* Class Ppd for parsing PPD files. This class was developed around
* the PPD spec v4.3. All comments in this class referring to sections of
* the spec will refer to this version, if not stated otherwise.
class Ppd
const FILE = 0;
const STRING = 1;
* regexp matching valid PPD keywords ASCII 33-126, excluding colon and slash.
* See section 3.2/3.3
const EXP_KEYWORD = '[\x21-\x2e\x30-\x39\x3b-\x7e]+';
const PPD_INT = '\-?\d+';
const PPD_REAL = '\-?\d+(\.\d+)?';
const PPD_BOOL = 'True|False';
const PPD_RECTANGLE = '\-?\d+(\.\d+)?\s+\-?\d+(\.\d+)?\s+\-?\d+(\.\d+)?\s+\-?\d+(\.\d+)?';
const PPD_DIMENSION = '\-?\d+(\.\d+)?\s+\-?\d+(\.\d+)?';
private $REQUIRED_KEYWORDS = array(
'PPD-Adobe' => '4\.[0123]',
'FileVersion' => '.*',
'FormatVersion' => '.*',
'LanguageEncoding' => '.*',
'LanguageVersion' => '.*',
'Manufacturer' => '.*',
'ModelName' => '.*',
'NickName' => '.*',
'PCFileName' => '.*',
'Product' => '\(.*\)',
'PSVersion' => '\(.*\)\s+\d+',
'ShortNickName' => '.*'
private $LANGUAGE_MAPPINGS = array(
'English' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Chinese' => 'None',
'Danish' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Dutch' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Finnish' => 'ISOLatin1',
'French' => 'ISOLatin1',
'German' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Italian' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Japanese' => 'JIS83-RKSJ',
'Norwegian' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Portuguese' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Russian' => 'None',
'Spanish' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Swedish' => 'ISOLatin1',
'Turkish' => 'None'
private $ENCODINGS = array(
'ISOLatin1' => 'ISO-8859-1',
'ISOLatin2' => 'ISO-8859-2',
'ISOLatin5' => 'ISO-8859-5',
'JIS83-RKSJ' => 'SJIS',
'MacStandard' => 'MACINTOSH',
'WindowsANSI' => 'Windows-1252'
* @var string name of source charset (PPD)
private $sourceEncoding;
* @var string 'mb' or 'iconv'
private $encoder;
* List of known main keywords.
* Key is the keyword, value is either a regex for the value, if we don't care about the option format,
* or an array with [0] = regex for option keyword, and [1] = regex for value
* @var array
private $KNOWN_KEYWORDS = array(
* Basic Device Capabilities, section 5.5
'ColorDevice' => self::PPD_BOOL,
'DefaultColorSpace' => 'CMY|CMYK|RGB|Gray',
'Extensions' => '(DPS|CMYK|Composite|FileSystem)(\s+(DPS|CMYK|Composite|FileSystem))*',
'FaxSupport' => 'Base',
'FileSystem' => self::PPD_BOOL,
'LanguageLevel' => self::PPD_INT,
'Throughput' => '\d+(\.\d+)?',
'TTRasterizer' => 'None|Accept68K|Type42|TrueImage',
'1284Modes' => 'Compat|Nibble|Byte|ECP|EPP',
'1284DeviceID' => '.*',
* System Management, section 5.6
'PatchFile' => '.*',
'JobPatchFile' => array(self::PPD_INT, '.*'),
'FreeVM' => self::PPD_INT,
'VMOption' => self::PPD_INT,
'InstalledMemory' => '.*',
'DefaultInstalledMemory' => '.*',
'Reset' => '.*',
'Password' => '.*',
'ExitJamRecovery' => array(self::PPD_BOOL, '.*'),
'DefaultExitJamRecovery' => 'True|False|Unknown',
'ExitServer' => '.*',
'SuggestedJobTimeout' => self::PPD_INT,
'SuggestedManualFeedTimeout' => self::PPD_INT, // XXX: Typo in spec? It says "SuggestedManualfFeedTimeout"
'SuggestedWaitTimeout' => self::PPD_INT,
'PrintPSErrors' => self::PPD_BOOL,
'DeviceAdjustMatrix' => '\[[\d\s]+\]',
* Emulations and Protocols, section 5.7
'Protocols' => '(BCP|PJL|TBCP)(\s+(BCP|PJL|TBCP))*',
'Emulators' => '\S+(\s+\S+)*', // TODO This requires matching *(Start|Stop)Emulator_(\S+): "code" main keywords
* JCL, section 5.8
