path: root/modules-available/locations/
blob: 60af719bea0ed9e9a6a22c627ecc65d58f571215 (plain) (tree)





class Page_Locations extends Page

	private $action;
	 * Action handling

	protected function doPreprocess()
		if (!User::hasPermission('superadmin')) {
		$this->action = Request::post('action');
		if ($this->action === 'updatelocation') {
		} elseif ($this->action === 'addlocations') {
	private function addLocations()
		$names = Request::post('newlocation', false);
		$parents = Request::post('newparent', false);
		if (!is_array($names) || !is_array($parents)) {
		$locs = Location::getLocations();
		$count = 0;
		foreach ($names as $idx => $name) {
			$name = trim($name);
			if (empty($name)) continue;
			$parent = isset($parents[$idx]) ? (int)$parents[$idx] : 0;
			if ($parent !== 0) {
				$ok = false;
				foreach ($locs as $loc) {
					if ($loc['locationid'] == $parent) {
						$ok = true;
				if (!$ok) {
					Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'parentlocationid', $parent);
			Database::exec("INSERT INTO location (parentlocationid, locationname)"
				. " VALUES (:parent, :name)", array(
					'parent' => $parent,
					'name' => $name
		Message::addSuccess('added-x-entries', $count);
	private function updateLocation()
		$locationId = Request::post('locationid', false, 'integer');
		$del = Request::post('deletelocation', false, 'integer');
		if ($locationId === false) {
			Message::addError('parameter-missing', 'locationid');
		$location = Database::queryFirst('SELECT locationid, parentlocationid, locationname FROM location'
			. ' WHERE locationid = :lid', array('lid' => $locationId));
		if ($location === false) {
			Message::addError('value-invalid', 'locationid', $locationId);
		// Delete location?
		if ($locationId === $del) {
		// Update subnets
		// Insert subnets
		$this->addNewLocationSubnets($location); // TODO
		// Update location!
	private function deleteLocation($location)
		$locationId = (int)$location['locationid'];
		$ids = $locationId;
		if (Request::post('recursive', false) === 'on') {
			$rows = Location::queryLocations();
			$rows = Location::buildTree($rows, $locationId);
			$rows = Location::extractIds($rows);
			if (!empty($rows)) {
				$ids .= ',' . implode(',', $rows);
		$subs = Database::exec("DELETE FROM subnet WHERE locationid IN ($ids)");
		$locs = Database::exec("DELETE FROM location WHERE locationid IN ($ids)");
		Database::exec('UPDATE location SET parentlocationid = :newparent WHERE parentlocationid = :oldparent', array(
			'newparent' => $location['parentlocationid'],
			'oldparent' => $location['locationid']
		Message::addSuccess('location-deleted', $locs, $subs);
	private function updateLocationData($location)
		$locationId = (int)$location['locationid'];
		$newParent = Request::post('parentlocationid', false, 'integer');
		$newName = Request::post('locationname', false, 'string');
		if ($newName === false || preg_match('/^\s*$/', $newName)) {
			if ($newName !== false) {
				Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'location name', $newName);
			$newName = $location['locationname'];
		if ($newParent === false) {
			$newParent = $location['parentlocationid'];
		} else if ($newParent !== 0) {
			$rows = Location::queryLocations();
			$all = Location::extractIds(Location::buildTree($rows));
			if (!in_array($newParent, $all) || $newParent === $locationId) {
				Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'parent', $newParent);
				$newParent = $location['parentlocationid'];
			} else {
				$rows = Location::extractIds(Location::buildTree($rows, $locationId));
				if (in_array($newParent, $rows)) {
					Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'parent', $newParent);
					$newParent = $location['parentlocationid'];
		$ret = Database::exec('UPDATE location SET parentlocationid = :parent, locationname = :name'
			. ' WHERE locationid = :lid', array(
				'lid' => $locationId,
				'parent' => $newParent,
				'name' => $newName
		if ($ret > 0) {
			Message::addSuccess('location-updated', $newName);
	private function updateLocationSubnets($location)
		$locationId = (int)$location['locationid'];
		// Deletion first
		$dels = Request::post('deletesubnet', false);
		if (is_array($dels)) {
			$count = 0;
			$stmt = Database::prepare('DELETE FROM subnet WHERE subnetid = :id');
			foreach ($dels as $key => $value) {
				if (!is_numeric($key) || $value !== 'on') continue;
				if ($stmt->execute(array('id' => $key))) {
					$count += $stmt->rowCount();
			if ($count > 0) {
				Message::addInfo('subnets-deleted', $count);
		// Now actual updates
		// TODO: Warn on mismatch/overlap (should lie entirely in parent's subnet, not overlap with others)
		$starts = Request::post('startaddr', false);
		$ends = Request::post('endaddr', false);
		if (!is_array($starts) || !is_array($ends)) {
		$count = 0;
		$stmt = Database::prepare('UPDATE subnet SET startaddr = :start, endaddr = :end'
			. ' WHERE subnetid = :id');
		foreach ($starts as $key => $start) {
			if (!isset($ends[$key]) || !is_numeric($key)) continue;
			$end = $ends[$key];
			list($startLong, $endLong) = $this->rangeToLong($start, $end);
			if ($startLong === false) {
				Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'start addr', $start);
			if ($endLong === false) {
				Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'end addr', $start);
			if ($startLong === false || $endLong === false) continue;
			if ($startLong > $endLong) {
				Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'range', $start . ' - ' . $end);
			if ($stmt->execute(array('id' => $key, 'start' => $startLong, 'end' => $endLong))) {
				$count += $stmt->rowCount();
		if ($count > 0) {
			Message::addInfo('subnets-updated', $count);
	private function addNewLocationSubnets($location)
		$locationId = (int)$location['locationid'];
		$starts = Request::post('newstartaddr', false);
		$ends = Request::post('newendaddr', false);
		if (!is_array($starts) || !is_array($ends)) {
		$count = 0;
		$stmt = Database::prepare('INSERT INTO subnet SET startaddr = :start, endaddr = :end, locationid = :location');
		foreach ($starts as $key => $start) {
			if (!isset($ends[$key]) || !is_numeric($key)) continue;
			$end = $ends[$key];
			list($startLong, $endLong) = $this->rangeToLong($start, $end);
			if ($startLong === false) {
				Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'new start addr', $start);
			if ($endLong === false) {
				Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'new end addr', $start);
			if ($startLong === false || $endLong === false) continue;
			if ($startLong > $endLong) {
				Message::addWarning('value-invalid', 'range', $start . ' - ' . $end);
			if ($stmt->execute(array('location' => $locationId, 'start' => $startLong, 'end' => $endLong))) {
				$count += $stmt->rowCount();
		if ($count > 0) {
			Message::addInfo('subnets-created', $count);
	 * Rendering normal pages

