* Wizard for setting up active directory integration for authentication.
class AdAuth_Start extends AddModule_Base
protected function renderInternal()
$ADAUTH_COMMON_FIELDS = array('title', 'server', 'searchbase', 'binddn', 'bindpw', 'home', 'homeattr', 'ssl', 'certificate');
$data = array();
if ($this->edit !== false) {
moduleToArray($this->edit, $data, $ADAUTH_COMMON_FIELDS);
$data['title'] = $this->edit->title();
$data['edit'] = $this->edit->id();
postToArray($data, $ADAUTH_COMMON_FIELDS, true);
$obdn = Request::post('originalbinddn');
if (!empty($obdn)) {
$data['binddn'] = $obdn;
if (preg_match('/^(.*)\:(636|3269|389|3268)$/', $data['server'], $out)) {
$data['server'] = $out[1];
$data['step'] = 'AdAuth_CheckConnection';
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'adAuth_title'), false, 'ad-start', $data);
class AdAuth_CheckConnection extends AddModule_Base
private $scanTask;
private $server;
protected function preprocessInternal()
$this->server = Request::post('server');
$binddn = Request::post('binddn');
$ssl = Request::post('ssl', 'off') === 'on';
if (empty($this->server) || empty($binddn)) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
if (preg_match('/^([^\:]+)\:(\d+)$/', $this->server, $out)) {
$ports = array($out[2]);
$this->server = $out[1];
} elseif ($ssl) {
$ports = array(636, 3269);
} else {
$ports = array(389, 3268);
$this->scanTask = Taskmanager::submit('PortScan', array(
'host' => $this->server,
'ports' => $ports,
'certificate' => Request::post('certificate', '')
if (!isset($this->scanTask['id'])) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
protected function renderInternal()
$data = array(
'edit' => Request::post('edit'),
'title' => Request::post('title'),
'server' => $this->server,
'searchbase' => Util::normalizeDn(Request::post('searchbase')),
'binddn' => Util::normalizeDn(Request::post('binddn')),
'bindpw' => Request::post('bindpw'),
'home' => Request::post('home'),
'homeattr' => Request::post('homeattr'),
'ssl' => Request::post('ssl'),
'certificate' => Request::post('certificate', ''),
'taskid' => $this->scanTask['id']
$data['prev'] = 'AdAuth_Start';
if (preg_match('#^\w+[/\\\\]\w+$#', Request::post('binddn')) || strlen(Request::post('searchbase')) < 2) {
$data['next'] = 'AdAuth_SelfSearch';
} elseif (empty($data['homeattr'])) {
$data['next'] = 'AdAuth_HomeAttrCheck';
} else {
$data['next'] = 'AdAuth_CheckCredentials';
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'adAuth_title'), false, 'ad_ldap-checkconnection', $data);
class AdAuth_SelfSearch extends AddModule_Base
private $taskIds;
private $originalBindDn;
protected function preprocessInternal()
$server = Request::post('server');
$port = Request::post('port');
$searchbase = Request::post('searchbase', '');
$binddn = Request::post('binddn');
$bindpw = Request::post('bindpw');
$ssl = Request::post('ssl', 'off') === 'on';
if ($ssl && !Request::post('fingerprint')) {
Message::addError('main.error-read', 'fingerprint');
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
if (empty($server) || empty($binddn) || empty($port)) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
$this->originalBindDn = '';
// Fix bindDN if short name given
if ($ssl) { // Use the specific AD ports so the domain\username bind works
$uri = "ldaps://$server:3269/";
} else {
$uri = "ldap://$server:3268/";
preg_match('#^\w+[/\\\\](\w+)$#', $binddn, $out);
$user = $out[1];
$this->originalBindDn = str_replace('/', '\\', $binddn);
$selfSearch = Taskmanager::submit('LdapSearch', array(
'server' => $uri,
'searchbase' => $searchbase,
'binddn' => $this->originalBindDn,
'bindpw' => $bindpw,
'filter' => "sAMAccountName=$user"
if (!isset($selfSearch['id'])) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
$this->taskIds['self-search'] = $selfSearch['id'];
protected function renderInternal()
$data = array(
'edit' => Request::post('edit'),
'title' => Request::post('title'),
'server' => Request::post('server'),
'port' => Request::post('port'),
'searchbase' => Request::post('searchbase'),
'binddn' => Request::post('binddn'),
'bindpw' => Request::post('bindpw'),
'home' => Request::post('home'),
'homeattr' => Request::post('homeattr'),
'ssl' => Request::post('ssl') === 'on',
'fingerprint' => Request::post('fingerprint'),