'JCLBegin' => '.*',
'JCLToPSInterpreter' => '.*',
'JCLEnd' => '.*',
// TODO: The above three need to be either completely absent, or all three must be defined
* Resolution and Appearance Control, section 5.9
* Gray Levels and Halftoning, section 5.10
'AccurateScreensSupport' => self::PPD_BOOL,
'ContoneOnly' => self::PPD_BOOL,
'DefaultHalftoneType' => self::PPD_INT,
'ScreenAngle' => self::PPD_REAL,
'ScreenFreq' => self::PPD_REAL,
'ResScreenFreq' => self::PPD_REAL,
'ResScreenAngle' => self::PPD_REAL,
'DefaultScreenProc' => 'Dot|Line|Ellipse|Cross|Mezzo|DiamondDot',
'ScreenProc' => array('Dot|Line|Ellipse|Cross|Mezzo|DiamondDot', '.*'),
'DefaultTransfer' => 'Null|Factory', // XXX: Spec seems to allow only these two values as default, but why
'Transfer' => array('Null|Factory|Normalized|Red|Green|Blue', '.*'),
* Color Adjustment, section 5.11
'BlackSubstitution' => array(self::PPD_BOOL, '.*'),
'DefaultBlackSubstitution' => 'True|False|Unknown',
'ColorModel' => array('CMY|CMYK|RGB|Gray', '.*'),
'DefaultColorModel' => 'CMY|CMYK|RGB|Gray|Unknown',
'RenderingIntent' => '.*',
'PageDeviceName' => '.*',
'HalftoneName' => '.*',
* Media Selection, section 5.14
'ManualFeed' => array(self::PPD_BOOL, '.*'),
'DefaultManualFeed' => 'True|False|Unknown',
* Information About Media Sizes, section 5.15
'ImageableArea' => self::PPD_RECTANGLE,
'PaperDimension' => self::PPD_DIMENSION,
'RequiresPageRegion' => self::PPD_BOOL,
'LandscapeOrientation' => 'Plus90|Minus90|Any',
* Custom Page Size, section 5.16
'CustomPageSize' => array('True', '.*'),
'ParamCustomPageSize' => array('Width|Height|WidthOffset|HeightOffset|Orientation', '\d+\s+(int|real|points)\s+' . self::PPD_REAL . '\s+' . self::PPD_REAL),
'MaxMediaWidth' => self::PPD_REAL,
'MaxMediaHeight' => self::PPD_REAL,
'CenterRegistered' => self::PPD_BOOL,
'LeadingEdge' => array('Short|Long|PreferLong|Forced|Unknown', '\s*'),
'DefaultLeadingEdge' => 'Short|Long|PreferLong|Forced|Unknown',
'HWMargins' => self::PPD_RECTANGLE,
'UseHWMargins' => array(self::PPD_BOOL, '\s*'),
'DefaultUseHWMargins' => self::PPD_BOOL,
* Media Handling Features, section 5.17
'OutputOrder' => array('Normal|Reverse', '.*'),
'DefaultOutputOrder' => 'Normal|Reverse|Unknown',
'PageStackOrder' => 'Normal|Reverse',
'TraySwitch' => array(self::PPD_BOOL, '.*'),
'DefaultTraySwitch' => 'True|False|Unknown',
'Duplex' => array('DuplexTumble|DuplexNoTumble|SimplexTumble|None|False|SimplexNoTumble', '.*'),
'DefaultDuplex' => 'DuplexTumble|DuplexNoTumble|SimplexTumble|None|False|SimplexNoTumble',
* Finishing Features, section 5.18ff
* Font Related Keywords, section 5.20
'FDirSize' => self::PPD_INT,
'FCacheSize' => self::PPD_INT,
// TODO: 'Font' = >
* Printer Messages, section 5.21
'PrinterError' => '.*',
'Status' => '.*',
'Source' => '.*',
'Message' => '.*',
* 5.22
'InkName' => '.+',
* Appendix A.1: UI Keywords.
* SORTED, so we can do a binary search.
* @var array list of UI keywords.
private $UI_KEYWORDS = array('AdvanceMedia', 'BindColor', 'BindEdge', 'BindType', 'BindWhen', 'BitsPerPixel',
'BlackSubstitution', 'Booklet', 'Collate', 'ColorModel', 'CutMedia', 'Duplex', 'ExitJamRecovery', 'FoldType',
'FoldWhen', 'InputSlot', 'InstalledMemory', 'Jog', 'ManualFeed', 'MediaColor', 'MediaType', 'MediaWeight',
'MirrorPrint', 'NegativePrint', 'OutputBin', 'OutputMode', 'OutputOrder', 'PageSize', 'PageRegion', 'Separations',
'Signature', 'Slipsheet', 'Smoothing', 'Sorter', 'StapleLocation', 'StapleOrientation', 'StapleWhen', 'StapleX',
'StapleY', 'TraySwitch'
* Appendix A.2: Repeated Keywords.
