path: root/modules-available/roomplanner/inc/
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2016-09-08 10:33:06 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2016-09-08 10:33:06 +0200
commitc046c28123c1904ff233d50b4e595458bbfca7df (patch)
treefbf62a4f7cccbf3c0b5853dcb5976085f39c82e0 /modules-available/roomplanner/inc/
parent[baseconfig_bwlp] Add printergui username prefix option (diff)
[roomplanner] Fix formatting
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/roomplanner/inc/')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/roomplanner/inc/ b/modules-available/roomplanner/inc/
index fafd07c5..228426c8 100644
--- a/modules-available/roomplanner/inc/
+++ b/modules-available/roomplanner/inc/
@@ -6,152 +6,152 @@ define('Y', 1);
class PvsGenerator
- public static function generate()
- {
- if (!Module::isAvailable('locations')) {
- die('sorry, but the locations module is required');
- }
- /* get all rooms */
- $rooms = array();
- $ret = Database::simpleQuery(
- 'SELECT l.locationid, l.locationname, lr.managerip, lr.tutoruuid, m.clientip as tutorip '
- .'FROM location l '
- .'INNER JOIN location_roomplan lr ON (l.locationid = lr.locationid)'
- .'LEFT JOIN machine m ON (lr.tutoruuid = m.machineuuid)');
- while ($row = $ret->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
- if (Location::isLeaf($row['locationid'])) { // TODO: This creates extra queries, optimize?
- $row['locationname'] = str_replace(',', ';', $row['locationname']); // comma probably not the best sep here
- $rooms[] = $row;
- }
- }
- /* collect names */
- $roomNames = array();
- foreach($rooms as $room) {
- $roomNames[] = $room['locationname'];
- }
- /* add [General]-block */
- $config = "[General]\n";
- $config .= 'rooms=' . implode(', ', $roomNames) . "\n";
- $config .= "allowClientQuit=True\n"; // TODO: remove this
- $config .= "showLockDesktopButton=True\n"; // TODO: Make this configurable (or not)
- $config .= "\n\n";
- /* foreach room generate room-block */
- foreach($rooms as $room) {
- $config .= PvsGenerator::generateRoomBlock($room);
- $config .= "\n";
- }
- return $config;
- }
- private static function generateRoomBlock($room)
- {
- $out = '[' . $room['locationname'] . "]\n";
- /* find all clients in that room */
- $machines = PvsGenerator::getMachines($room['locationid']);
- /* manager */
- $mgr = $room['managerip'];
- $tutor = $room['tutorip'];
- if ($mgr) {
- $out .= 'mgrIP=' . $mgr . "\n";
- }
- /* tutor */
- if ($tutor) {
- $out .= 'tutorIP=' . $tutor . "\n";
- }
- /* grid */
- $out .= PvsGenerator::generateGrid($machines);
- return $out;
- }
- private static function generateGrid($machines)
- {
- $out = "";
- /* this is a virtual grid, we first need this to do some optimizations */
- $grid = array();
- /* add each contained client with position and ip */
- foreach ($machines as $machine) {
- $grid[$machine['clientip']] = [$machine['gridCol'], $machine['gridRow']];
- }
- /* find bounding box */
- PvsGenerator::boundingBox($grid, $minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY);
- $clientSizeX = 4; /* TODO: optimize */
- $clientSizeY = 4; /* TODO: optimize */
- $sizeX = max($maxX - $minX + $clientSizeX, 1); /* never negative */
- $sizeY = max($maxY - $minY + $clientSizeY, 1); /* and != 0 to avoid divide-by-zero in pvsmgr */
- /* zoom all clients into bounding box */
- foreach ($grid as $ip => $pos) {
- $newX = $grid[$ip][X] - $minX;
- $newY = $grid[$ip][Y] - $minY;
- $grid[$ip] = [$newX, $newY];
- }
- $out .= "gridSize=@Size($sizeX $sizeY)\n";
- $out .= "clientSize=@Size($clientSizeX $clientSizeY)\n";
- $out .= "client\\size=" . count($grid) . "\n";
- $i = 1;
- foreach ($grid as $ip => $pos) {
- $out .= "client\\" . $i . "\\ip=$ip\n";
- $out .= "client\\" . $i++ . "\\pos=@Point(" . $pos[X] . ' ' . $pos[Y] . ")\n";
- }
- return $out;
- }
- private static function getMachines($roomid) {
- $ret = Database::simpleQuery(
- 'SELECT clientip, position FROM machine WHERE locationid = :locationid',
- ['locationid' => $roomid]);
- $machines = array();
+ public static function generate()
+ {
+ if (!Module::isAvailable('locations')) {
+ die('sorry, but the locations module is required');
+ }
+ /* get all rooms */
+ $rooms = array();
+ $ret = Database::simpleQuery(
+ 'SELECT l.locationid, l.locationname, lr.managerip, lr.tutoruuid, m.clientip as tutorip '
+ . 'FROM location l '
+ . 'INNER JOIN location_roomplan lr ON (l.locationid = lr.locationid)'
+ . 'LEFT JOIN machine m ON (lr.tutoruuid = m.machineuuid)');
+ while ($row = $ret->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ if (Location::isLeaf($row['locationid'])) { // TODO: This creates extra queries, optimize?
