exams[] = $exam;
// Fine grained check by locations
if ($exam['locationids'] === null) {
$locationids = [0];
} else {
$locationids = explode(',', $exam['locationids']);
if (!$view && empty(array_intersect($locationids, $this->userViewLocations))) {
// Not a single location in common, skip
if (!$edit && $this->userCanEditLocation($locationids)) {
// Only allow edit if user can edit all the locations the exam is assigned to
$edit = true;
// Set disabled string
if (!$edit) {
$exam['edit']['disabled'] = 'disabled';
$this->exams[] = $exam;
protected function readLectures()
$tmp = Database::simpleQuery(
"SELECT lectureid, Group_Concat(locationid) as lids, displayname, starttime, endtime, isenabled, firstname, lastname, email " .
"FROM sat.lecture " .
"INNER JOIN sat.user ON (user.userid = lecture.ownerid) " .
"NATURAL LEFT JOIN sat.lecture_x_location " .
"WHERE isexam <> 0 AND starttime < :rangeMax AND endtime > :rangeMin " .
"GROUP BY lectureid " .
"ORDER BY starttime ASC, displayname ASC",
['rangeMax' => $this->rangeMax, 'rangeMin' => $this->rangeMin]);
while ($lecture = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$this->lectures[] = $lecture;
// Initialise the user-permission-based lists
protected function setUserLocations()
// all locations the user has permission to edit
$this->userEditLocations = User::getAllowedLocations("exams.edit");
$view = User::getAllowedLocations("exams.view");
// all locations the user can view or edit
$this->userViewLocations = array_unique(array_merge($this->userEditLocations, $view));
// returns true if user is allowed to edit the exam
protected function userCanEditExam($examid = NULL)
if ($examid === null)
return User::hasPermission('exams.edit');
// Check locations of existing exam
$res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid FROM exams_x_location WHERE examid= :examid", array('examid' => $examid));
while ($locId = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if (!in_array($locId['locationid'], $this->userEditLocations))
return false;
return true;
// checks if user is allowed to save an exam with all the locations
// needs information if it's add (second para = true) or edit (second para = false)
protected function userCanEditLocation($locationids) {
return empty(array_diff($locationids, $this->userEditLocations));
protected function makeItemsForVis()
$out = [];
// foreach group also add an invisible item on top
// disabled for now - more of an annoyance if you have more than a few rooms
foreach ($this->locations as $l) {
$out[] = ['id' => 'spacer_' . $l['locationid'],
'group' => $l['locationid'],
'className' => 'spacer',
'start' => 0,
'content' => 'spacer',
'end' => 99999999999999,
'subgroup' => 0
$unique_ids = 1;
/* add the red shadows */
if (is_array($this->exams)) {
foreach ($this->exams as $e) {
if ($e['starttime'] > $this->rangeMax || $e['endtime'] < $this->rangeMin)
$locationids = explode(',', $e['locationids']);
if ($locationids[0] == 0) {
$locationids = [];
foreach ($this->locations as $location) {
$locationids[] = $location['locationid'];
foreach ($locationids as $locationid) {
$out[] = [
'id' => 'shadow_' . $unique_ids++,
'content' => $e['description'],
'title' => $e['description'],
'start' => intval($e['starttime']) * 1000,
'end' => intval($e['endtime']) * 1000,
'type' => 'background',
'group' => $locationid,
/* add the lectures */
$allLocationIds = array_map(function($loc) { return $loc['locationid']; }, $this->locations);
$i = 2;
foreach ($this->lectures as $lecture) {
$mark = '<span class="' . ($lecture['isenabled'] ? '' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign') . '"></span>';
if (empty($lecture['lids'])) {
$locations = $allLocationIds;
} else {
$locations = explode(',', $lecture['lids']);
foreach ($locations as $location) {
$out[] = [
'id' => $lecture['lectureid'] . '/' . $location,
'content' => htmlspecialchars($lecture['displayname']) . $mark,
'title' => $lecture['isenabled'] ? '' : Dictionary::translate('warning_lecture_is_not_enabled'),
'start' => intval($lecture['starttime']) * 1000,
'end' => intval($lecture['endtime']) * 1000,
'group' => $location,
'className' => $lecture['isenabled'] ? '' : 'disabled',
'editable' => false,
'subgroup' => $i++,