* SORTED, so we can do a binary search.
* @var array list of repeated keywords
private $REPEATED_KEYWORDS = array('HalftoneName', 'Include', 'InkName', 'Message', 'NonUIConstraints', 'NonUIOrderDependency',
'OrderDependency', 'PageDeviceName', 'PrinterError', 'Product', 'PSVersion', 'QueryOrderDependency',
'RenderingIntent', 'Source', 'Status', 'UIConstraints'
private $data;
private $dataLen;
private $error = null;
private $warnings = [];
private $knownKeywordMalformed;
* @var PpdSettingInternal[] known options of this ppd
private $settings;
private $requiredKeywords;
function __construct($ppd, $type = self::FILE, $flags = 0)
if (empty($ppd)) {
$this->error = 'Empty $ppd';
if ($type == self::FILE) {
$this->data = file_get_contents($ppd);
if ($this->data === false) {
$this->error = 'Could not open ' . substr($ppd, 1);
} elseif ($type == self::STRING) {
$this->data = $ppd;
} else {
$this->error = 'Invalid $type passed';
private function parse()
$r = substr_count($this->data, "\r");
$n = substr_count($this->data, "\n");
if ($r > 10 && abs($r - $n) < $r / 10) {
if (substr($this->data, -2) !== "\r\n") {
$this->data .= "\r\n";
} elseif ($r > $n) {
if (substr($this->data, -1) !== "\r") {
$this->data .= "\r";
} else {
if (substr($this->data, -1) !== "\n") {
$this->data .= "\n";
$this->dataLen = strlen($this->data);
$this->encoder = false;
$this->sourceEncoding = false;
$this->error = null;
$this->warnings = array();
$this->knownKeywordMalformed = false;
$this->settings = array();
$this->requiredKeywords = array();
// Parse
/* @var PpdOption $rawOption */
/* @var ?PpdBlockInternal $currentBlock */
$currentBlock = null;
$inRawBlock = false; // True if in a multi-line InvocationValue or QuotedValue (3.6: Parsing Summary for Values)
$wantsEnd = false;
// For now we ignore values mostly while parsing. The spec says that InvocationValues must only contain printable
// ASCII characters, so we should issue a warning if we encounter invalid chars in them.
$lStart = -1;
$lEnd = -1;
$no = 0;
while ($lStart < $this->dataLen) {
unset($mainKeyword, $optionKeyword, $optionTranslation, $option, $value, $valueTranslation);
if ($no !== 0 && $this->data[$lEnd] === "\r" && $this->data[$lEnd + 1] === "\n") {
if ($no === 1) {
// The first line must be *PPD-Adobe, check if that was the case
if (!isset($this->requiredKeywords['PPD-Adobe'])) {
$this->error = 'First line does not contain *PPD-Adobe main keyword';
$lStart = $lEnd + 1;
$lEnd = $this->nextLineEnd($lStart);
if ($lEnd === null)
// Validate
$len = $lEnd - $lStart;
$line = substr($this->data, $lStart, $len);
if ($len === 0) {
if ($len > 255) {
$this->warn($no, 'Exceeds length of 255');
if (!$inRawBlock && preg_match_all('/[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\xFF]/', $line, $out)) {
$chars = self::escapeBinaryArray($out[0]);
$this->warn($no, 'Contains invalid character(s) ' . $chars);
// Handle
// 1) We're inside an InvocationValue or QuotedValue, need a single " at line end to close it
if ($inRawBlock) {
if (substr($line, -1) === '"') {
$inRawBlock = false;
$wantsEnd = true;
if (isset($rawOption)) {
$rawOption->lineLen = $lEnd - $rawOption->lineOffset;
// 2) InvocationValue or QuotedValue just closed, an '*End' has to follow
if ($wantsEnd) {
$wantsEnd = false;
if ($line !== '*End' && $line !== '*SymbolEnd') { // XXX: We don't properly check which one we expected...
