path: root/modules-available/statistics/inc/
blob: 277f6d4a83328393271f92c1a7a6de343a042a3e (plain) (tree)


class HardwareParserLegacy

	public static function parseHdd(&$row, $data)
		$hdds = [];
		// Could have more than one disk - linear scan
		$lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
		$i = 0;
		$mbrToByteFactor = $sectorToByteFactor = 0;
		foreach ($lines as $line) {
			if (preg_match('/^Disk (\S+):.* (\d+) bytes/i', $line, $out)) {
				// --- Beginning of MBR disk ---
				if ($out[2] < 10000) // sometimes vmware reports lots of 512byte disks
				if (preg_match('#^/dev/(dm-|x?loop|d?nbd)#', $out[1])) // Ignore device mapper etc.
				// disk total size and name
				$mbrToByteFactor = 0; // This is != 0 for mbr
				$sectorToByteFactor = 0; // This is != for gpt
				$hdd = [
					'devid' => 'devid-' . ++$i,
					'dev' => $out[1],
					'sectors' => 0,
					'size' => $out[2],
					'used' => 0,
					'partitions' => [],
				$hdds[] = &$hdd;
			} elseif (preg_match('/^Disk (\S+):\s+(\d+)\s+sectors,/i', $line, $out)) {
				// --- Beginning of GPT disk ---
				if ($out[2] < 1000) // sometimes vmware reports lots of 512byte disks
				if (preg_match('#^/dev/(dm-|x?loop|d?nbd)#', $out[1])) // Ignore device mapper etc.
				// disk total size and name
				$mbrToByteFactor = 0; // This is != 0 for mbr
				$sectorToByteFactor = 0; // This is != for gpt
				$hdd = [
					'devid' => 'devid-' . ++$i,
					'dev' => $out[1],
					'sectors' => $out[2],
					'size' => 0,
					'used' => 0,
					'partitions' => [],
				$hdds[] = &$hdd;
			} elseif (preg_match('/^Units =.*= (\d+) bytes/i', $line, $out)) {
				// --- MBR: Line that tells us how to interpret units for the partition lines ---
				// Unit for start and end
				$mbrToByteFactor = $out[1]; // Convert so that multiplying by unit yields MiB
			} elseif (preg_match('/^Logical sector size:\s*(\d+)/i', $line, $out)) {
				// --- GPT: Line that tells us the logical sector size used everywhere ---
				$sectorToByteFactor = $out[1];
			} elseif (isset($hdd) && preg_match('/^First usable sector.* is (\d+)$/i', $line, $out)) {
				// --- Some fdisk versions are messed up and report 2^32 as the sector count in the first line,
				// but the correct value in the "last usable sector is xxxx" line below ---
				if ($out[1] > $hdd['sectors']) {
					$hdd['sectors'] = $out[1];
			} elseif (isset($hdd) && $mbrToByteFactor !== 0 && preg_match(',
					^/dev/(\S+) # device
					\s+.*\s(\d+)[+\-]? # start
					\s+(\d+)[+\-]? # end
					\s+\d+[+\-]? # size
					\s+([0-9a-f]+) # typeid
					\s+(.*)$ # type name
					,ix', $line, $out)) {
				// --- MBR: Partition entry ---
				// Some partition
				$type = strtolower($out[4]);
				if ($type === '5' || $type === 'f' || $type === '85') {
				} elseif ($type === '44') {
					$out[5] = 'OpenSLX-ID44';
				} elseif ($type === '45') {
					$out[5] = 'OpenSLX-ID45';

				$start = $out[2] * $mbrToByteFactor;
				$partsize = ($out[3] - $out[2]) * $mbrToByteFactor;
				$hdd['partitions'][] = [
					'id' => $out[1],
					'index' => $out[1],
					'start' => $start,
					'size' => $partsize,
					'name' => $out[5],
					'slxtype' => $type,
				$hdd['used'] += $partsize;
			} elseif (isset($hdd) && $sectorToByteFactor !== 0 && preg_match(',
					^\s*(\d+) # index
					 \s+(\d+)[+\-]? # start
					 \s+(\d+)[+\-]? # end
					 \s+\S+ # human readable size
					 \s+([0-9a-f]{2})[0-9a-f]* # pseudo-type-id
					 \s+(.*)$ # PartLabel
					 ,ix', $line, $out)) {
				// --- GPT: Partition entry ---
				// Some partition
				$slxtype = $out[4];
				if ($out[5] === 'OpenSLX-ID44') {
					$slxtype = '44';
				} elseif ($out[5] === 'OpenSLX-ID45') {
					$slxtype = '45';
				} elseif ($out[5] === 'Linux swap') {
					$slxtype = '82';
				$id = $hdd['devid'] . '-' . $out[1];
				$start = $out[2] * $sectorToByteFactor;
				$partsize = ($out[3] - $out[2]) * $sectorToByteFactor;
				$hdd['partitions'][] = [
					'id' => $id,
					'index' => $out[1],
					'start' => $start,
					'size' => $partsize,
					'name' => $out[5],
					'slxtype' => $slxtype,
				$hdd['used'] += $partsize;
		foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) {
			if ($hdd['size'] === 0 && $hdd['sectors'] !== 0) {
				$hdd['size'] = round($hdd['sectors'] * $sectorToByteFactor);
		$row['hdds'] = &$hdds;

	public static function parsePci(string $data): array
		preg_match_all('/[a-f0-9:.]{7}\s+"(Class\s*)?(?<class>[a-f0-9]{4})"\s+"(?<vendor>[a-f0-9]{4})"\s+"(?<device>[a-f0-9]{4})"/is', $data, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		return $out;

