if (substr($ip, 0, 7) === '::ffff:') $ip = substr($ip, 7);
$password = Request::post('password', false, 'string');
if ($password !== false) {
$c = Database::queryFirst("SELECT machineuuid FROM machine WHERE clientip = :ip", ['ip' => $ip]);
if ($c !== false) {
Database::exec("INSERT INTO remoteaccess_machine (machineuuid, password)
VALUES (:uuid, :passwd)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password = VALUES(password)", ['uuid' => $c['machineuuid'], 'passwd' => $password]);
$range = IpUtil::parseCidr(Property::get(RemoteAccess::PROP_ALLOWED_VNC_NET));
if ($range === false) {
die('No allowed IP defined');
$iplong = ip2long($ip);
if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) {
$iplong = sprintf('%u', $iplong);
if ($iplong < $range['start'] || $iplong > $range['end']) {
die('Access denied');
Header('Content-Type: application/json');
$remoteLocations = RemoteAccess::getEnabledLocations();
if (empty($remoteLocations)) {
$rows = [];
} else {
// TODO fail-counter for WOL, so we can ignore machines that apparently can't be woken up
// -> Reset counter in our ~poweron hook, but only if the time roughly matches a WOL attempt (within ~5 minutes)
$rows = Database::queryAll("SELECT m.clientip, m.locationid, m.state, ram.password, ram.woltime FROM machine m
LEFT JOIN remoteaccess_machine ram ON (ram.machineuuid = m.machineuuid AND (ram.password IS NOT NULL OR m.state <> 'IDLE'))
LEFT JOIN runmode r ON (r.machineuuid = m.machineuuid)
WHERE m.locationid IN (:locs)
AND r.machineuuid IS NULL",
['locs' => $remoteLocations]);
$wolCut = time() - 90;
foreach ($rows as &$row) {
if (($row['state'] === 'OFFLINE' || $row['state'] === 'STANDBY') && $row['woltime'] > $wolCut) {
$row['wol_in_progress'] = true;
settype($row['locationid'], 'int');
$groups = Database::queryAll("SELECT g.groupid AS id, g.groupname AS name,
GROUP_CONCAT(l.locationid) AS locationids, g.passwd AS password
FROM remoteaccess_group g INNER JOIN remoteaccess_x_location l USING (groupid)
WHERE g.active = 1
GROUP BY g.groupid");
foreach ($groups as &$group) {
$group['locationids'] = explode(',', $group['locationids']);
if (empty($group['password'])) {
settype($group['id'], 'int');
foreach ($group['locationids'] as &$lid) {
settype($lid, 'int');
$fakeid = 100000;
echo json_encode(['clients' => $rows, 'locations' => $groups]);
// WTF, this makes the server return a 500 -.-