$this->warn($no, 'End of multi-line InvocationValue or QuotedValue not followed by "*(Symbol)End"');
} else {
if (isset($rawOption)) {
$rawOption->lineLen = $lEnd - $rawOption->lineOffset;
// 3) Handle "key [option]: value"
if ($line[0] === '*') {
if ($line[1] === '%') {
// Skip comment
$parts = preg_split('/\s*:\s*/', $line, 2); // TODO: UIConstrains
if (!is_array($parts) || count($parts) !== 2) {
$this->warn($no, 'No colon found; not in "key [option]: value" format, ignoring line');
// Now $parts[0] is "key[ option]" and $parts[1] is "value"
// 3a) Determine key and option
if (1 > preg_match(',^\*(' . self::EXP_KEYWORD . ')($|\s+([^/]+)(/.*)?$),', $parts[0], $out)) {
$this->warn($no, 'Not a valid Main Keyword, "' . $parts[0] . '", line ignored');
$mainKeyword = $out[1];
$optionKeyword = $out[3] ?? null;
$optionTranslation = isset($out[4]) ? $this->unhexTranslation($no, substr($out[4], 1)) : $optionKeyword; // If no translation given, fallback to option
// 3b) Handle value
/** @var string $value */
$value = $parts[1];
if ($value[0] === '"') {
// Start of InvocationValue or QuotedValue
if (preg_match(',^"([^"]*)"(/.*)?$,', $value, $vMatch)) {
// Single line
$value = $vMatch[1];
$valueTranslation = isset($vMatch[2]) ? $this->unhexTranslation($no, substr($vMatch[2], 1)) : $value;
} else {
// Multi-line
$inRawBlock = true;
$value = '<TODO: Multiline>'; // TODO: Handle multi-line values properly
$valueTranslation = '';
} elseif (preg_match(',^\^' . self::EXP_KEYWORD . '$,', $value)) {
// SymbolValue TODO: Can be followed by translation?
$valueTranslation = $value;
} elseif (preg_match(',^([^"][^/]*)(/.*)?$,', $value, $vMatch)) {
// StringValue
$value = $vMatch[1];
$valueTranslation = isset($vMatch[2]) ? $this->unhexTranslation($no, substr($vMatch[2], 1)) : $value;
} else {
$valueTranslation = $value;
// Key-value-pair parsed, now the fun part
// Special cases for opening closing certain groups
if ($mainKeyword === 'OpenGroup') {
if ($currentBlock !== null) {
$this->error = 'Line ' . $no . ': OpenGroup while other block (type=' . $currentBlock->type
. ', id=' . $currentBlock->id . ') was not closed yet';
// TODO: Check unique
$nb = new PpdBlockInternal($value, $valueTranslation, 'Group', null, $lStart);
$currentBlock = $nb;
} elseif ($mainKeyword === 'OpenSubGroup') {
if ($currentBlock === null || $currentBlock->type !== 'Group') {
$this->error = 'Line ' . $no . ': OpenSubGroup with no preceding OpenGroup';
// TODO: Check unique
$nb = new PpdBlockInternal($value, $valueTranslation, 'SubGroup', $currentBlock, $lStart);
$currentBlock->childBlocks[] = $nb;
$currentBlock = $nb;
} elseif ($mainKeyword === 'OpenUI' || $mainKeyword === 'JCLOpenUI') {
$type = $mainKeyword;
if (substr($type, 0, 3) === 'JCL') {
$type = 'JCL' . substr($type, 7);
} else {
$type = substr($type, 4);
if ($currentBlock !== null && $currentBlock->isUi()) {
$this->error = 'Line ' . $no . ': ' . $mainKeyword . ' while previous ' . $type . ' "'
. $currentBlock->id . '" was not closed yet';
if ($optionKeyword === null) {
$this->error = 'Line ' . $no . ': ' . $mainKeyword . ' with no option keyword';
if ($optionKeyword[0] !== '*') {
$this->error = 'Line ' . $no . ': ' . $mainKeyword . " with option keyword that doesn't start with asterisk (*).";
// TODO: Check unique
$nb = new PpdBlockInternal($optionKeyword, $optionTranslation ?? $optionKeyword,
$type, $currentBlock, $lStart);
$nb->value = $value;
if ($currentBlock !== null) {
$currentBlock->childBlocks[] = $nb;
$currentBlock = $nb;
$this->getOption(substr($optionKeyword, 1), $currentBlock); // ->type = $value; unused?
