class Page_Roomplanner extends Page
* @var int locationid of location we're editing
private $locationid = false;
* @var array location data from location table
private $location = false;
* @var string action to perform
private $action = false;
private function loadRequestedLocation()
$this->locationid = Request::get('locationid', false, 'integer');
if ($this->locationid !== false) {
$this->location = Location::get($this->locationid);
protected function doPreprocess()
if (!User::hasPermission('superadmin')) {
$this->action = Request::any('action', 'show', 'string');
if ($this->locationid === false) {
if ($this->location === false) {
Message::addError('locations.invalid-location-id', $this->locationid);
if ($this->action === 'save') {
protected function doRender()
if ($this->action === 'show') {
/* do nothing */
$config = Database::queryFirst('SELECT roomplan, managerip FROM location_roomplan WHERE locationid = :locationid', ['locationid' => $this->locationid]);
if ($config !== false) {
$managerIp = $config['managerip'];
} else {
$managerIp = '';
$furniture = $this->getFurniture($config);
$subnetMachines = $this->getPotentialMachines();
$machinesOnPlan = $this->getMachinesOnPlan();
$roomConfig = array_merge($furniture, $machinesOnPlan);
Render::addTemplate('page', [
'location' => $this->location,
'managerip' => $managerIp,
'subnetMachines' => json_encode($subnetMachines),
'locationid' => $this->locationid,
'roomConfiguration' => json_encode($roomConfig)]);
} else {
Message::addError('main.invalid-action', $this->action);
protected function doAjax()
$this->action = Request::any('action', false, 'string');
if ($this->action === 'getmachines') {
$query = Request::get('query', false, 'string');
/* the query could be anything: UUID, IP or macaddr */
// $result = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, hostname '
// . ', MATCH (machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, hostname) AGAINST (:query) AS relevance '
// . 'FROM machine '
// . 'WHERE MATCH (machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, hostname) AGAINST (:query) '
// . 'ORDER BY relevance DESC '
// . 'LIMIT 5'
// , ['query' => $query]);
$result = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, hostname '
. 'FROM machine '
. 'WHERE machineuuid LIKE :query '
. ' OR macaddr LIKE :query '
. ' OR clientip LIKE :query '
. ' OR hostname LIKE :query ', ['query' => "%$query%"]);
$returnObject = ['machines' => []];
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$returnObject['machines'][] = $row;
echo json_encode($returnObject);
} elseif ($this->action === 'save') {
if ($this->locationid === false) {
die('Missing locationid in save data');
if ($this->location === false) {
die('Location with id ' . $this->locationid . ' does not exist.');
} else {
echo 'Invalid AJAX action';
private function handleSaveRequest($isAjax)
/* save */
$machinesOnPlan = $this->getMachinesOnPlan();
$config = Request::post('serializedRoom', null, 'string');
$config = json_decode($config, true);
if (!is_array($config) || !isset($config['furniture']) || !isset($config['computers'])) {
if ($isAjax) {
die('JSON data incomplete');
} else {
$this->saveComputerConfig($config['computers'], $machinesOnPlan);
private function sanitizeNumber(&$number, $lower, $upper)
if (!is_numeric($number) || $number < $lower) {
$number = $lower;
} elseif ($number > $upper) {
$number = $upper;
protected function saveComputerConfig($computers, $oldComputers)
$oldUuids = [];
/* collect all uuids from the old computers */
foreach ($oldComputers['computers'] as $c) {
$oldUuids[] = $c['muuid'];
$newUuids = [];
foreach ($computers as $computer) {
$newUuids[] = $computer['muuid'];
// Fix/sanitize properties
// TODO: The list of items, computers, etc. in general is copied and pasted in multiple places. We need a central definition with generators for the various formats we need it in
if (!isset($computer['itemlook']) || !in_array($computer['itemlook'], ['pc-north', 'pc-south', 'pc-west', 'pc-east', 'copier', 'telephone'])) {
$computer['itemlook'] = 'pc-north';
if (!isset($computer['gridRow'])) {
$computer['gridRow'] = 0;
} else {
$this->sanitizeNumber($computer['gridRow'], 0, 32 * 4);
if (!isset($computer['gridCol'])) {
$computer['gridCol'] = 0;
} else {
$this->sanitizeNumber($computer['gridCol'], 0, 32 * 4);
$position = json_encode(['gridRow' => $computer['gridRow'],
'gridCol' => $computer['gridCol'],
'itemlook' => $computer['itemlook']]);
Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET position = :position, locationid = :locationid WHERE machineuuid = :muuid',
['locationid' => $this->locationid, 'muuid' => $computer['muuid'], 'position' => $position]);
$toDelete = array_diff($oldUuids, $newUuids);
foreach ($toDelete as $d) {
Database::exec("UPDATE machine SET position = '', locationid = NULL WHERE machineuuid = :uuid", ['uuid' => $d]);
protected function saveRoomConfig($furniture)
$obj = json_encode(['furniture' => $furniture]);
Database::exec('INSERT INTO location_roomplan (locationid, roomplan, managerip, tutoruuid)'
. ' VALUES (:locationid, :roomplan, :managerip, :tutoruuid)'
. ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE roomplan=VALUES(roomplan), managerip=VALUES(managerip), tutoruuid=VALUES(tutoruuid)', [
'locationid' => $this->locationid,
'roomplan' => $obj,
'managerip' => Request::post('managerip', '', 'string'),
'tutoruuid' => '' // TODO
protected function getFurniture($config)
if ($config === false) {
return array();
$config = json_decode($config['roomplan'], true);
return $config;
protected function getMachinesOnPlan()
$result = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, hostname, position FROM machine WHERE locationid = :locationid',
['locationid' => $this->locationid]);
$machines = [];
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$machine = [];
$pos = json_decode($row['position'], true);
// TODO: Check if pos is valid (has required keys)
$machine['muuid'] = $row['machineuuid'];
$machine['ip'] = $row['clientip'];
$machine['mac_address'] = $row['macaddr'];
$machine['hostname'] = $row['hostname'];
$machine['gridRow'] = (int)$pos['gridRow'];
$machine['gridCol'] = (int)$pos['gridCol'];
$machine['itemlook'] = $pos['itemlook'];
$machine['data-width'] = 100;
$machine['data-height'] = 100;
$machines[] = $machine;
return ['computers' => $machines];
protected function getPotentialMachines()
$result = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, hostname '
. 'FROM machine INNER JOIN subnet ON (INET_ATON(clientip) BETWEEN startaddr AND endaddr) '
. 'WHERE subnet.locationid = :locationid', ['locationid' => $this->locationid]);
$machines = [];
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$row['combined'] = implode(' ', array_values($row));
$machines[] = $row;
return $machines;