* Base class for config modules
abstract class ConfigModule
* @var ?array{'title': string,
* 'description': string,
* 'group': string,
* 'unique': bool,
* 'sortOrder': int,
* 'moduleClass': string,
* 'wizardClass': string}[] list of known module types
private static $moduleTypes = null;
private $moduleId = 0;
private $moduleArchive = '';
private $moduleTitle = '';
private $moduleStatus = 'MISSING';
/** @var int */
private $dateline = 0;
/** @var int */
private $currentVersion = 0;
* @var false|array Data of module, false if not initialized
protected $moduleData = false;
* Load all known config module types. This is done
* by including *.inc.php from inc/configmodule/. The
* files there should in turn call ConfigModule::registerModule()
* to register themselves.
public static function loadDb()
if (self::$moduleTypes !== null)
self::$moduleTypes = [];
foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/configmodule/*.inc.php', GLOB_NOSORT) as $file) {
require_once $file;
* Get all known config module types.
* @return array{'title': string,
* 'description': string,
* 'group': string,
* 'unique': bool,
* 'sortOrder': int,
* 'moduleClass': string,
* 'wizardClass': string}[] list of known module types
* /
public static function getList(): array
return self::$moduleTypes;
* Add a known configuration module. Every inc/configmodule/*.inc.php should call this.
* @param string $id Identifier for the module.
* The module class must be called ConfigModule_{$id}, the wizard start class {$id}_Start.
* The wizard's classes should be located in modules/sysconfig/addmodule_{$id_lowercase}.inc.php
* @param string $title Title of this module type
* @param string $description Description for this module type
* @param string $group Title for group this module type belongs to
* @param bool $unique Can only one such module be added to a config?
* @param int $sortOrder Lower comes first, alphabetical ordering otherwise
public static function registerModule(string $id, string $title, string $description, string $group, bool $unique, int $sortOrder = 0): void
if (isset(self::$moduleTypes[$id])) {
ErrorHandler::traceError("Config Module $id already registered!");
$moduleClass = 'ConfigModule_' . $id;
$wizardClass = $id . '_Start';
if (!class_exists($moduleClass)) {
ErrorHandler::traceError("Class $moduleClass does not exist!");
if (!is_subclass_of($moduleClass, 'ConfigModule')) {
ErrorHandler::traceError("$moduleClass does not have ConfigModule as its parent!");
self::$moduleTypes[$id] = array(
'title' => $title,
'description' => $description,
'group' => $group,
'unique' => $unique,
'sortOrder' => $sortOrder,
'moduleClass' => $moduleClass,
'wizardClass' => $wizardClass
* Get fresh instance of ConfigModule subclass for given module type.
* @param string $moduleType name of module type
* @return ConfigModule module instance
public static function getInstance(string $moduleType): ConfigModule
$ret = self::getInstanceOrNull($moduleType);
if ($ret === null) {
Message::addError('main.error-read', $moduleType . '.inc.php');
return $ret;
public static function getInstanceOrNull(string $moduleType): ?ConfigModule
if (!isset(self::$moduleTypes[$moduleType])) {
error_log('Unknown module type: ' . $moduleType);
return null;
return new self::$moduleTypes[$moduleType]['moduleClass'];
private static function instanceFromDbRow(array $dbRow): ?ConfigModule
$instance = self::getInstanceOrNull($dbRow['moduletype']);
if ($instance === null)
return null;
$instance->currentVersion = $dbRow['version'];
$instance->moduleArchive = $dbRow['filepath'];
$instance->moduleData = json_decode($dbRow['contents'], true);
$instance->moduleId = $dbRow['moduleid'];
$instance->moduleTitle = $dbRow['title'];
$instance->moduleStatus = $dbRow['status'];
$instance->dateline = $dbRow['dateline'];
if ($instance->moduleVersion() > $instance->currentVersion) {
return $instance;
* Get module instance from id.