} elseif ($mainKeyword === 'CloseGroup' || $mainKeyword === 'CloseSubGroup' || $mainKeyword === 'CloseUI'
|| $mainKeyword === 'JCLCloseUI'
) {
$type = $mainKeyword;
if (substr($type, 0, 3) === 'JCL') {
$type = 'JCL' . substr($type, 8);
} else {
$type = substr($type, 5);
if ($currentBlock === null) {
$this->error = 'Line ' . $no . ': ' . $mainKeyword . ' with no Open' . $type;
if ($currentBlock->type !== $type) {
$this->error = 'Line ' . $no . ': ' . $mainKeyword . ' after Open' . $currentBlock->type;
if ($currentBlock->id !== $value) {
$this->error = 'Line ' . $no . ': ' . $mainKeyword . ' for "' . $value . '" while currently open '
. $type . ' is "' . $currentBlock->id . '"';
$currentBlock->end = $lEnd;
$currentBlock = $currentBlock->parent;
} elseif ($mainKeyword === 'OrderDependency') {
if ($currentBlock === null || $currentBlock->isUi()) {
$this->warn($no, 'OrderDependency outside OpenUI/CloseUI block');
} elseif ($mainKeyword === 'Include') {
$this->warn($no, 'PPD tries to include a file (' . $value
. '), which is not supported. Will continue, but errors might occur');
} elseif ($mainKeyword === 'UIConstraints' || $mainKeyword === 'NonUIConstraints'
|| $mainKeyword === 'SymbolLength' || $mainKeyword === 'SymbolValue'
|| $mainKeyword === 'SymbolEnd' || $mainKeyword === 'NonUIOrderDependency'
) {
// General information keywords, which are required
if (isset($this->REQUIRED_KEYWORDS[$mainKeyword])) {
if (isset($this->requiredKeywords[$mainKeyword])) {
if ($this->binary_in_array($mainKeyword, $this->REPEATED_KEYWORDS)) {
$this->requiredKeywords[$mainKeyword][] = $value;
} else {
$this->warn($no, 'Required keyword ' . $mainKeyword . ' declared twice, ignoring');
} else {
$this->requiredKeywords[$mainKeyword] = array($value);
if (($err = Ppd::validateLine($this->REQUIRED_KEYWORDS[$mainKeyword], $optionKeyword, $value)) !== true) {
$this->warn($no, 'Required main keyword ' . $mainKeyword . ': ' . $err);
$this->knownKeywordMalformed = true;
// Other well known keywords
if (isset($this->KNOWN_KEYWORDS[$mainKeyword])) {
if (($err = Ppd::validateLine($this->KNOWN_KEYWORDS[$mainKeyword], $optionKeyword, $value)) !== true) {
$this->warn($no, 'Known main keyword ' . $mainKeyword . ': ' . $err);
$this->knownKeywordMalformed = true;
if (substr($mainKeyword, 0, 7) === 'Default') {
// Default keyword
$option = $this->getOption(substr($mainKeyword, 7), $currentBlock);
$option->default = new PpdOption($lStart, $len, $value, $valueTranslation);
if (substr($mainKeyword, 0, 17) === 'FoomaticRIPOption') {
if ($optionKeyword === null) {
$this->warn($no, "$mainKeyword with no option keyword");
} elseif ($currentBlock !== null && isset($this->settings[$optionKeyword])) {
$option = $this->getOption($optionKeyword, $currentBlock);
$option->foomatic[substr($mainKeyword, 11)] = new PpdOption($lStart, $len, $value, $valueTranslation);
} else {
$this->warn($no, 'TODO: ' . $line);
} elseif (substr($mainKeyword, 0, 6) === 'Custom') {
if ($optionKeyword === null) {
$this->warn($no, "$mainKeyword with no option keyword");
} elseif ($optionKeyword !== 'True') {
$this->warn($no, "$mainKeyword with option keyword other than 'True'; ignored");
} else {
$option = $this->getOption(substr($mainKeyword, 6), $currentBlock);
$option->custom = new PpdOption($lStart, $len, $value, $valueTranslation);
} elseif (substr($mainKeyword, 0, 11) === 'ParamCustom') {
if ($optionKeyword === null) {
$this->warn($no, "$mainKeyword with no option keyword");
} elseif (substr($mainKeyword, 11) !== $optionKeyword) {
$this->warn($no, "Don't know how to handle $mainKeyword with option keyword $optionKeyword "
. "(expected '*ParamCustomSomething Something: <format>'");
} else {
$option = $this->getOption($optionKeyword, $currentBlock);
$option->customParam = new PpdOption($lStart, $len, $value, $valueTranslation);
} elseif ($mainKeyword[0] === '?') {
// Ignoring option query for now
} elseif ($optionKeyword === null && !isset($this->KNOWN_KEYWORDS[$mainKeyword])) {
// Must be a definition for an option
$this->warn($no, "Don't know how to handle line with main keyword '$mainKeyword', no option keyword found.");
} else {
// Some option for some option ;)
if ($optionKeyword === null) {
// We know that this is a known main keyword otherwise we would have hit the previous elseif block
$optionKeyword = $value;
$optionTranslation = $valueTranslation;
$option = $this->getOption($mainKeyword, $currentBlock);
$optionInstance = new PpdOption($lStart, $len, $optionKeyword, $optionTranslation ?? $optionKeyword);
if ($this->binary_in_array($mainKeyword, $this->REPEATED_KEYWORDS)) {
// This can occur multiple times, just pile them up
$option->values[] = $optionInstance;
} else {
$key = "k$optionKeyword";
if (isset($option->values[$key])) {
$this->warn($no, "Ignoring re-definition of option '$optionKeyword' for Main Keyword '$mainKeyword'");
} else {
$option->values[$key] = $optionInstance;
if ($inRawBlock) {
$optionInstance->multiLine = true;
$rawOption = $optionInstance;
} elseif (strlen(trim($line)) !== 0) {
