function HandleParameters() {
$getAction = Request::get('action', 0, 'string');
if ($getAction == "roominfo") {
$getRoomID = Request::get('id', 0, 'int');
$getCoords = Request::get('coords', 0, 'string');
if (empty($getCoords)) {
$getCoords = '0';
getRoomInfoJson($getRoomID, $getCoords);
} elseif ($getAction == "openingtime") {
$getRoomID = Request::get('id', 0, 'int');
echo getOpeningTime($getRoomID);
} elseif ($getAction == "config") {
$getRoomID = Request::get('id', 0, 'int');
} elseif ($getAction == "calendar") {
$getRoomID = Request::get('id', 0, 'int');
echo getCalendar($getRoomID);
} elseif ($getAction == "roomtree") {
$roomIDS = Request::get('ids', 0, 'string');
} elseif ($getAction == "pcstates") {
$roomIDS = Request::get('ids', 0, 'string');
} elseif ($getAction == "calendars") {
$roomIDS = Request::get('ids', 0, 'string');
} elseif ($getAction == "openingtimes") {
$roomIDS = Request::get('ids', 0, 'string');
function getMultipleInformations($roomids) {
$idList = explode(',', $roomids);
$filteredIdList = array_filter($idList, 'is_numeric');
return $filteredIdList;
// TODO FILTER 2 weeks or some days only
function getCalendars($ids) {
$idList = getMultipleInformations($ids);
$calendars = array();
foreach ($idList as $id) {
$a['id'] = $id;
$a['calendar'] = json_decode(getCalendar($id), true);
$calendars[] = $a;
echo json_encode($calendars);
function getPcStates($ids) {
$idList = getMultipleInformations($ids);
$pcStates = array();
foreach ($idList as $id) {
$a['id'] = $id;
$b = array();
$b = json_decode(getPcInfos($id), true);
$idle = 0;
$occupied = 0;
$off = 0;
$broken = 0;
foreach ($b as $c) {
if ($c['pcState'] == 0) {
} elseif($c['pcState'] == 1) {
} elseif($c['pcState'] == 2) {
} elseif($c['pcState'] == 3) {
$a['idle'] = $idle;
$a['occupied'] = $occupied;
$a['off'] = $off;
$a['broken'] = $broken;
$pcStates[] = $a;
echo json_encode($pcStates);
function getRoomTree($ids) {
$idList = getMultipleInformations($ids);
$roomTree = array();
foreach ($idList as $id) {
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationname FROM `location` WHERE locationid=:locationID", array('locationID' => $id));
$a['id'] = $id;
$a['name'] = $dbresult['locationname'];
$a['childs'] = getChildsRecursive($id);
$roomTree[] = $a;
// TODO FIlter recursive childs (delete doubles) (Filteere froeach when recursive child exists)
echo json_encode($roomTree);
function getChildsRecursive($id) {
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid, locationname FROM `location` WHERE parentlocationid=:locationID", array('locationID' => $id));
$array = array();
$dbarray = array();
while($dbresult=$dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$dbarray[] = $dbresult;
foreach ($dbarray as $db) {
$i = $db['locationid'];
$a['id'] = $i;
$a['name'] = $db['locationname'];
$a['childs'] = getChildsRecursive($i);
$array[] = $a;
return $array;
function randomCalendarGenerator() {
$randNum = rand(3, 7);
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $randNum; $i++) {
$c = array();
$c['title'] = getRandomWord();
$randH = rand(8, 16);
$rand2 = $randH + 2;
$date = getdate();
$mday = $date['mday'] + $i;
$todays = $date['year'] . "-" . $date['month'] . "-" . $mday . " " . $randH . ":00:00";
$c['start'] = $todays;
$todaye = $date['year'] . "-" . $date['month'] . "-" . $mday . " " . $rand2 . ":00:00";
$c['end'] = $todaye;
$result[] = $c;
return json_encode($result);
function getRandomWord($len = 10) {
$word = array_merge(range('a', 'z'), range('A', 'Z'));
return substr(implode($word), 0, $len);
function getCalendar($getRoomID) {
//echo randomCalendarGenerator();
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT calendar, lastcalendarupdate, serverid, serverroomid FROM `location_info` WHERE locationid=:locationID", array('locationID' => $getRoomID));
while($dbresult=$dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$lastupdate = (int) $dbresult['lastcalendarupdate'];
$calendar = $dbresult['calendar'];
$serverid = $dbresult['serverid'];
$serverroomid = $dbresult['serverroomid'];
$NOW = time();
if ($lastupdate == 0 || $NOW - $lastupdate > 900) {
return updateCalendar($getRoomID, $serverid, $serverroomid);
} else {
return $calendar;
function updateCalendar($locationid, $serverid, $serverroomid) {
// TODO CALL UpdateCalendar($serverid, $serverroomid);
$result = randomCalendarGenerator();
// ^ replace with the actual call
// Save in db and update timestamp
$NOW = time();
Database::exec("UPDATE `location_info` Set calendar=:calendar, lastcalendarupdate=:now WHERE locationid=:id", array('id' => $locationid, 'calendar' => $result, 'now' => $NOW));