return json_encode($out);
protected function makeGroupsForVis()
$out = [];
foreach ($this->locations as $l) {
if (in_array($l["locationid"], $this->userViewLocations)) {
$out[] = [
'id' => $l['locationid'],
'content' => $l['locationpad'] . ' ' . $l['locationname'],
'sortIndex' => $l['sortIndex'],
return json_encode($out);
protected function makeExamsForTemplate()
$out = [];
$now = time();
if (is_array($this->exams)) {
foreach ($this->exams as $exam) {
if ($exam['endtime'] < $now) {
$exam['rowClass'] = 'text-muted';
$exam['btnClass'] = 'btn-default';
$exam['liesInPast'] = true;
} else {
$exam['btnClass'] = 'btn-danger';
$exam['starttime_s'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $exam['starttime']);
$exam['endtime_s'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $exam['endtime']);
$out[] = $exam;
return $out;
protected function makeLectureExamList()
$out = [];
$now = time();
$cutoff = strtotime('+30 day');
$theCount = 0;
foreach ($this->lectures as $lecture) {
if ($lecture['endtime'] < $now || $lecture['starttime'] > $cutoff)
$entry = $lecture;
if (!$lecture['isenabled']) {
$entry['class'] = 'text-muted';
$entry['starttime_s'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $lecture['starttime']);
$entry['endtime_s'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $lecture['endtime']);
$duration = $lecture['endtime'] - $lecture['starttime'];
if ($duration < 86400) {
$entry['duration_s'] = gmdate('H:i', $duration);
if (++$theCount > 5) {
$entry['class'] = 'collapse';
$out[] = $entry;
return $out;
protected function makeEditFromArray($source)
if (!isset($source['description']) && isset($source['displayname'])) {
$source['description'] = $source['displayname'];
return [
'starttime_date' => date('Y-m-d', $source['starttime']),
'starttime_time' => date('H:i', $source['starttime']),
'endtime_date' => date('Y-m-d', $source['endtime']),
'endtime_time' => date('H:i', $source['endtime'])
] + $source;
private function isDateSane($time)
return ($time >= $this->rangeMin && $time <= $this->rangeMax);
private function saveExam()
if (!Request::isPost()) {
Util::traceError('Is not post');
/* process form-data */
$locationids = Request::post('locations', [], "ARRAY");
/* global room has id 0 */
if (empty($locationids)) {
$locationids[] = 0;
if (!$this->userCanEditLocation($locationids)) {
$examid = Request::post('examid', 0, 'int');
$starttime = strtotime(Request::post('starttime_date') . " " . Request::post('starttime_time'));
$endtime = strtotime(Request::post('endtime_date') . " " . Request::post('endtime_time'));
$description = Request::post('description', '', 'string');
$lectureid = Request::post('lectureid', '', 'string');
$autologin = Request::post('autologin', '', 'string');
if (!$this->isDateSane($starttime)) {
Message::addError('starttime-invalid', Request::post('starttime_date') . " " . Request::post('starttime_time'));
if (!$this->isDateSane($endtime)) {
Message::addError('endtime-invalid', Request::post('endtime_date') . " " . Request::post('endtime_time'));
if ($endtime <= $starttime) {
if ($examid === 0) {
// No examid given, is add
$res = Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams(lectureid, starttime, endtime, autologin, description) VALUES(:lectureid, :starttime, :endtime, :autologin, :description);",
compact('lectureid', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'autologin', 'description')) !== false;
$exam_id = Database::lastInsertId();
foreach ($locationids as $lid) {
$res = $res && Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams_x_location(examid, locationid) VALUES(:exam_id, :lid)", compact('exam_id', 'lid')) !== false;
if ($res === false) {
} else {
// Edit
$this->currentExam = Database::queryFirst("SELECT * FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid", array('examid' => $examid));
if ($this->currentExam === false) {
Message::addError('invalid-exam-id', $examid);
/* update fields */
$res = Database::exec("UPDATE exams SET lectureid = :lectureid, starttime = :starttime, endtime = :endtime, autologin = :autologin, description = :description WHERE examid = :examid",
compact('lectureid', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'description', 'examid', 'autologin')) !== false;
