class ScriptBuilderIpxe extends ScriptBuilderBase
private function getUrlBase(): string
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']) && preg_match('#^(\w+://[^/]+)#', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'], $out)) {
$urlbase = $out[1];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
$urlbase = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
$urlbase = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
} else {
$urlbase = 'http://' . $this->serverIp;
return $urlbase . $url['path'];
// Static fallback
return 'http://' . $this->serverIp . '/boot/ipxe';
private function getUrlFull(?bool &$hasExt = null, ?string $key = null, ?string $value = null): string
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$urlbase = $this->getUrlBase();
if (empty($url['query'])) {
$fromQuery = [];
} else {
parse_str($url['query'], $fromQuery);
foreach ($fromQuery as &$v) {
$v = urlencode($v);
unset($fromQuery['entryid'], $fromQuery['special']);
if ($key !== null) {
$fromQuery[$key] = $value;
$hasExt = isset($fromQuery['slx-extensions']);
$required = [
'uuid' => '${uuid}',
'mac' => '${mac}',
'manuf' => '${manufacturer:uristring}',
'product' => '${product:uristring}',
'platform' => '${platform:uristring}',
$fullQuery = '?';
foreach ($required + $fromQuery as $k => $v) { // Loop instead of http_build_query since we don't want escaping for the varnames!
$fullQuery .= $k . '=' . $v . '&';
return $urlbase . $fullQuery;
* Redirect to same URL, but add our extended params
private function redirect(string $key = null, string $value = null): string
// Redirect to self with added parameters
$urlfull = $this->getUrlFull($hasExt, $key, $value);
if ($hasExt) {
$output = "#!ipxe\nset self {$urlfull} ||\n";
} else {
$output = <<<HERE
set slxtest:string something ||
iseq \${slxtest:md5} \${} && set slxext 0 || set slxext 1 ||
clear slxtest ||
set self {$urlfull}slx-extensions=\${slxext} ||
$output .= <<<HERE
echo Chaining to \${self}
chain -ar \${self} ||
echo Chaining to self failed with \${errno}, retrying in a bit...
sleep 5
goto retry
return $output;
* Called when we handle a real client request, and don't just generate static data
* for whatever use-case that might have. In the latter case, it wouldn't make much sense
* to generate a redirect code snippet.
* @return string
public function bootstrapLive()
// Check if required arguments are given; if not, spit out according script and chain to self
if ($this->uuid === false || $this->platform === '') {
// REQUIRED so we can hide incompatible entries
return $this->redirect();
return false;
public function getBootEntry(?BootEntry $entry): string
if ($entry === null) {
return "#!ipxe\nprompt --timeout 5000 Invalid boot entry id\n";
return $entry->toScript($this);
public function getMenu(IPxeMenu $menu, bool $bootstrap): string
if ($bootstrap) {
return "#!ipxe\nimgfree ||\n" . $this->menuToScript($menu);
$base = $this->getUrlFull();
return "#!ipxe\nset self {$base} ||\n" . $this->menuToScript($menu);
public function menuToScript(IPxeMenu $menu): string
if ($this->hasExtension) {
$slxConsoleUpdate = '--update';
} else {
$slxConsoleUpdate = '';
$output = <<<HERE
imgstat bg-menu || imgfetch --name bg-menu /tftp/pxe-menu.png ||
console --left 55 --top 88 --right 63 --bottom 64 --keep --picture bg-menu ||
colour --rgb 0xffffff 7 ||
colour --rgb 0xcccccc 5 ||
colour --rgb 0x000000 0 ||
colour --rgb 0xdddddd 6 ||
cpair --foreground 0 --background 4 1 ||
cpair --foreground 0 --background 5 2 ||
cpair --foreground 7 --background 9 0 ||
console --left 55 --top 88 --right 63 --bottom 64 $slxConsoleUpdate --keep --picture bg-menu ||
menu -- {$menu->title} || prompt --timeout 5000 Error creating menu ||
foreach ($menu->items as $item) {
$output .= $this->getMenuItemScript($menu->defaultEntryId, $item);
if ($menu->defaultEntryId === null) {
$default = "poweroff || exit 1 ||";
} else {
$default = "chain -a \${self}&entryid={$menu->defaultEntryId} ||";
$output .= "choose";
if ($menu->timeoutMs > 0) {
$output .= " --timeout {$menu->timeoutMs}";
$output .= " selection || goto default || goto fail\n";
$output .= <<<HERE
console --left 60 --top 130 --right 67 --bottom 86 $slxConsoleUpdate ||
set slx_exit \${} ||
chain -a \${self}&entryid=\${selection} ||
iseq \${slx_exit} \${} || console ||
iseq \${slx_exit} \${} || echo Exiting with code \${slx_exit} ||
iseq \${slx_exit} \${} || exit \${slx_exit}
goto fail || goto start
goto \${target} ||
echo Could not find menu entry in script.
