path: root/modules-available/locations/lang/en/template-tags.json
blob: 55eaec869a29d589bf561c00950ff1c67d6e77f8 (plain) (tree)













    "lang_addNewSubnet": "Add new subnet",
    "lang_areYouSureNoUndo": "Are you sure? This cannot be undone!",
    "lang_assignSubnetExplanation": "Client machines which fall into an IP range listed below will be assigned to this location and will see an according lecture list (e.g. they will see lectures that are exclusively assigned to this location).",
    "lang_assignedSubnets": "Assigned subnets \/ IP ranges",
    "lang_automatedMachineActions": "Automated actions",
    "lang_closingTime": "Closing time",
    "lang_day": "Day",
    "lang_deleteChildLocations": "Delete child locations as well",
    "lang_deleteLocation": "Delete location",
    "lang_deleteSubnet": "Delete range",
    "lang_deleteSubnetWarning": "All subnets marked for deletion will be deleted. This cannot be undone!",
    "lang_editNews": "Edit news\/help",
    "lang_editRoomplan": "Edit roomplan",
    "lang_endAddress": "End address",
    "lang_expertMode": "Expert mode",
    "lang_fixMachineAssign": "Fix or remove assignment",
    "lang_inheritOpeningTimes": "Inherit from parent location",
    "lang_ip": "IP address",
    "lang_listOfSubnets": "List of subnets",
    "lang_location": "Location",
    "lang_locationBySubnet": "Location by IP address",
    "lang_locationInfo": "Location details",
    "lang_locationMismatch": "Mismatching assignment via room planner",
    "lang_locationName": "Name",
    "lang_locationOtherOverlap": "Warning! These locations have overlapping address ranges",
    "lang_locationSelfOverlap": "The following location has multiple address ranges that are overlapping",
    "lang_locationSettings": "Edit this room or location",
    "lang_locationsMainHeading": "Manage rooms and locations",
    "lang_machine": "Machine",
    "lang_machineCount": "Clients",
    "lang_matchingMachines": "Matching clients",
    "lang_mismatchHeading": "Machines with mismatching room plan assignment",
    "lang_mismatchIntroText": "Machines listed here are assigned to the room above, but judging from their IP address, should actually be in another room (because of the IP range(s) assigned to that room). By selecting machines below and clicking \"reset\", they will be removed from their current room plan. If you choose \"move\", they will be transferred to the plan of the room they should actually belong to (see last column of table).",
    "lang_monTilFr": "Monday - Friday",
    "lang_moveMachines": "Move to room designated by IP address",
    "lang_moveable": "Moveable",
    "lang_name": "Name",
    "lang_nextEvent": "Next scheduled event",
    "lang_offsetEarly": "min. before",
    "lang_offsetLate": "min. after",
    "lang_openingTime": "Opening Time",
    "lang_parentLocation": "Parent location",
    "lang_referencingLectures": "Assigned Lectures",
    "lang_remoteAccessConstraints": "Remote access constraints",
    "lang_remoteAccessHelp": "If this room is part of a remote access group, you can limit its accessibility here, like only making it available outside of the business hours configured above. If this room isn't assigned to any remote access group, this setting doesn't have any effect.",
    "lang_remoteAccessNever": "Never allow access",
    "lang_remoteAccessNoRestriction": "No restrictions",
    "lang_remoteAccessOnlyWhenClosed": "Only when room is not open",
    "lang_resetMachines": "Reset room assignment",
    "lang_saturday": "Saturday",
    "lang_shortFriday": "Fri",
    "lang_shortMonday": "Mon",
    "lang_shortSaturday": "Sat",
    "lang_shortSunday": "Sun",
    "lang_shortThursday": "Thu",
    "lang_shortTuesday": "Tue",
    "lang_shortWednesday": "Wed",
    "lang_showRoomplan": "Show room plan",
    "lang_shutdown": "Shutdown",
    "lang_startAddress": "Start address",
    "lang_subnet": "IP range",
    "lang_sunday": "Sunday",
    "lang_thisListByLocation": "Locations",
    "lang_thisListBySubnet": "Subnets",
    "lang_unassignedMachines": "Machines not matching any location",
    "lang_wakeonlan": "WakeOnLan"