path: root/modules-available/serversetup-bwlp-ipxe/lang/en/template-tags.json
blob: 304884a58a73d27edc2cf57ec8c564798fbc91fc (plain) (tree)

















    "lang_active": "Active",
    "lang_add": "Add",
    "lang_addBootentry": "Add Bootentry",
    "lang_addMenu": "Add Menu",
    "lang_additionalInfoLink": "Read more",
    "lang_archAgnostic": "Architecture-agnostic",
    "lang_archBoth": "BIOS and EFI",
    "lang_archSelector": "Select architecture",
    "lang_assignMenuToLocation": "Assign menu to location",
    "lang_biosOnly": "BIOS only",
    "lang_bootAddress": "Boot Address of the Server",
    "lang_bootEntryData": "Menu item data",
    "lang_bootEntryDetailsHeading": "Type Specific Configuration",
    "lang_bootentryDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this menu item?",
    "lang_bootentryHead": "Menu items",
    "lang_bootentryIntro": "This is where you can add, edit and remove menu items, which can be added to menus. A menu item is either a combination of a kernel\/image to load (and an optional initrd), or a custom iPXE-script.",
    "lang_bootentryTitle": "Menu item",
    "lang_bootentryType": "Type",
    "lang_chooseIP": "Please select the IP address that the client server will use to boot.",
    "lang_commandLine": "Command line",
    "lang_copy": "Copy",
    "lang_count": "Count",
    "lang_createUsbImage": "Create bootable thumb drive",
    "lang_dhcpOverrides": "Override DHCP options",
    "lang_downloadBootImage": "Download boot-image",
    "lang_downloadRufus": "Download Rufus",
    "lang_editBootEntryHead": "Edit menu item",
    "lang_editBuiltinWarn": "WARNING! You're editing a predefined item. Future updates might reset your changes!",
    "lang_editMenuHead": "Edit menu",
    "lang_efiOnly": "EFI only",
    "lang_entryChooserTitle": "Select menu item",
    "lang_entryId": "ID",
    "lang_entryTitle": "Title",
    "lang_execAutoUnload": "Unload after execution (--autofree)",
    "lang_execImageFree": "Unload any other images before execution (imgfree)",
    "lang_execReplace": "Replace current iPXE stack (--replace)",
    "lang_execResetConsole": "Reset console before execution",
    "lang_fetchUpdate": "Fetch updates",
    "lang_forceRecompile": "Force recompile",
    "lang_generationFailed": "Could not generate boot menu. The bwLehrpool-System might not work properly. If you can't fix the problem, please report the error log below to the bwLehrpool project.",
    "lang_gitCheckout": "git output",
    "lang_hex": "Hex",
    "lang_hookExtraOptionHeading": "Extra Options",
    "lang_hookOfModule": "Entry of",
    "lang_hotkey": "Hotkey",
    "lang_idFormatHint": "(16 chars max, a-z 0-9 - _)",
    "lang_imageToLoad": "Image to load (e.g. kernel)",
    "lang_import": "Import",
    "lang_initRd": "Optional initrd\/initramfs to load",
    "lang_ipxeSettings": "iPXE-specific settings",
    "lang_ipxeWikiUrl": "at the iPXE wiki",
    "lang_isDefault": "Default",
    "lang_lastBuild": "Last successful build",
    "lang_listOfMenus": "Menulist",
    "lang_localBootDefault": "Default method to use for booting from disk",
    "lang_localBootExceptions": "Exceptions to the local boot method, defined per system model",
    "lang_localBootHead": "Boot from local disk",
    "lang_localBootIntro": "There are several methods to initiate a boot from the primary hard drive from within the iPXE environment. In most cases, the SANBOOT (BIOS) \/  EXIT (EFI) setting will work, but with some system models it might be necessary to override the default behavior. In some instances, a BIOS update might resolve the issue as well.",
    "lang_locationCount": "Number of Locations",
    "lang_menuDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this menu?",
    "lang_menuEntryOverride": "Override default selection",
    "lang_menuGeneration": "Generating boot menu...",
    "lang_menuListIntro": "This is the list of iPXE menus, with information about assigned locations. You can create, edit and delete additional menus.",
    "lang_menuTimeout": "Timeout",
    "lang_menuTitle": "Menu",
    "lang_moduleHeading": "iPXE \/ Boot Menu",
    "lang_moduleSpecificId": "Module specific ID",
    "lang_newBootEntryHead": "New menu item",
    "lang_newMenu": "New menu",
    "lang_none": "(none)",
    "lang_ok": "OK",
    "lang_pxeMenuContent": "pxelinux.cfg\/ menu definition",
    "lang_pxelinuxEntriesOnly": "Import menu items only, don't create menu",
    "lang_pxelinuxImport": "Import PXELinux menu",
    "lang_pxelinuxImportIntro": "Here you can paste a pxelinux menu to convert it to an iPXE menu.",
    "lang_reallyGitReset": "Do you really want to reset the iPXE source code and revert any local changes?",
    "lang_recompileHead": "Recompile iPXE binaries now",
    "lang_recompileHint": "Usually this happens automatically on changes, but if you suspect problems caused by outdated binaries, you can trigger recompilation here. You can also specify the iPXE version to use here. Although it is generally recommended to use the latest version, this might be useful if a regression occurs, i.e. some bugfix or other change in a newer version breaks booting specific hardware that was previously supported.",
    "lang_refCount": "References",
    "lang_referencingMenus": "Referencing menus",
    "lang_resetWorkingTree": "Reset git repository",
    "lang_saveAndReload": "Save and Reload",
    "lang_scriptContent": "Script content",
    "lang_seconds": "Seconds",
    "lang_set": "Set",
    "lang_spacer": "Spacer",
    "lang_systemmodel": "System model",
    "lang_title": "Title",
    "lang_typeExecEntry": "Standardeintrag",
    "lang_typeScriptEntry": "Custom script",
    "lang_usbImgHelp": "The USB image can be used to create a bootable USB stick, which enables you to boot bwLehrpool without changing your DHCP settings or enabling network boot in the clients. The only requirement is that you enable USB boot in the client's BIOS. The USB stick is only used for bootstrapping, the actual bwLehrpool system is still loaded via network from your local bwLehrpool server.",
    "lang_usbImgHelpLinux": "On Linux you can simply use dd to write the image to a usb stick. The image already contains a partition table, so make sure you write the image to the device itself and not to an already existing partition (e.g. to \/dev\/sdx not \/dev\/sdx1)",
    "lang_usbImgHelpWindows": "On Windows you need to use a 3rd party tool that can directly write to usb sticks. There are several free and open source soltions, one of them being Rufus. Rufus has been tested with the bwLehrpool image and is very simple to use. After launching Rufus, just open the downloaded USB image, select the proper USB stick to write to (be careful not to overwrite the wrong drive!), and you're ready to go.",
    "lang_useDefaultMenu": "Inherit from parent location",
    "lang_useDefaultMenuEntry": "(Menu default)",
    "lang_versionSelect": "Select iPXE version"