blob: 2d622fc77f1b231cdc204a363ccb2bceda958a39 (
plain) (
$foofoo = function($machineUuid) {
$res = Database::queryFirst('SELECT module, modeid, modedata FROM runmode WHERE machineuuid = :uuid',
array('uuid' => $machineUuid));
if ($res === false)
$config = RunMode::getModuleConfig($res['module']);
if ($config === false || $config->configHook === false)
if (!Module::isAvailable($res['module']))
return; // Not really possible because getModuleConfig would have failed but we should make sure
call_user_func($config->configHook, $machineUuid, $res['modeid'], $res['modedata']);
if ($config->systemdDefaultTarget !== false) {
ConfigHolder::add('SLX_SYSTEMD_TARGET', $config->systemdDefaultTarget, 10000);
// Disable exam mode - not sure if this is generally a good idea; for now, all modes we can think of would
// not make sense that way so do this for now
if (ConfigHolder::get('SLX_EXAM') !== false) {
ConfigHolder::add('SLX_EXAM', '', 100001);
ConfigHolder::add('SLX_EXAM_START', '', 100001);
ConfigHolder::add('SLX_AUTOLOGIN', '', 100001);