'certificate' => Request::post('certificate', ''),
'originalbinddn' => $this->originalBindDn,
'prev' => 'AdAuth_Start'
if (empty($data['homeattr'])) {
$data['next'] = 'AdAuth_HomeAttrCheck';
} else {
$data['next'] = 'AdAuth_CheckCredentials';
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'adAuth_title'), false, 'ad-selfsearch',
array_merge($this->taskIds, $data));
class AdAuth_HomeAttrCheck extends AddModule_Base
private $taskIds;
protected function preprocessInternal()
$server = Request::post('server');
$port = Request::post('port');
$searchbase = Request::post('searchbase', '');
$binddn = Request::post('binddn');
$bindpw = Request::post('bindpw');
$ssl = Request::post('ssl', 'off') === 'on';
if ($ssl && !Request::post('fingerprint')) {
Message::addError('error-read', 'fingerprint');
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
if (empty($server) || empty($binddn) || empty($port)) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
if ($ssl) {
$uri = "ldaps://$server:$port/";
} else {
$uri = "ldap://$server:$port/";
preg_match('#^(\w+=[^,]+),#', $binddn, $out);
$filter = $out[1];
$data = array(
'server' => $uri,
'searchbase' => $searchbase,
'binddn' => $binddn,
'bindpw' => $bindpw,
'filter' => $filter
$selfSearch = Taskmanager::submit('LdapSearch', $data);
if (!isset($selfSearch['id'])) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
$this->taskIds['self-search'] = $selfSearch['id'];
protected function renderInternal()
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'adAuth_title'), false, 'ad-selfsearch', array_merge($this->taskIds, array(
'edit' => Request::post('edit'),
'title' => Request::post('title'),
'server' => Request::post('server'),
'port' => Request::post('port'),
'searchbase' => Request::post('searchbase'),
'binddn' => Request::post('binddn'),
'bindpw' => Request::post('bindpw'),
'home' => Request::post('home'),
'homeattr' => Request::post('homeattr'),
'ssl' => Request::post('ssl') === 'on',
'fingerprint' => Request::post('fingerprint'),
'certificate' => Request::post('certificate', ''),
'originalbinddn' => Request::post('originalbinddn'),
'tryHomeAttr' => true,
'prev' => 'AdAuth_Start',
'next' => 'AdAuth_CheckCredentials'
class AdAuth_CheckCredentials extends AddModule_Base
private $taskIds;
protected function preprocessInternal()
$server = Request::post('server');
$port = Request::post('port');
$searchbase = Request::post('searchbase', '');
$binddn = Request::post('binddn');
$bindpw = Request::post('bindpw');
$ssl = Request::post('ssl', 'off') === 'on';
if ($ssl && !Request::post('fingerprint')) {
Message::addError('error-read', 'fingerprint');
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
if (empty($server) || empty($binddn) || empty($port)) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
// Test query 4 users
if ($ssl) {
$uri = "ldaps://$server:$port/";
} else {
$uri = "ldap://$server:$port/";
$ldapSearch = Taskmanager::submit('LdapSearch', array(
'server' => $uri,
'searchbase' => $searchbase,
'binddn' => $binddn,
'bindpw' => $bindpw
if (!isset($ldapSearch['id'])) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
$this->taskIds = array(
'tm-search' => $ldapSearch['id']
if (isset($selfSearch['id']))
$this->taskIds['self-search'] = $selfSearch['id'];
protected function renderInternal()
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'adAuth_title'), false, 'ad_ldap-checkcredentials', array_merge($this->taskIds, array(
'edit' => Request::post('edit'),
'title' => Request::post('title'),
'server' => Request::post('server') . ':' . Request::post('port'),
'searchbase' => Request::post('searchbase'),
'binddn' => Request::post('binddn'),
'bindpw' => Request::post('bindpw'),
'home' => Request::post('home'),
'homeattr' => Request::post('homeattr'),
'ssl' => Request::post('ssl') === 'on',
'fingerprint' => Request::post('fingerprint'),
'certificate' => Request::post('certificate', ''),
'originalbinddn' => Request::post('originalbinddn'),
'prev' => 'AdAuth_Start',
'next' => 'AdAuth_HomeDir'
class AdAuth_HomeDir extends AddModule_Base
private $searchbase;
private $binddn;
protected function preprocessInternal()
$this->binddn = Request::post('binddn');
$this->searchbase = Request::post('searchbase');
if (empty($this->searchbase)) {
// If no search base was given, determine it from the dn