return $result;
function getConfig($locationID) {
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT l.locationname, li.config, li.serverroomid, s.servertype, s.serverurl FROM `location_info` AS li
RIGHT JOIN `location` AS l ON l.locationid=li.locationid
LEFT JOIN `setting_location_info` AS s ON s.serverid=li.serverid
WHERE l.locationid=:locationID", array('locationID' => $locationID));
$config = array();
$config = json_decode($dbresult['config'], true);
$config['room'] = $dbresult['locationname'];
$date = getdate();
$config['time'] = $date['year'] . "-" . $date['mon'] . "-" . $date['mday'] . " " . $date['hours'] . ":" . $date['minutes'] . ":" . $date['seconds'];
if($dbresult['servertype'] === "Frontend") {
$config['calendarqueryurl'] = $dbresult['serverurl'] . "/" . $dbresult['serverroomid'] . ".json";
if (empty($config)) {
echo json_encode(array());
} else {
echo json_encode($config, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
function checkIfHidden($locationID) {
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT hidden FROM `location_info` WHERE locationid = :locationID", array('locationID' => $locationID));
while($roominfo=$dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$hidden = $roominfo['hidden'];
if ($hidden === '0') {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
function getOpeningTimesFromParent($locationID) {
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT parentlocationid FROM `location` WHERE locationid = :locationID", array('locationID' => $locationID));
$parentlocationid = 0;
while($dbdata=$dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$parentlocationid = (int)$dbdata['parentlocationid'];
if ($parentlocationid == 0) {
return json_encode(createBasicClosingTime(), true);
}else {
function createBasicClosingTime() {
$weekarray = array ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday");
$array = array();
foreach ($weekarray as $d) {
$a = array();
$arr['HourOpen'] = '00';
$arr['MinutesOpen'] = '00';
$arr['HourClose'] = '23';
$arr['MinutesClose'] = '59';
$a[] = $arr;
$array[$d] = $a;
return $array;
function getOpeningTimes($ids) {
$idList = getMultipleInformations($ids);
$timelist = array();
foreach ($idList as $id) {
$a['id'] = $id;
$a['openingtime'] = json_decode(getOpeningTime($id), true);
$timelist[] = $a;
echo json_encode($timelist);
function getOpeningTime($locationID) {
$error = checkIfHidden($locationID);
if ($error == true) {
echo "ERROR";
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT openingtime FROM `location_info` WHERE locationid = :locationID", array('locationID' => $locationID));
$result = array();
$dbresult = array();
while($dbdata=$dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$dbresult = json_decode($dbdata['openingtime'], true);
if (count($dbresult) == 0) {
return getOpeningTimesFromParent($locationID);;
$weekarray = array ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday");
foreach ($weekarray as $d) {
$array = array();
foreach ($dbresult as $day) {
foreach($day['days'] as $val) {
if ($val == $d) {
$arr = array();
$openTime = explode(':', $day['openingtime']);
$arr['HourOpen'] = $openTime[0];
$arr['MinutesOpen'] = $openTime[1];
$closeTime = explode(':', $day['closingtime']);
$arr['HourClose'] = $closeTime[0];
$arr['MinutesClose'] = $closeTime[1];
$array[] = $arr;
if(!empty($array)) {
$result[$d] = $array;
return json_encode($result, true);
function getRoomInfoJson($locationID, $coords) {
$error = checkIfHidden($locationID);
$pcs = getPcInfos($locationID, $coords);
if (empty($pcs)) {
$error = true;
if ($error == true) {
echo "ERROR";
} else {
echo $pcs;
function getPcInfos($locationID, $coords) {
if ($coords == '1') {
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT machineuuid, position, logintime, lastseen, lastboot FROM `machine` WHERE locationid = :locationID" , array('locationID' => $locationID));
} else {
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT machineuuid, logintime, lastseen, lastboot FROM `machine` WHERE locationid = :locationID" , array('locationID' => $locationID));
$pcs = array();
while($pc=$dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$computer = array();
$computer['id'] = $pc['machineuuid'];
if ($coords == '1') {
$position = json_decode($pc['position'], true);
$computer['x'] = $position['gridCol'];
$computer['y'] = $position['gridRow'];
$computer['pcState'] = LocationInfo::getPcState($pc);
$pcs[] = $computer;
$str = json_encode($pcs, true);
return $str;