+ $row['locationname'] = str_replace(',', ';', $row['locationname']); // comma probably not the best sep here
+ $rooms[] = $row;
+ }
+ }
+ /* collect names */
+ $roomNames = array();
+ foreach ($rooms as $room) {
+ $roomNames[] = $room['locationname'];
+ }
+ /* add [General]-block */
+ $config = "[General]\n";
+ $config .= 'rooms=' . implode(', ', $roomNames) . "\n";
+ $config .= "allowClientQuit=True\n"; // TODO: remove this
+ $config .= "showLockDesktopButton=True\n"; // TODO: Make this configurable (or not)
+ $config .= "\n\n";
+ /* foreach room generate room-block */
+ foreach ($rooms as $room) {
+ $config .= PvsGenerator::generateRoomBlock($room);
+ $config .= "\n";
+ }
+ return $config;
+ }
+ private static function generateRoomBlock($room)
+ {
+ $out = '[' . $room['locationname'] . "]\n";
+ /* find all clients in that room */
+ $machines = PvsGenerator::getMachines($room['locationid']);
+ /* manager */
+ $mgr = $room['managerip'];
+ $tutor = $room['tutorip'];
+ if ($mgr) {
+ $out .= 'mgrIP=' . $mgr . "\n";
+ }
+ /* tutor */
+ if ($tutor) {
+ $out .= 'tutorIP=' . $tutor . "\n";
+ }
+ /* grid */
+ $out .= PvsGenerator::generateGrid($machines);
+ return $out;
+ }
+ private static function generateGrid($machines)
+ {
+ $out = "";
+ /* this is a virtual grid, we first need this to do some optimizations */
+ $grid = array();
+ /* add each contained client with position and ip */
+ foreach ($machines as $machine) {
+ $grid[$machine['clientip']] = [$machine['gridCol'], $machine['gridRow']];
+ }
+ /* find bounding box */
+ PvsGenerator::boundingBox($grid, $minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY);
+ $clientSizeX = 4; /* TODO: optimize */
+ $clientSizeY = 4; /* TODO: optimize */
+ $sizeX = max($maxX - $minX + $clientSizeX, 1); /* never negative */
+ $sizeY = max($maxY - $minY + $clientSizeY, 1); /* and != 0 to avoid divide-by-zero in pvsmgr */
+ /* zoom all clients into bounding box */
+ foreach ($grid as $ip => $pos) {
+ $newX = $grid[$ip][X] - $minX;
+ $newY = $grid[$ip][Y] - $minY;
+ $grid[$ip] = [$newX, $newY];
+ }
+ $out .= "gridSize=@Size($sizeX $sizeY)\n";
+ $out .= "clientSize=@Size($clientSizeX $clientSizeY)\n";
+ $out .= "client\\size=" . count($grid) . "\n";
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach ($grid as $ip => $pos) {
+ $out .= "client\\" . $i . "\\ip=$ip\n";
+ $out .= "client\\" . $i++ . "\\pos=@Point(" . $pos[X] . ' ' . $pos[Y] . ")\n";
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ private static function getMachines($roomid)
+ {
+ $ret = Database::simpleQuery(
+ 'SELECT clientip, position FROM machine WHERE locationid = :locationid',
+ ['locationid' => $roomid]);
+ $machines = array();
while ($row = $ret->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
- $position = json_decode($row['position'], true);
- $machine = array();
- $machine['clientip'] = $row['clientip'];
- $machine['gridRow'] = $position['gridRow'];
- $machine['gridCol'] = $position['gridCol'];
- $machine['tutor'] = false; /* TODO: find out if machine is default tutor */
- $machine['manager'] = false; /* TODO: find out if machine is manager */
- $machines[] = $machine;
- }
- return $machines;
- }
- private static function boundingBox($grid, &$minX, &$minY, &$maxX, &$maxY ) {
- $minX = PHP_INT_MAX; /* PHP_INT_MIN is only avaiable since PHP 7 */
- $maxX = ~PHP_INT_MAX;
- $minY = PHP_INT_MAX;
- $maxY = ~PHP_INT_MAX;
- foreach ($grid as $pos) {
- $minX = min($minX, $pos[X]);
- $maxX = max($maxX, $pos[X]);
- $minY = min($minY, $pos[Y]);
- $maxY = max($maxY, $pos[Y]);
- }
- }
+ $position = json_decode($row['position'], true);
+ $machine = array();
+ $machine['clientip'] = $row['clientip'];
+ $machine['gridRow'] = $position['gridRow'];
+ $machine['gridCol'] = $position['gridCol'];
+ $machine['tutor'] = false; /* TODO: find out if machine is default tutor */
+ $machine['manager'] = false; /* TODO: find out if machine is manager */
+ $machines[] = $machine;
+ }
+ return $machines;
+ }
+ private static function boundingBox($grid, &$minX, &$minY, &$maxX, &$maxY)
+ {
+ $minX = PHP_INT_MAX; /* PHP_INT_MIN is only avaiable since PHP 7 */
+ $maxX = ~PHP_INT_MAX;
+ $minY = PHP_INT_MAX;
+ $maxY = ~PHP_INT_MAX;
+ foreach ($grid as $pos) {
+ $minX = min($minX, $pos[X]);
+ $maxX = max($maxX, $pos[X]);
+ $minY = min($minY, $pos[Y]);
+ $maxY = max($maxY, $pos[Y]);
+ }
+ }