	public static function parseSmartctl(&$hdds, $data)
		$lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
		foreach ($lines as $line) {
			if (preg_match('/^NEXTHDD=(.+)$/', $line, $out)) {
				foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) {
					if ($hdd['dev'] === $out[1]) {
						$dev = &$hdd;
			if (!isset($dev)) {
			if (preg_match('/^([A-Z][^:]+):\s*(.*)$/', $line, $out)) {
				$key = preg_replace('/\s|-|_/', '', $out[1]);
				if ($key === 'ModelNumber' || $key === 'DeviceModel') {
					$dev['model'] = $out[2];
				} elseif ($key === 'ModelFamily') {
					$dev['model_family'] = $out[2];
				} elseif ($key === 'SerialNumber') {
					$dev['serial_number'] = $out[2];
			} elseif (preg_match('/
					^\s*(?<id>\d+)\s+\S+ # flags
					 \s+(?<t>\S+)\s+\S+ # fail
					 \s+(?<raw>\d+)(\s|$)/x', $line, $out)) {
				$dev['attr_' . $out['id']] = [
					'value' => $out['v'],
					'worst' => $out['w'],
					'thresh' => $out['t'],
					'raw' => $out['raw'],
				if ($out['id'] == 194) {
					$dev['temperature'] = $out['raw'];

	public static function parseCpu(&$row, $data)
		if (0 >= preg_match_all('/^(.+):\s+(\d+)$/im', $data, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
		$tmp = [];
		foreach ($out as $entry) {
			$tmp[str_replace(' ', '', $entry[1])] = $entry[2];
		$row['cpu']['sockets'] = $tmp['Sockets'];
		$row['cpu']['cores'] = $tmp['Realcores'];
		$row['cpu']['threads'] = $tmp['Virtualcores'];

	public static function parseDmiDecode(&$row, $data)
		$lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
		$section = false;
		$ramOk = false;
		$ramForm = $ramType = false;
		$ramslot = [];
		$row['ram'] = $row['system'] = $row['mainboard'] = $row['bios'] = [];
		$row['Memory Slot Count'] = $row['Memory Maximum Capacity'] = 0;
		foreach ($lines as $line) {
			if (empty($line)) {
			if ($line[0] !== "\t" && $line[0] !== ' ') {
				if (isset($ramslot['Size'])) {
					$row['ram'][] = $ramslot;
				$ramslot = [];
				$section = $line;
				$ramOk = false;
				if ($ramForm || $ramType) {
					if (isset($row['ramtype'])) {
					$row['ramtype'] = $ramType . '-' . $ramForm;
					$ramForm = false;
					$ramType = false;
			if ($section === 'Base Board Information') {
				if (preg_match('/^\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)
					&& $out[2] !== 'Unknown' && $out[2] !== '' && $out[2] !== 'Not Specified') {
					$row['mainboard'][$out[1]] = $out[2];
			} elseif ($section === 'System Information') {
				if (preg_match('/^\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)
					&& $out[2] !== 'Unknown' && $out[2] !== '' && $out[2] !== 'Not Specified') {
					$row['system'][$out[1]] = $out[2];
			} elseif ($section === 'Physical Memory Array') {
				if (!$ramOk && preg_match('/Use: System Memory/i', $line)) {
					$ramOk = true;
				if ($ramOk && preg_match('/^\s*Number Of Devices:\s+(\d+)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
					$row['Memory Slot Count'] += $out[1];
				if ($ramOk && preg_match('/^\s*Maximum Capacity:\s+(\d.+)/i', $line, $out)) {
					$row['Memory Maximum Capacity'] += HardwareParser::convertSize($out[1], 'G', false);
			} elseif ($section === 'Memory Device') {
				if (preg_match('/^\s*Size:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
					if (preg_match('/(\d+)\s*(\w)i?B/i', $out[1])) {
						if (HardwareParser::convertSize($out[1], 'M', false) < 35)
							continue; // TODO: Parsing this line by line is painful. Check for other indicators, like Locator
						$ramslot['Size'] = HardwareParser::convertSize($out[1], 'G');
				} elseif (preg_match('/^\s*Manufacturer:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
					$ramslot['Manufacturer'] = HardwareParser::decodeJedec($out[1]);
				} elseif (preg_match('/^\s*Form Factor:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
					$ramForm = $out[1];
				} elseif (preg_match('/^\s*Type:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
					$ramType = $out[1];
				} elseif (preg_match('/^\s*Configured Memory Speed:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
					$ramslot['Configured Clock Speed'] = $out[1];
				} elseif (preg_match('/^\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)
						&& $out[2] !== 'Unknown' && $out[2] !== '' && $out[2] !== 'Not Specified' && $out[2] !== 'None') {
					$ramslot[$out[1]] = $out[2];
			} elseif ($section === 'BIOS Information') {
				if (preg_match('/^\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)
					&& $out[2] !== 'Unknown' && $out[2] !== '' && $out[2] !== 'Not Specified') {
					$row['bios'][$out[1]] = $out[2];
		if (empty($row['Memory Slot Count']) || (isset($row['ramslot']) && $row['Memory Slot Count'] < count($row['ramslot']))) {
			$row['Memory Slot Count'] = isset($row['ramslot']) ? count($row['ramslot']) : 0;
		if ($row['Memory Maximum Capacity'] > 0) {
			$row['Memory Maximum Capacity'] .= ' GiB';