/* drop all connections and reconnect to rooms */
$res = $res && Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams_x_location WHERE examid = :examid", compact('examid')) !== false;
/* reconnect */
foreach ($locationids as $lid) {
$res = $res && Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams_x_location(examid, locationid) VALUES(:examid, :lid)", compact('examid', 'lid')) !== false;
if ($res !== false) {
} else {
protected function doPreprocess()
if (!User::isLoggedIn()) {
$this->rangeMin = strtotime('-1 day');
$this->rangeMax = strtotime('+3 month');
$req_action = Request::any('action', 'show');
if (in_array($req_action, ['show', 'add', 'delete', 'edit', 'save'])) {
$this->action = $req_action;
if (Request::isPost()) {
$examid = Request::post('examid', 0, 'int');
} else if (Request::isGet()) {
$examid = Request::get('examid', 0, 'int');
} else {
die('Neither Post nor Get Request send.');
// initialise user-permission-lists
if ($this->action === 'show') {
} elseif ($this->action === 'add') {
} elseif ($this->action === 'edit') {
if (!$this->userCanEditExam($examid)) {
$this->currentExam = Database::queryFirst("SELECT * FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid", array('examid' => $examid));
if ($this->currentExam === false) {
Message::addError('invalid-exam-id', $examid);
} elseif ($this->action === 'save') {
} elseif ($this->action === 'delete') {
if (!Request::isPost()) {
die('delete only works with a post request');
if (!$this->userCanEditExam($examid)) {
} else {
$res1 = Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid;", compact('examid'));
$res2 = Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams_x_location WHERE examid = :examid;", compact('examid'));
if ($res1 === false || $res2 === false) {
} else {
} elseif ($this->action === false) {
Util::traceError("action not implemented");
protected function doRender()
if ($this->action === "show") {
// General title and description
// List of defined exam periods
$params = ['exams' => $this->makeExamsForTemplate()];
Permission::addGlobalTags($params['perms'], NULL, ['exams.edit']);
Render::addTemplate('page-exams', $params);
// List of upcoming lectures marked as exam
$upcoming = $this->makeLectureExamList();
if (empty($upcoming)) {
} else {
Render::addTemplate('page-upcoming-lectures', [
'pending_lectures' => $upcoming,
'allowedToAdd' => $this->userCanEditExam(),
'decollapse' => array_key_exists('class', end($upcoming))
// Vis.js timeline
Render::addTemplate('page-exams-vis', [
'exams_json' => $this->makeItemsForVis(),
'rooms_json' => $this->makeGroupsForVis(),
'vis_begin' => strtotime('-5 minute') * 1000,
'vis_end' => strtotime('+2 day') * 1000,
'vis_min_date' => $this->rangeMin * 1000,
'vis_max_date' => $this->rangeMax * 1000,
'axis_label' => (count($this->locations) > 5 ? 'both' : 'bottom'),
'utc_offset' => date('P')
} elseif ($this->action === "add") {
$data = [];
$baseLecture = Request::any('lectureid', false, 'string');
$locations = null;
if ($baseLecture !== false) {
foreach ($this->lectures as &$lecture) {
if ($lecture['lectureid'] === $baseLecture) {
$data['exam'] = $this->makeEditFromArray($lecture);
$locations = explode(',', $lecture['lids']);
$lecture['selected'] = 'selected';
$data['lectures'] = $this->lectures;
$data['locations'] = $this->locations;
// if user has no permission to add for this location, disable the location in the select
foreach ($data['locations'] as &$loc) {
if (!in_array($loc["locationid"], $this->userEditLocations)) {
$loc["disabled"] = "disabled";
Render::addTemplate('page-add-edit-exam', $data);
} elseif ($this->action === 'edit') {
$exam = $this->makeEditFromArray($this->currentExam);
foreach ($this->lectures as &$lecture) {
if ($lecture['lectureid'] === $this->currentExam['lectureid']) {
$lecture['selected'] = 'selected';
$data = [];
$data['exam'] = $exam;
$data['locations'] = $this->locations;
$data['lectures'] = $this->lectures;
// if user has no permission to edit for this location, disable the location in the select
foreach ($data['locations'] as &$loc) {
if (!in_array($loc["locationid"], $this->userEditLocations)) {
$loc["disabled"] = "disabled";
Render::addTemplate('page-add-edit-exam', $data);