if (Request::get('redirect', false, 'int') !== false) {
// Redirect to actual panel from uuid
$uuid = Request::get('uuid', false, 'string');
if ($uuid === false) {
die('Missing uuid parameter');
$row = Database::queryFirst('SELECT paneltype, panelconfig FROM locationinfo_panel WHERE paneluuid = :uuid', compact('uuid'));
if ($row === false) {
die('Panel not found');
if ($row['paneltype'] === 'DEFAULT') {
Util::redirect(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '/modules/locationinfo/frontend/doorsign.html?uuid=' . $uuid);
} elseif ($row['paneltype'] === 'SUMMARY') {
Util::redirect(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '/modules/locationinfo/frontend/overview.html?uuid=' . $uuid);
} elseif ($row['paneltype'] === 'URL') {
$data = json_decode($row['panelconfig'], true);
if (!$data || !isset($data['url'])) {
die('Panel config corrupted on server');
die('Panel has invalid type "' . $row['paneltype'] . '"');
* vvv - API to Panel - vvv
* Handles the API paramenters.
function HandleParameters()
$get = Request::get('get', 0, 'string');
$uuid = Request::get('uuid', false, 'string');
$output = false;
if ($get === "timestamp") {
$output = array('ts' => getLastChangeTs($uuid));
} elseif ($get === "machines") {
$locationIds = getLocationsOr404($uuid);
$output = array();
InfoPanel::appendMachineData($output, $locationIds, false);
$output = array_values($output);
} elseif ($get === "config") {
$type = InfoPanel::getConfig($uuid, $output);
if ($type === false) {
die('Panel not found');
} elseif ($get === "pcstates") {
$locationIds = getLocationsOr404($uuid);
$output = getPcStates($locationIds);
} elseif ($get === "locationtree") {
$locationIds = getLocationsOr404($uuid);
$output = getLocationTree($locationIds);
} elseif ($get === "calendar") {
$locationIds = getLocationsOr404($uuid);
$output = getCalendar($locationIds);
if ($output !== false) {
Header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
echo json_encode($output);
} else {
echo 'Unknown get option';
* Return list of locationids associated with given panel.
* @param string $paneluuid panel
* @return int[] locationIds
function getLocationsOr404($paneluuid)
$panel = Database::queryFirst('SELECT locationids FROM locationinfo_panel WHERE paneluuid = :paneluuid',
if ($panel !== false) {
return array_map('intval', explode(',', $panel['locationids']));
die('Panel not found');
* Get last config modification timestamp for given panel.
* This was planned to be smart and check the involved locations,
* even going up the location tree if the opening time schedule
* is inherited, but this would still be incomplete by design, as
* it wouldn't react to the linked room plan being considered
* for changes, or added/removed PCs etc. So rather than giving
* an incomplete "clever" design for detecting changes, we only
* consider direct editing of the panel now. So the advice would
* simply be "if you want the panel to reload automatically, hit
* the edit button and click save". Might even add a shortcut
* reload-button to the list of panels at some point.
* @param string $paneluuid panels uuid
* @return int UNIX_TIMESTAMP
function getLastChangeTs($paneluuid)
$panel = Database::queryFirst('SELECT lastchange FROM locationinfo_panel WHERE paneluuid = :paneluuid',
if ($panel === false) {
die('Panel not found');
return (int)$panel['lastchange'];
* Gets the pc states of the given locations.
* @param int[] $idList list of the location ids.
* @return array aggregated PC states
function getPcStates($idList)
$pcStates = array();
foreach ($idList as $id) {
$pcStates[$id] = array(
'id' => $id,
'idle' => 0,
'occupied' => 0,
'off' => 0,
'broken' => 0,
$locationInfoList = array();
InfoPanel::appendMachineData($locationInfoList, $idList);
foreach ($locationInfoList as $locationInfo) {
$id = $locationInfo['id'];
foreach ($locationInfo['machines'] as $pc) {
$key = strtolower($pc['pcState']);
if (isset($pcStates[$id][$key])) {
return array_values($pcStates);
* Gets the location tree of the given locations.
* @param int[] $idList Array list of the locations.
* @return array location tree data
function getLocationTree($idList)
if (in_array(0, $idList)) {
return array_values(Location::getTree());
$locations = Location::getTree();
$ret = findLocations($locations, $idList);
return $ret;
function findLocations($locations, $idList)
$ret = array();
foreach ($locations as $location) {
if (in_array($location['locationid'], $idList)) {
$ret[] = $location;
} elseif (!empty($location['children'])) {
$ret = array_merge($ret, findLocations($location['children'], $idList));
return $ret;
// ########## <Calendar> ###########
* Gets the calendar of the given ids.
* @param int[] $idList list with the location ids.
* @return array Calendar.
function getCalendar($idList)
if (empty($idList))
return [];
// Build SQL query for multiple ids.
$query = "SELECT l.locationid, l.serverid, l.serverlocationid, s.servertype, s.credentials
FROM `locationinfo_locationconfig` AS l
INNER JOIN locationinfo_coursebackend AS s ON (s.serverid = l.serverid)
WHERE l.locationid IN (:idlist)
ORDER BY s.servertype ASC";
$dbquery = Database::simpleQuery($query, array('idlist' => array_values($idList)));
$serverList = array();
while ($dbresult = $dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if (!isset($serverList[$dbresult['serverid']])) {
$serverList[$dbresult['serverid']] = array(
'credentials' => json_decode($dbresult['credentials'], true),
'type' => $dbresult['servertype'],
'idlist' => array()
$serverList[$dbresult['serverid']]['idlist'][] = $dbresult['locationid'];
$resultArray = array();
foreach ($serverList as $serverid => $server) {
$serverInstance = CourseBackend::getInstance($server['type']);
if ($serverInstance === false) {
EventLog::warning('Cannot fetch schedule for locationid ' . $server['locationid']
. ': Backend type ' . $server['type'] . ' unknown. Disabling location.');
Database::exec("UPDATE locationinfo_locationconfig SET serverid = 0 WHERE locationid = :lid",
array('lid' => $server['locationid']));
$credentialsOk = $serverInstance->setCredentials($serverid, $server['credentials']);
if ($credentialsOk) {
$calendarFromBackend = $serverInstance->fetchSchedule($server['idlist']);
} else {
$calendarFromBackend = array();
LocationInfo::setServerError($serverid, $serverInstance->getError());
if (is_array($calendarFromBackend)) {
foreach ($calendarFromBackend as $key => $value) {
$resultArray[] = array(
'id' => $key,
'calendar' => $value,
return $resultArray;
// ########## </Calendar> ##########