* @param int $moduleId module id to get
* @return ?ConfigModule The requested module from DB, or null on error
public static function get(int $moduleId): ?ConfigModule
$ret = Database::queryFirst("SELECT moduleid, title, moduletype, filepath, contents, version, status, dateline FROM configtgz_module "
. " WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array('moduleid' => $moduleId));
if ($ret === false)
return null;
return self::instanceFromDbRow($ret);
* Get module instances from module type.
* @param string $moduleType module type to get
* @return ?ConfigModule[] The requested modules from DB, or null on error
public static function getAll(string $moduleType = null): ?array
if ($moduleType === null) {
$ret = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT moduleid, title, moduletype, filepath, contents, version, status, dateline FROM configtgz_module");
} else {
$ret = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT moduleid, title, moduletype, filepath, contents, version, status, dateline FROM configtgz_module "
. " WHERE moduletype = :moduletype", array('moduletype' => $moduleType));
if ($ret === false)
return null;
$list = array();
foreach ($ret as $row) {
$instance = self::instanceFromDbRow($row);
if ($instance === null)
$list[] = $instance;
return $list;
* Get the module version.
* @return int module version
protected abstract function moduleVersion(): int;
* Validate the module's configuration.
* @return bool ok or not
protected abstract function validateConfig(): bool;
* Set module specific data.
* @param string $key key, name or id of data being set
* @param mixed $value Module specific data
* @return bool true if data was successfully set, false otherwise (i.e. invalid data being set)
public abstract function setData(string $key, $value): bool;
* Get module specific data.
* Can be overridden by modules.
* @param ?string $key key, name or id of data to get, or null to get the raw moduleData array
* @return mixed Module specific data
public function getData(?string $key)
if ($key === null)
return $this->moduleData;
if (!is_array($this->moduleData) || !isset($this->moduleData[$key]))
return null;
return $this->moduleData[$key];
* Module specific version of generate.
* @param string $tgz File name of tgz module to write final output to
* @param string|null $parent Parent task of this task
* @return array|boolean true if generation is completed immediately,
* a task struct if some task needs to be run for generation,
* false on error
protected abstract function generateInternal(string $tgz, ?string $parent);
private function createFileName(): string
return CONFIG_TGZ_LIST_DIR . '/modules/'
. $this->moduleType() . '_id-' . $this->moduleId . '__' . mt_rand() . '-' . time() . '.tgz';
public function allowDownload(): bool
return false;
public function needRebuild(): bool
return $this->moduleStatus !== 'OK' || $this->currentVersion < $this->moduleVersion();
* Get module id (in db)
* @return int id
public final function id(): int
return $this->moduleId;
* Get module title.
public final function title(): string
return $this->moduleTitle;
* Get module archive file name.
* @return string tgz file absolute path
public final function archive(): string
return $this->moduleArchive;
public final function status(): string
return $this->moduleStatus;
public final function currentVersion(): int
return $this->currentVersion;
* Get the module type.
* @return string module type
public final function moduleType(): string
// Yes, need to pass $this, otherwise we get ConfigModule, the base class this function is part of
$name = get_class($this);
// ConfigModule_*
if (!preg_match('/^ConfigModule_(\w+)$/', $name, $out))
ErrorHandler::traceError('ConfigModule::moduleType: get_class($this) returned "' . $name . '"');
return $out[1];
* Insert this config module into DB. Only
* valid if the object was created using the creating constructor,
* not if the instance was created using a database entry (static get method).
* @param string $title display name of the module
* @return boolean true if inserted successfully, false if module config is invalid
public final function insert(string $title): bool
if ($this->moduleId !== 0)
ErrorHandler::traceError('ConfigModule::insert called when moduleId != 0');
if (!$this->validateConfig())
return false;
$this->moduleTitle = $title;
// Insert
Database::exec("INSERT INTO configtgz_module (title, moduletype, filepath, contents, version, status, dateline) "
. " VALUES (:title, :type, '', :contents, :version, :status, :now)", array(
'title' => $title,
'type' => $this->moduleType(),
'contents' => json_encode($this->moduleData),
'version' => 0,
'status' => 'MISSING',
'now' => time(),
$this->moduleId = Database::lastInsertId();
if (!is_numeric($this->moduleId))
ErrorHandler::traceError('Inserting new config module into DB did not yield a numeric insert id');
$this->moduleArchive = $this->createFileName();
Database::exec("UPDATE configtgz_module SET filepath = :path WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array(
'path' => $this->moduleArchive,
'moduleid' => $this->moduleId
return true;
* Update the given module in database. This will not regenerate
* the module's tgz.