$this->warn($no, 'Invalid format; not empty and not starting with asterisk (*)');
} // end while loop over ppd contents
if ($currentBlock !== null) {
$this->error = 'Block ' . $currentBlock->id . ' (' . $currentBlock->type . ') was never closed.';
foreach ($this->REQUIRED_KEYWORDS as $kw => $regex) {
if (!isset($this->requiredKeywords[$kw])) {
$this->warn(0, "Required keyword '$kw' missing from file.'");
$this->error = 'One or more required keywords missing';
if ($this->error !== null) {
// All required keywords exist
if (preg_match('/utf-?8/i', $this->requiredKeywords['LanguageEncoding'][0])) {
$this->sourceEncoding = false; // Would be a NOOP
} elseif (isset($this->ENCODINGS[$this->requiredKeywords['LanguageEncoding'][0]])) {
$this->sourceEncoding = $this->ENCODINGS[$this->requiredKeywords['LanguageEncoding'][0]];
} else if (isset($this->LANGUAGE_MAPPINGS[$this->requiredKeywords['LanguageVersion'][0]])) {
$this->sourceEncoding = $this->ENCODINGS[$this->LANGUAGE_MAPPINGS[$this->requiredKeywords['LanguageVersion'][0]]];
} elseif (!empty($this->requiredKeywords['LanguageEncoding'][0])) {
$this->sourceEncoding = $this->requiredKeywords['LanguageEncoding'][0];
if ($this->sourceEncoding !== false) {
if (is_callable('iconv')) {
$encoding = strtoupper($this->sourceEncoding);
if (@iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', 'test') === 'test') {
$this->encoder = function ($string, $reverse = false) use ($encoding) {
if ($reverse) {
$retval = iconv('UTF-8', $encoding . '//TRANSLIT', $string);
} else {
$retval = iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $string);
if ($retval === false)
return $string;
return $retval;
if ($this->encoder === false && is_callable('mb_list_encodings')) {
$encodings = mb_list_encodings();
foreach ($encodings as $encoding) {
if (strtolower($encoding) === $this->sourceEncoding) {
$this->sourceEncoding = $encoding;
$this->encoder = function ($string, $reverse = false) use ($encoding) {
if ($reverse) {
$retval = mb_convert_encoding($string, $encoding, 'UTF-8');
} else {
$retval = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $encoding);
if ($retval === false)
return $string;
return $retval;
if ($this->encoder === false) {
$this->encoder = function ($foo, $reverse = false) { return $foo; };
private function nextLineEnd(int $start): ?int
if ($start >= $this->dataLen)
return null;
while ($start < $this->dataLen) {
$char = $this->data[$start];
if ($char === "\r" || $char === "\n")
return $start;
return $this->dataLen;
private function warn(int $lineNo, string $message): void
$line = 'Line ' . $lineNo . ': ' . $message;
$this->warnings[] = $line;
private static function escapeBinaryArray(array $array): string
return array_reduce(array_unique($array), function ($carry, $item) {
return $carry . '\x' . dechex(ord($item));
}, '');
private function unhexTranslation(int $lineNo, string $translation): string
if (strpos($translation, '<') === false)
return $translation;
return preg_replace_callback('/<[^>]*>/', function ($match) use ($lineNo) {
if (preg_match_all('/[^a-fA-F0-9\<\>\s]/', $match[0], $out)) {
$this->warn($lineNo, 'Invalid character(s) in hex substring: ' . self::escapeBinaryArray($out[0]));
$string = preg_replace('/[^a-fA-F0-9]/', '', $match[0]);
if (strlen($string) % 2 !== 0) {
$this->warn($lineNo, 'Odd number of hex digits in hex substring');
$string = substr($string, 0, -1);
return pack('H*', $string);
}, $translation);
private function hexTranslation(string $translation): string
return preg_replace_callback('/[\x00-\x1f\x7b-\xff\:\<\>]+/', function ($match) {
return '<' . unpack('H*', $match[0])[1] . '>';
}, $translation);
* Get option object
* @param string $name option name
* @param ?PpdBlockInternal $block which block this option is defined in
* @return PpdSettingInternal the option object
private function getOption(string $name, ?PpdBlockInternal $block = null): PpdSettingInternal
if (!isset($this->settings[$name])) {
$this->settings[$name] = new PpdSettingInternal();
$this->settings[$name]->block = $block;
} elseif ($block !== null) {
if ($this->settings[$name]->block === null || $block->isChildOf($this->settings[$name]->block)) {
$this->settings[$name]->block = $block;
return $this->settings[$name];
private function binary_in_array($elem, $array): bool
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bot = 0;
while ($top >= $bot) {
$p = floor(($top + $bot) / 2);
if ($array[$p] < $elem)
$bot = $p + 1;
elseif ($array[$p] > $elem)
$top = $p - 1;
else return true;
return false;
private static function validateLine($validator, ?string $option, string $value)
if (is_array($validator)) {
$oExp = $validator[0];
$vExp = $validator[1];
} else {
$oExp = false;
$vExp = $validator;
$regex = '/^\s*' . $vExp . '\s*$/s';
if (!preg_match($regex, $value)) {
return "Value '$value' does not match $regex";
if ($oExp !== false) {
if ($option === false) {
return 'Option keyword required, but not present';
$regex = '/^\s*' . $oExp . '\s*$/s';
if (!preg_match($regex, $option)) {
