* Addconfig subpage base - makes sure
* we have the two required methods preprocess and render
abstract class AddConfig_Base
* Holds the instance for the currently executing step
* @var AddConfig_Base
private static $instance = null;
* Config being edited (if any)
* @var ?ConfigTgz
protected $edit = null;
public static function setStep(string $step)
if (empty($step) || !class_exists($step) || get_parent_class($step) !== 'AddConfig_Base') {
Message::addError('invalid-action', $step);
self::$instance = new $step();
if (($editId = Request::any('edit', 0, 'int')) !== 0) {
self::$instance->edit = ConfigTgz::get($editId);
if (self::$instance->edit === null)
ErrorHandler::traceError('Invalid config id for editing: ' . $editId);
Util::addRedirectParam('edit', self::$instance->edit->id());
* Called before any HTML rendering happens, so you can
* prepare stuff, validate input, and optionally redirect
* early if something is wrong, or you received post
* data etc.
protected function preprocessInternal()
// void
* Do page rendering.
protected function renderInternal()
// void
* Handle ajax stuff
protected function ajaxInternal()
// void
public static function preprocess()
if (self::$instance === null) {
ErrorHandler::traceError('No step instance yet');
public static function render()
if (self::$instance === null)
ErrorHandler::traceError('No step instance yet');
if (self::$instance->edit !== null)
Message::addInfo('replacing-config', self::$instance->edit->title());
public static function ajax()
if (self::$instance === null) {
ErrorHandler::traceError('No step instance yet');
* Start dialog for adding config. Ask for title,
* show selection of modules.
class AddConfig_Start extends AddConfig_Base
protected function renderInternal()
$mods = ConfigModule::getList();
$res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT moduleid, title, moduletype, filepath FROM configtgz_module"
. " ORDER BY title ASC"); // Move to ConfigModule
if ($this->edit === null) {
$active = array();
} else {
$active = $this->edit->getModuleIds();
$id = 0;
$modGroups = array();
foreach ($mods as &$mod) {
$mod['groupid'] = 'g' . ++$id;
$modGroups[$mod['group']] =& $mod;
foreach ($res as $row) {
if (!isset($mods[$row['moduletype']])) {
$mods[$row['moduletype']] = array(
'unique' => false,
'group' => 'Undefined moduletype in addconfig.inc.php',
'groupid' => 'g' . ++$id,
$modGroups[$mods[$row['moduletype']]['group']] =& $mods[$row['moduletype']];
$group =& $modGroups[$mods[$row['moduletype']]['group']];
if (!isset($group['modules'])) {
$group['modules'] = array();
if (empty($row['filepath']) || !file_exists($row['filepath'])) $row['missing'] = true;
$row['active'] = in_array($row['moduleid'], $active);
$group['modules'][] = $row;
if ($this->edit !== null) {
$title = $this->edit->title();
} else {
$title = Request::any('title', '', 'string');
$dummy = 0;
$sort = [];
foreach ($modGroups as &$mod) {
$sort[] = $mod['sortOrder'];
if (!empty($mod['modules']) && $mod['unique']) {
array_unshift($mod['modules'], array(
'moduleid' => 'x' . (++$dummy),
'title' => Dictionary::translate('lang_noModuleFromThisGroup'),
array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC | SORT_NUMERIC, $modGroups);
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translate("lang_configurationCompilation"), false, 'cfg-start', array(
'step' => 'AddConfig_Finish',
'groups' => array_values($modGroups),
'title' => $title,
'edit' => $this->edit === null ? null : $this->edit->id(),
* Success dialog if adding config worked.
class AddConfig_Finish extends AddConfig_Base
* @var ?ConfigTgz
private $config = null;
protected function preprocessInternal()
$modules = Request::post('module');
$title = Request::post('title', Request::REQUIRED, 'string');
if (!is_array($modules)) {
if ($this->edit === null) {
$this->config = ConfigTgz::insert($title, $modules);
} else {
$this->edit->update($title, $modules);
$this->config = $this->edit;
if ($this->config->generate($this->edit === null, 150) === false) {
protected function renderInternal()
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translate('lang_configurationCompilation'), false, 'cfg-finish', array(
'configid' => $this->config->id()