* @return boolean true on success, false otherwise
public final function update(string $title = ''): bool
if ($this->moduleId === 0)
ErrorHandler::traceError('ConfigModule::update called when moduleId == 0');
if (!empty($title)) {
$this->moduleTitle = $title;
if (!$this->validateConfig())
return false;
// Update
Database::exec("UPDATE configtgz_module SET title = :title, contents = :contents, status = :status, dateline = :now "
. " WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array(
'moduleid' => $this->moduleId,
'title' => $this->moduleTitle,
'contents' => json_encode($this->moduleData),
'status' => 'OUTDATED',
'now' => time(),
$this->moduleStatus = 'OUTDATED';
return true;
* Generate the module's tgz, don't wait for completion.
* Updating the database etc. will happen later through a callback.
* @param boolean $deleteOnError if true, the db entry will be deleted if generation failed
* @param string|null $parent Parent task of this task
* @param int $timeoutMs maximum time in milliseconds we wait for completion
* @return string|boolean task id if deferred generation was started,
* true if generation succeeded (without using a task or within $timeoutMs)
* false on error
public final function generate(bool $deleteOnError, string $parent = NULL, int $timeoutMs = 0)
if ($this->moduleId === 0 || empty($this->moduleTitle))
ErrorHandler::traceError('ConfigModule::generateAsync called on uninitialized/uninserted module!');
$tmpTgz = '/tmp/bwlp-id-' . $this->moduleId . '_' . mt_rand() . '_' . time() . '.tgz';
$ret = $this->generateInternal($tmpTgz, $parent);
// Wait for generation if requested
if ($timeoutMs > 0 && isset($ret['id']) && !Taskmanager::isFinished($ret))
$ret = Taskmanager::waitComplete($ret, $timeoutMs);
if ($ret === true || (isset($ret['statusCode']) && $ret['statusCode'] === Taskmanager::TASK_FINISHED)) {
// Already Finished
if (file_exists($this->moduleArchive) && !file_exists($tmpTgz))
$tmpTgz = false; // If generateInternal succeeded and there's no tmpTgz, it means the file didn't have to be updated
return $this->markUpdated($tmpTgz);
if (!is_array($ret) || !isset($ret['id']) || Taskmanager::isFailed($ret)) {
if (is_array($ret)) // Failed
if ($deleteOnError)
return false;
// Still running, add callback
TaskmanagerCallback::addCallback($ret, 'cbConfModCreated', array(
'moduleid' => $this->moduleId,
'deleteOnError' => $deleteOnError,
'tmpTgz' => $tmpTgz
return $ret['id'];
* Delete the module.