return "Option keyword '$option' does not match $regex";
return true;
private function getEolChar(): string
$rn = substr_count("\r\n", $this->data);
$r = substr_count("\r", $this->data) - $rn;
$n = substr_count("\n", $this->data) - $rn;
if ($rn > $r && $rn > $n) {
$eol = "\r\n";
} elseif ($r > $n) {
$eol = "\r";
} else {
$eol = "\n";
return $eol;
public function getError(): ?string
return $this->error;
public function getWarnings(): array
return $this->warnings;
public function getUISettings(): array
$result = array();
foreach ($this->settings as $mk => $option) {
$isUi = ($option->block !== null && $option->block->isUi()) || isset($this->UI_KEYWORDS[$mk]);
if ($isUi) {
$result[] = $mk;
return $result;
public function getSetting(string $name): ?PpdSetting
if (!isset($this->settings[$name]))
return null;
return new PpdSetting($this->settings[$name], isset($this->UI_KEYWORDS[$name]), $this->encoder);
public function removeSetting(string $name): bool
if (!isset($this->settings[$name]))
return false;
$setting = $this->settings[$name];
$ranges = array();
Ppd::mergeRangesFromOption($ranges, $setting->default);
Ppd::mergeRangesFromOption($ranges, $setting->custom);
Ppd::mergeRangesFromOption($ranges, $setting->customParam);
foreach ($setting->foomatic as $obj) {
Ppd::mergeRangesFromOption($ranges, $obj);
foreach ($setting->values as $obj) {
Ppd::mergeRangesFromOption($ranges, $obj);
if ($setting->block !== null && $setting->block->isUi()) {
Ppd::mergeRanges($ranges, $setting->block->start, $setting->block->end);
$tmp = array_map(function ($e) { return $e[0]; }, $ranges);
array_multisort($tmp, SORT_NUMERIC, $ranges);
$new = '';
$last = 0;
foreach ($ranges as $range) {
$new .= substr($this->data, $last, $range[0] - $last);
$last = $range[1];
if ($this->data[$last] === "\r") {
if ($this->data[$last] === "\n") {
$new .= substr($this->data, $last);
$this->data = $new;
return $this->error === null;
public function addEmptyOption(string $settingName, string $option, string $translation = null, bool $prepend = true): bool
if (!isset($this->settings[$settingName]))
return false;
$setting = $this->settings[$settingName];
$pos = false;
if (!empty($setting->values)) {
if ($prepend) {
$pos = array_reduce($setting->values, function (int $carry, PpdOption $option) { return min($carry, $option->lineOffset); }, PHP_INT_MAX);
} else {
$pos = array_reduce($setting->values, function (int $carry, PpdOption $option) { return max($carry, $option->lineOffset); }, 0);
} elseif ($setting->default !== null) {
$pos = $setting->default->lineOffset;
} elseif ($setting->block !== null && $setting->block->isUi()) {
$pos = $this->nextLineEnd($setting->block->start);
while ($pos !== null && $pos < $this->dataLen && ($this->data[$pos] === "\r" || $this->data[$pos] === "\n")) {
if ($pos === false) {
return false;
$line = '*' . $settingName . ' ' . $option;
if ($translation !== null) {
$line .= '/' . $this->hexTranslation(($this->encoder)($translation, true));
$eol = $this->getEolChar();
$line .= ': ""' . $eol;
$this->data = substr($this->data, 0, $pos) . $line . substr($this->data, $pos);
return $this->error === null;
public function setDefaultOption($settingName, $optionName): bool
if (!isset($this->settings[$settingName]))
return false;
$setting = $this->settings[$settingName];
$line = '*Default' . $settingName . ': ' . $optionName;
if ($setting->default !== null) {
$start = $setting->default->lineOffset;
$end = $start + $setting->default->lineLen;
} elseif (empty($setting->values)) {
return false;
} else {
$option = reset($setting->values);
$end = $start = $option->lineOffset;
$line .= $this->getEolChar();
$this->data = substr($this->data, 0, $start) . $line . substr($this->data, $end);
return $this->error === null;
public function write(string $file)
return file_put_contents($file, $this->data);
private static function mergeRangesFromOption(array &$ranges, PpdOption $option): void
self::mergeRanges($ranges, $option->lineOffset, $option->lineOffset + $option->lineLen);
private static function mergeRanges(array &$ranges, int $start, int $end): void
if ($start >= $end)
return; // Don't even bother
foreach (array_keys($ranges) as $key) {
if ($start <= $ranges[$key][0] && $end >= $ranges[$key][1]) {
// Fully dominated
continue; // Might partially overlap with additional ranges, keep going
if ($ranges[$key][0] <= $start && $ranges[$key][1] >= $start) {
// $start lies within existing range
if ($ranges[$key][0] <= $end && $ranges[$key][1] >= $end)
return; // Fully in existing range, do nothing
// $end seems to extend range we're checking against but $start lies within this range, update and keep going
$start = $ranges[$key][0];
// Last possibility: $start is before range, $end within range
if ($ranges[$key][0] <= $end && $ranges[$key][1] >= $end) {
// $start must lie before range start, otherwise we'd have hit the case above
$end = $ranges[$key][1];
$ranges[] = array($start, $end);
* @return bool whether there was at least one known option with format restriction violated.