	protected function doRender()
		$getAction = Request::get('action');
		if (empty($getAction)) {
			// Until we have a main landing page?
		if ($getAction === 'showsubnets') {
			$res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT subnetid, startaddr, endaddr, locationid FROM subnet");
			$rows = array();
			while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
				$row['startaddr'] = long2ip($row['startaddr']);
				$row['endaddr'] = long2ip($row['endaddr']);
				$row['locations'] = Location::getLocations($row['locationid']);
				$rows[] = $row;
			Render::addTemplate('subnets', array('list' => $rows));
		} elseif ($getAction === 'showlocations') {
			$locs = Location::getLocations();
			Render::addTemplate('locations', array('list' => $locs));
	 * Ajax

	protected function doAjax()
		if (!User::isLoggedIn()) {
		$action = Request::any('action');
		if ($action === 'showlocation') {
	private function ajaxShowLocation()
		$locationId = Request::any('locationid', 0, 'integer');
		$loc = Database::queryFirst('SELECT locationid, parentlocationid, locationname FROM location WHERE locationid = :lid',
			array('lid' => $locationId));
		if ($loc === false) {
			die('Unknown locationid');
		$res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT subnetid, startaddr, endaddr FROM subnet WHERE locationid = :lid",
			array('lid' => $locationId));
		$rows = array();
		while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
			$row['startaddr'] = long2ip($row['startaddr']);
			$row['endaddr'] = long2ip($row['endaddr']);
			$rows[] = $row;
		$data = array(
			'locationid' => $loc['locationid'],
			'locationname' => $loc['locationname'],
			'list' => $rows,
			'parents' => Location::getLocations($loc['parentlocationid'], $locationId, true)
		// if (moduleEnabled(DOZMOD) {
		$lectures = Database::queryFirst('SELECT Count(*) AS cnt FROM sat.lecture l '
			. ' INNER JOIN sat.lecture_x_location ll ON (l.lectureid = ll.lectureid AND ll.locationid = :lid)',
				array('lid' => $locationId));
		$data['lectures'] = $lectures['cnt'];
		// }
		// Get clients matching this location's subnet(s)
		$mres = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT lastseen, logintime FROM machine"
			. " INNER JOIN subnet ON (INET_ATON(machine.clientip) BETWEEN startaddr AND endaddr)"
			. " WHERE subnet.locationid = :lid OR machine.locationid = :lid", array('lid' => $locationId));
		$count = $online = $used = 0;
		$DL = time() - 605;
		while ($row = $mres->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
			if ($row['lastseen'] > $DL) {
				if ($row['logintime'] != 0) {
		$data['machines'] = $count;
		$data['machines_online'] = $online;
		$data['machines_used'] = $used;
		$data['used_percent'] = round(100 * $used / $online);
		echo Render::parse('location-subnets', $data);
	 * Helpers
	private function rangeToLong($start, $end)
		$startLong = ip2long($start);
		$endLong = ip2long($end);
		if ($startLong !== false) {
			$startLong = sprintf("%u", $startLong);
		if ($endLong !== false) {
			$endLong = sprintf("%u", $endLong);
		return array($startLong, $endLong);