public final function delete(): void
if ($this->moduleId === 0)
ErrorHandler::traceError('ConfigModule::delete called with invalid module id!');
$ret = Database::exec("DELETE FROM configtgz_module WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array(
'moduleid' => $this->moduleId
), true) !== false;
if ($ret !== false) {
if ($this->moduleArchive)
Taskmanager::submit('DeleteFile', array('file' => $this->moduleArchive), true);
$this->moduleId = 0;
$this->moduleData = false;
$this->moduleTitle = false;
$this->moduleArchive = false;
* @param ?string $tmpTgz new tar archive to use for this module, or null if the old one is still valid
private function markUpdated(?string $tmpTgz): bool
if ($this->moduleId === 0)
ErrorHandler::traceError('ConfigModule::markUpdated called with invalid module id!');
if ($this->moduleArchive === null)
$this->moduleArchive = $this->createFileName();
// Move file
if ($tmpTgz === null) {
if (!file_exists($this->moduleArchive)) {
EventLog::failure('ConfigModule::markUpdated for "' . $this->moduleTitle . '" called with no tmpTgz and no existing tgz!');
return false;
} elseif (!file_exists($tmpTgz)) {
EventLog::warning('ConfigModule::markUpdated for tmpTgz="' . $this->moduleTitle . '" called which doesn\'t exist. Doing nothing.');
return true;
} else {
$task = Taskmanager::submit('MoveFile', array(
'source' => $tmpTgz,
'destination' => $this->moduleArchive
$task = Taskmanager::waitComplete($task, 5000);
if (Taskmanager::isFailed($task) || !Taskmanager::isFinished($task)) {
if (!API && !AJAX) {
} else {
EventLog::failure('Could not move ' . $tmpTgz . ' to ' . $this->moduleArchive . ' while generating "' . $this->moduleTitle . '"', print_r($task, true));
return false;
// Update DB entry
$retval = Database::exec("UPDATE configtgz_module SET filepath = :filename, version = :version, status = 'OK' WHERE moduleid = :id LIMIT 1", array(
'id' => $this->moduleId,
'filename' => $this->moduleArchive,
'version' => $this->moduleVersion()
)) !== false;
// Update related config.tgzs
$configs = ConfigTgz::getAllForModule($this->moduleId);
foreach ($configs as $config) {
return $retval;
private function markFailed(): void
if ($this->moduleId === 0)
ErrorHandler::traceError('ConfigModule::markFailed called with invalid module id!');
if ($this->moduleArchive === '') {
$this->moduleArchive = $this->createFileName();
if (!file_exists($this->moduleArchive)) {
$status = 'MISSING';
} else {
$status = 'OUTDATED';
Database::exec("UPDATE configtgz_module SET filepath = :filename, status = :status WHERE moduleid = :id LIMIT 1", array(
'id' => $this->moduleId,
'filename' => $this->moduleArchive,
'status' => $status
public function dateline_s(): string
return Util::prettyTime($this->dateline);
################# Callbacks ##############
* Event callback for when the server ip changed.
* Override this if you need to handle this, otherwise
* the base implementation does nothing.
public function event_serverIpChanged(): void
// Do::Nothing()
##################### STATIC CALLBACKS #####################
* Will be called if the server's IP address changes. The event will be propagated
* to all config module classes so action can be taken if appropriate.
public static function serverIpChanged(): void
foreach (self::getAll() ?? [] as $mod) {
* Called when (re)generating a config module failed, so we can
* update the status in the DB and add a server log entry.
* @param array $args contains 'moduleid' and optionally 'deleteOnError'
public static function generateFailed(array $task, array $args): void
if (!isset($args['moduleid']) || !is_numeric($args['moduleid'])) {
EventLog::warning('Ignoring generateFailed event as it has no moduleid assigned.');
$module = self::get($args['moduleid']);
if ($module === null) {
EventLog::warning('generateFailed callback for module id ' . $args['moduleid'] . ', but no instance could be generated.');
$error = '';
if (!empty($task['data']['error'])) {
$error .= $task['data']['error'] . "\n\n";
if (!empty($task['data']['messages'])) {
$error .= $task['data']['messages'] . "\n\n";
if (empty($error)) {
$error = json_encode($task, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
EventLog::failure("Generating module '" . $module->moduleTitle . "' failed.", $error);
if ($args['deleteOnError'] ?? false) {
} else {
* (Re)generating a config module succeeded. Update db entry.
* @param array $args contains 'moduleid' and optionally 'tmpTgz'
public static function generateSucceeded(array $args): void
if (!isset($args['moduleid']) || !is_numeric($args['moduleid'])) {
EventLog::warning('Ignoring generateSucceeded event as it has no moduleid assigned.');
$module = self::get($args['moduleid']);
if ($module === null) {
EventLog::warning('generateSucceeded callback for module id ' . $args['moduleid'] . ', but no instance could be generated.');
$module->markUpdated($args['tmpTgz'] ?? null);