public function hasInvalidOption(): bool
return $this->knownKeywordMalformed;
* Helper classes
* Class PpdOption represents a ppd option
class PpdSetting
* @var string default value for this option, or false if not set
public $default = false;
* @var string|bool what type of block this is in.
* Format: Group<groupname>/SubGroup<subgroupname>
public $group = false;
* @var bool true if this is a ui option
public $isUi;
* @var string[] list of options mapping optionKeyword => translation
public $options = array();
* @var bool|string FoomaticRIPOption (format of option) if set, false otherwise
public $foomaticOption = false;
* @var bool|string PickOne, Boolean or PickMany
public $uiOptionType = false;
public $uiOptionTranslation = false;
* PpdSetting constructor.
public function __construct(PpdSettingInternal $setting, bool $isUi, callable $enc)
if ($setting->default !== null) {
$this->default = $setting->default->option;
if ($setting->block !== null && $setting->block->isUi()) {
$this->uiOptionType = $setting->block->value;
$this->uiOptionTranslation = $enc($setting->block->translation);
$this->isUi = true;
} else if ($isUi) {
$this->uiOptionType = 'PickOne'; // Kinda our fallback
$this->isUi = true;
} else {
$this->isUi = false;
$block = $setting->block;
while ($block !== false) {
if ($block->isUi()) {
if ($this->group === false) {
$this->group = $block->type . $block->id;
} else {
$this->group = $block->type . $block->id . '/' . $this->group;
$block = $block->parent;
foreach ($setting->values as $value) {
$this->options[$value->option] = $enc($value->optionTranslation);
if (isset($setting->foomatic['Option'])) {
$this->foomaticOption = $setting->foomatic['Option']->option;
class PpdSettingInternal
* @var ?PpdOption
public $default = null;
* @var \PpdOption[]
public $values = array();
* @var \PpdOption[]
public $foomatic = array();
* @var ?PpdOption
public $custom = null;
* @var ?PpdOption
public $customParam = null;
* @var ?PpdBlockInternal the innermost block this option resides in
public $block = null;
class PpdOption
public $option;
public $optionTranslation;
public $lineOffset;
public $lineLen;
public $multiLine = false;
public function __construct(int $lineOffset, int $lineLen, string $option, string $optionTranslation)
$this->option = $option;
$this->optionTranslation = $optionTranslation;
$this->lineOffset = $lineOffset;
$this->lineLen = $lineLen;
* Class PpdBlock represents a Group, SubGroup, or UI block
class PpdBlockInternal
public $id;
public $translation;
public $type;
* @var PpdBlockInternal[]
public $childBlocks = array();
* @var ?PpdBlockInternal
public $parent = null;
* @var int start byte in ppd
public $start;
* @var ?int end byte in ppd, null if block is not closed
public $end = null;
* @var string value of opening line for block, e.g. 'PickOne' for OpenUI
public $value = '';
public function __construct(string $id, string $translation, string $type, ?PpdBlockInternal $parent, int $start)
$this->id = $id;
$this->translation = $translation;
$this->type = $type;
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->start = $start;
* @return bool true if this is a UI block
public function isUi(): bool
return $this->type == 'UI' || $this->type === 'JCLUI';
* @param PpdBlockInternal $block some other PpdBlock instance
* @return bool true if this is a child of $block
public function isChildOf(PpdBlockInternal $block): bool
$parent = $this->parent;
while ($parent !== false) {
if ($parent === $block) {
return true;
$parent = $parent->parent;
return false;