prompt Press any key to continue.
goto start
prompt Boot failed. Press any key to start.
goto start
return $output;
private function getMenuItemScript(int $requestedDefaultId, MenuEntry $entry): string
$str = 'item ';
if ($entry->gap) {
$str .= '--gap -- ';
} else {
if ($entry->bootEntry === null || (!empty($this->platform) && !$entry->bootEntry->supportsMode($this->platform)))
return '';
if ($entry->hidden && $this->hasExtension) {
if ($entry->hotkey === false)
return ''; // Hidden entries without hotkey are illegal
$str .= '--hidden ';
if ($entry->hotkey !== false) {
$str .= '--key ' . $entry->hotkey . ' ';
if ($entry->menuentryid == $requestedDefaultId) {
$str .= '--default ';
$str .= "-- {$entry->menuentryid} ";
if (empty($entry->title)) {
$str .= '${}';
} else {
$str .= $entry->title;
return $str . " || prompt Could not create menu item for {$entry->menuentryid}\n";
public function getSpecial(string $special): string
if ($special === 'localboot') {
// Get preferred localboot method, depending on system model
// Check if required arguments are given; if not, spit out according script and chain to self
// Get platform - EFI or PCBIOS
$manuf = Request::any('manuf', false, 'string');
$product = Request::any('product', false, 'string');
if ($this->uuid === false && $manuf === false && $product === false) {
return $this->redirect('special', 'localboot');
$BOOT_METHODS = Localboot::BOOT_METHODS[$this->platform];
$localboot = false;
$model = false;
if ($this->uuid !== false && Module::get('statistics') !== false) {
// If we have the machine table, we rather try to look up the system model from there, using the UUID
$row = Database::queryFirst('SELECT systemmodel FROM machine WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', ['uuid' => $this->uuid]);
if ($row !== false && !empty($row['systemmodel'])) {
$model = $row['systemmodel'];
if ($model === false) {
// Otherwise use what iPXE sent us
$manuf = $this->modfilt($manuf);
$product = $this->modfilt($product);
if (!empty($product)) {
$model = $product;
if (!empty($manuf)) {
$model .= " ($manuf)";
$model = Util::ansiToUtf8($model);
// Query
if ($model !== false) {
$e = strtolower($this->platform); // We made sure $this->platform is either PCBIOS or EFI, so no injection possible
$row = Database::queryFirst("SELECT $e AS bootmethod FROM serversetup_localboot WHERE systemmodel = :model LIMIT 1",
['model' => $model]);
if ($row !== false) {
$localboot = $row['bootmethod'];
if ($localboot === false || !isset($BOOT_METHODS[$localboot])) {
$localboot = Localboot::getDefault()[$this->platform];
if (!isset($BOOT_METHODS[$localboot])) {
$localboot = array_keys($BOOT_METHODS)[0];
// Convert to actual ipxe code
$localboot = $BOOT_METHODS[$localboot] ?? 'prompt Localboot not possible';
$output = <<<BLA
imgfree ||
console ||
$localboot || goto fail
} else {
$output = "prompt --timeout 5000 Unknown special command '$special' ||\nchain -ar \${self}\n";
return $output;
public function output(string $string): void
// iPXE introduced UTF-8 support at some point in 2022, and now expects all text/script files to be
// encoded as such. Since we still offer to use older versions, we need to detect that here and handle
// all non-ASCII chars differently.