$originalBindDn = str_replace('\\', '/', trim(Request::post('originalbinddn')));
if (!preg_match('#^([^/]+)/[^/]+$#', $originalBindDn, $out)) {
Message::addError('main.value-invalid', 'binddn', $originalBindDn);
} // $out[1] is the domain
// Find the domain in the dn
$i = mb_stripos($this->binddn, '=' . $out[1] . ',');
if ($i === false) {
Message::addError('main.value-invalid', 'binddn', $out[1]);
// Now find ',' before it so we get the key
$i = mb_strrpos(mb_substr($this->binddn, 0, $i), ',');
if ($i === false)
$i = -1;
$this->searchbase = mb_substr($this->binddn, $i + 1);
} else {
$somedn = Request::post('somedn', false);
if (!empty($somedn)) {
$i = stripos($somedn, $this->searchbase);
if ($i !== false) {
$this->searchbase = substr($somedn, $i, strlen($this->searchbase));
protected function renderInternal()
$data = array(
'edit' => Request::post('edit'),
'title' => Request::post('title'),
'server' => Request::post('server'),
'searchbase' => $this->searchbase,
'binddn' => $this->binddn,
'bindpw' => Request::post('bindpw'),
'home' => Request::post('home'),
'homeattr' => Request::post('homeattr'),
'ssl' => Request::post('ssl') === 'on',
'fingerprint' => Request::post('fingerprint'),
'certificate' => Request::post('certificate', ''),
'originalbinddn' => Request::post('originalbinddn'),
'prev' => 'AdAuth_Start',
'next' => 'AdAuth_Finish'
if ($this->edit !== false) {
foreach (self::getAttributes() as $key) {
if ($this->edit->getData($key)) {
$data[$key . '_c'] = 'checked="checked"';
$data['shareRemapMode_' . $this->edit->getData('shareRemapMode')] = 'selected="selected"';
$letter = $this->edit->getData('shareHomeDrive');
} else {
$data['shareDownloads'] = $data['shareMedia'] = $data['shareDocuments'] = 'selected="selected"';
$letter = 'H:';
$data['drives'] = array();
foreach (range('D', 'Z') as $l) {
$data['drives'][] = array(
'drive' => $l . ':',
'selected' => (strtoupper($letter{0}) === $l) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'adAuth_title'), false, 'ad_ldap-homedir', $data);
public static function getAttributes()
return array('shareRemapMode', 'shareRemapCreate', 'shareDocuments', 'shareDownloads', 'shareDesktop', 'shareMedia', 'shareOther', 'shareHomeDrive');
class AdAuth_Finish extends AddModule_Base
private $taskIds;
protected function preprocessInternal()
$title = Request::post('title');
if (empty($title))
$title = 'AD: ' . Request::post('server');
if ($this->edit === false)
$module = ConfigModule::getInstance('AdAuth');
$module = $this->edit;
$ssl = Request::post('ssl', 'off') === 'on';
$module->setData('server', Request::post('server'));
$module->setData('searchbase', Request::post('searchbase'));
$module->setData('binddn', Request::post('binddn'));
$module->setData('bindpw', Request::post('bindpw'));
$module->setData('home', Request::post('home'));
$module->setData('homeattr', Request::post('homeattr'));
$module->setData('certificate', Request::post('certificate'));
$module->setData('ssl', $ssl);
foreach (AdAuth_HomeDir::getAttributes() as $key) {
$value = Request::post($key);
if (is_numeric($value)) {
settype($value, 'integer');
} elseif ($value === 'on') {
$value = 1;
} elseif ($value === false) {
$value = 0;
$module->setData($key, $value);
if ($ssl) {
$module->setData('fingerprint', Request::post('fingerprint', ''));
} else {
$module->setData('fingerprint', '');
if ($this->edit !== false)
$ret = $module->update($title);
$ret = $module->insert($title);
if (!$ret) {
Message::addError('main.value-invalid', 'any', 'any');
$tgz = false;
} else {
$parent = $this->stopOldInstance();
$tgz = $module->generate($this->edit === false, $parent);
if ($tgz === false) {
AddModule_Base::setStep('AdAuth_Start'); // Continues with AdAuth_Start for render()
$this->taskIds = array(
'tm-config' => $tgz,
private function stopOldInstance()
if ($this->edit === false)
return NULL;
$list = ConfigTgz::getAllForModule($this->edit->id());
if (!is_array($list))
return NULL;
$parent = NULL;
foreach ($list as $tgz) {
if (!$tgz->isActive())
$task = Trigger::ldadp($tgz->id(), $parent);
if (isset($task['id']))
$parent = $task['id'];
return $parent;
protected function renderInternal()
Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'adAuth_title'), false, 'ad-finish', $this->taskIds);