// Use 'ipxe.compile-time' instead of const from IpxeBuilder to avoid pulling in another include
if (!preg_match('/Version: (\d{4})-\d{2}-\d{2}\b/', Property::get('ipxe.compile-time'), $out)
|| (int)$out[1] >= 2022) {
Header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
echo $string;
} else {
if ($this->platform === 'EFI') {
$cs = 'ASCII';
} else {
$cs = 'IBM437';
Header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $cs);
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'de_DE.utf-8', 'de_DE.utf8', 'de_DE', 'de', 'German', 'ge', 'en_US.UTF-8', 'en_US.utf-8');
echo iconv('UTF-8', $cs . '//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $string);
public function modfilt($str)
if (empty($str) || preg_match('/product\s+name|be\s+filled|unknown|default\s+string|system\s+model|manufacturer/i', $str))
return false;
return trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $str));
const PROP_PW_SALT = 'ipxe.salt.';
private function passwordDialog(MenuEntry $entry): string
if ($this->hasExtension) {
$salt = dechex(mt_rand(0x100000, 0xFFFFFF));
Property::addToList(self::PROP_PW_SALT . $this->clientIp, $salt, 5);
return <<<HERE
set password \${} ||
login --nouser ||
set password \${password:md5}-{$entry->menuentryid}
set password \${password:md5}$salt
param pwhash \${password:md5}
chain -a \${self}&entryid={$entry->menuentryid}##params || goto fail ||
return <<<HERE
set username PASSWORD ONLY ||
login ||
param pwplain \${password}
chain -a \${self}&entryid={$entry->menuentryid}##params || goto fail ||
public function getMenuEntry(?MenuEntry $entry, bool $honorPassword = true): string
if ($entry === null)
return "#!ipxe\nprompt --timeout 10000 Invalid menu entry id\n";
$base = $this->getUrlBase();
$meid = $entry->menuEntryId();
// Make sure legacy variables are set; they might get used
$output = <<<HERE
set ipappend1 ip=\${ip}:{$this->serverIp}:\${gateway}:\${netmask}
set ipappend2 BOOTIF=01-\${mac:hexhyp}
set serverip {$this->serverIp} ||
iseq \${idx} \${} && set idx:string X ||
iseq \${self} \${} && set self {$base}? ||
set menuentryid $meid ||
// Check for password
if ($honorPassword && !empty($entry->md5pass)) {
$pwh = Request::post('pwhash', false, 'string');
$pwp = Request::post('pwplain', false, 'string');
if ($pwh === false && $pwp === false) {
return $output . $this->passwordDialog($entry);
$ok = false;
if ($pwh !== false) {
$list = Property::getList(self::PROP_PW_SALT . $this->clientIp);
foreach ($list as $salt) {
if ($pwh === md5($entry->md5pass . $salt)) {
$ok = true;
if (!$ok && $pwp !== false && !empty($entry->plainpass)) {
$ok = ($pwp === $entry->plainpass);
if (!$ok) {
return $output . "prompt --timeout 10000 Wrong password ||\n";
// Output actual entry
$output .= str_replace('%fail%', 'fail', $entry->getBootEntryScript($this));
$output .= <<<HERE
goto end
prompt --timeout 5000 Error launching selected boot entry ||
return $output;
public function execDataToScript(?ExecData $agnostic, ?ExecData $bios, ?ExecData $efi) : string
if ($agnostic !== null)
return $this->execDataToScriptInternal($agnostic) . "\ngoto fail\n";
if (empty($this->platform)) {
// output dynamic code that decides client-side
$biosLabel = $this->getLabel();
$output = 'iseq ${platform} efi || goto ' . $biosLabel . "\n";
// EFI
if ($efi !== null) {
$output .= $this->execDataToScriptInternal($efi) . "\n";
} else {
$output .= "echo EFI not supported\n";
$output .= "goto fail\n"
. ':' . $biosLabel . "\n";
if ($bios !== null) {
$output .= $this->execDataToScriptInternal($bios) . "\n";
} else {
$output .= "echo BIOS not supported\n";
return $output . "goto fail\n";
// static, we know in advance
if ($efi !== null && $this->platform === BootEntry::EFI)
return $this->execDataToScriptInternal($efi) . "\ngoto fail\n";
// Should be BIOS at this point
return $this->execDataToScriptInternal($bios ?? $efi ?? new ExecData()) . "\ngoto fail\n";
private function execDataToScriptInternal(ExecData $entry) : string
$script = '';
if ($entry->resetConsole) {
$script .= "console ||\n";
if ($entry->imageFree) {
$script .= "imgfree ||\n";
foreach ($entry->dhcpOptions as $opt) {
if (empty($opt['value'])) {
$val = '${}';
} else {
if (empty($opt['hex'])) {
$val = bin2hex($opt['value']);
} else {
$val = $opt['value'];
preg_match_all('/[0-9a-f]{2}/', $val, $out);
$val = implode(':', $out[0]);
$script .= 'set net${idx}/' . $opt['opt'] . ':hex ' . $val
. ' || prompt Cannot override DHCP server option ' . $opt['opt'] . ". Press any key to continue anyways.\n";
$initrds = [];
if (!empty($entry->initRd)) {
foreach (array_values($entry->initRd) as $i => $initrd) {
if (empty($initrd))
$script .= "initrd --name initrd$i $initrd || goto fail\n";
$initrds[] = "initrd$i";
$script .= "boot ";
if ($entry->autoUnload) {
$script .= "-a ";
if ($entry->replace) {
$script .= "-r ";
$script .= $entry->executable;
if (!empty($initrds)) {
foreach ($initrds as $initrd) {
$script .= " initrd=$initrd";
if (!empty($entry->commandLine)) {
$script .= ' ' . $entry->commandLine . ' slx.ipxe.id=${menuentryid}';
$script .= " || goto fail\n";
if ($entry->resetConsole) {
$script .= "goto start ||\n";
return $script;