path: root/modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib
diff options
authorChristian Klinger2016-08-05 12:06:50 +0200
committerChristian Klinger2016-08-05 12:06:50 +0200
commit5773e599f142ea1b1106dbdbda219dfb14986878 (patch)
tree8986f3cba65b12cbd5450d5dcd34b32ffea735d1 /modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib
parentadded jqueryui module (diff)
grobe Integration vom Raumplaner.
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib')
2 files changed, 1220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib/jquery-collision.js b/modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib/jquery-collision.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98e37882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib/jquery-collision.js
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011 Sean Cusack
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ //
+ // Private classes
+ //
+ function CollisionCoords( proto, containment )
+ {
+ if( ! proto )
+ {
+ // default if nothing else:
+ this.x1 = this.y1 = this.x2 = this.y2 = 0;
+ this.proto = null;
+ }
+ else if( "offset" in proto )
+ {
+ // used to grab stuff from a jquery object
+ // if it has collision-coordinates data, use that
+ // otherwise just pull in the offset
+ var d ="jquery-collision-coordinates");
+ if( d )
+ {
+ this.x1 = d.x1;
+ this.y1 = d.y1;
+ this.x2 = d.x2;
+ this.y2 = d.y2;
+ }
+ else if( containment && containment.length && containment.length >= 4 )
+ {
+ this.x1 = containment[0];
+ this.y1 = containment[1];
+ this.x2 = containment[2]+proto.outerWidth(true);
+ this.y2 = containment[3]+proto.outerHeight(true);
+ }
+ else if( proto.parent().length <= 0 )
+ {
+ this.x1 = parseInt(proto.css("left" )) || 0;
+ this.y1 = parseInt(proto.css("top" )) || 0;
+ this.x2 = parseInt(proto.css("width" )) || 0;
+ this.y2 = parseInt(proto.css("height")) || 0;
+ this.x2 += this.x1;
+ this.x2 += (parseInt(proto.css("margin-left"))||0) + (parseInt(proto.css("border-left"))||0) + (parseInt(proto.css("padding-left"))||0) +
+ (parseInt(proto.css("padding-right"))||0) + (parseInt(proto.css("border-right"))||0) + (parseInt(proto.css("margin-right"))||0);
+ this.y2 += this.y1;
+ this.y2 += (parseInt(proto.css("margin-top"))||0) + (parseInt(proto.css("border-top"))||0) + (parseInt(proto.css("padding-top"))||0) +
+ (parseInt(proto.css("padding-bottom"))||0) + (parseInt(proto.css("border-bottom"))||0) + (parseInt(proto.css("margin-bottom"))||0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var o = proto.offset();
+ this.x1 = o.left - (parseInt(proto.css("margin-left"))||0); // not also border -- offset starts from inside margin but outside border
+ this.y1 = - (parseInt(proto.css("margin-top" ))||0); // not also border -- offset starts from inside margin but outside border
+ this.x2 = this.x1 + proto.outerWidth(true);
+ this.y2 = this.y1 + proto.outerHeight(true);
+ }
+ this.proto = proto;
+ }
+ else if( "x1" in proto )
+ {
+ // used to effectively "clone"
+ this.x1 = proto.x1;
+ this.y1 = proto.y1;
+ this.x2 = proto.x2;
+ this.y2 = proto.y2;
+ this.proto = proto;
+ }
+ if( "dir" in proto )
+ {
+ this.dir = proto.dir;
+ }
+ }
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.innerContainer = function()
+ {
+ var clone = new CollisionCoords( this );
+ if( this.proto["css"] )
+ {
+ clone.x1 += parseInt( this.proto.css( "margin-left" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.x1 += parseInt( this.proto.css( "border-left" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.x1 += parseInt( this.proto.css("padding-left" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.x2 -= parseInt( this.proto.css("padding-right" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.x2 -= parseInt( this.proto.css( "border-right" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.x2 -= parseInt( this.proto.css( "margin-right" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.y1 += parseInt( this.proto.css( "margin-top" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.y1 += parseInt( this.proto.css( "border-top" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.y1 += parseInt( this.proto.css("padding-top" ) ) || 0;
+ clone.y2 -= parseInt( this.proto.css("padding-bottom") ) || 0;
+ clone.y2 -= parseInt( this.proto.css( "border-bottom") ) || 0;
+ clone.y2 -= parseInt( this.proto.css( "margin-bottom") ) || 0;
+ }
+ return clone;
+ }
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.move = function( dx, dy )
+ {
+ this.x1 += dx;
+ this.x2 += dx;
+ this.y1 += dy;
+ this.y2 += dy;
+ return this;
+ };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.update = function( obj )
+ {
+ if( "x1" in obj ) this.x1 = obj["x1"];
+ if( "x2" in obj ) this.x1 = obj["x2"];
+ if( "y1" in obj ) this.x1 = obj["y1"];
+ if( "y2" in obj ) this.x1 = obj["y2"];
+ if( "left" in obj )
+ {
+ var w = this.x2-this.x1;
+ this.x1 = obj["left"];
+ this.x2 = this.x1 + w;
+ }
+ if( "top" in obj )
+ {
+ var h = this.y2-this.y1;
+ this.y1 = obj["top"];
+ this.y2 = this.y1 + h;
+ }
+ if( "offset" in obj )
+ {
+ var o = obj.offset();
+ this.update( o );
+ this.x2 = this.x1 + obj.width();
+ this.y2 = this.y1 + obj.height();
+ }
+ if( "dir" in obj ) this.x1 = obj["dir"];
+ return this;
+ };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.width = function() { return ( this.x2 - this.x1 ); };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.height = function() { return ( this.y2 - this.y1 ); };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.centerx = function() { return ( this.x1 + this.x2 ) / 2; };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.centery = function() { return ( this.y1 + this.y2 ) / 2; };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.toString = function()
+ {
+ return ( this.proto["get"] ? "#"+this.proto.get(0).id : "" ) + "["+[this.x1,this.y1,this.x2,this.y2].join(",")+"]";
+ };
+ // the big mistake in a lot of collision-detectors,
+ // make floating-point arithmetic work for you, not against you:
+ CollisionCoords.EPSILON = 0.001;
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.containsPoint = function( x, y, inclusive )
+ {
+ if( ! inclusive ) inclusive = false;
+ var epsilon = ( inclusive ? -1 : +1 ) * CollisionCoords.EPSILON;
+ if( ( x > ( this.x1 + epsilon ) && x < ( this.x2 - epsilon ) ) &&
+ ( y > ( this.y1 + epsilon ) && y < ( this.y2 - epsilon ) ) )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.overlaps = function( other, inclusive )
+ {
+ var hit = this._overlaps( other, inclusive );
+ if( hit.length > 0 ) return hit;
+ hit = other._overlaps( this, inclusive );
+ if( hit.length > 0 )
+ {
+ hit[0].dir = hit[0].dir == "Inside" ? "Outside" :
+ hit[0].dir == "Outside" ? "Inside" :
+ hit[0].dir == "N" ? "S" :
+ hit[0].dir == "S" ? "N" :
+ hit[0].dir == "W" ? "E" :
+ hit[0].dir == "E" ? "W" :
+ hit[0].dir == "NE" ? "SW" :
+ hit[0].dir == "SW" ? "NE" :
+ hit[0].dir == "SE" ? "NW" :
+ hit[0].dir == "NW" ? "SE" :
+ undefined;
+ }
+ return hit || [];
+ }
+ CollisionCoords.prototype._overlaps = function( other, inclusive )
+ {
+ var c1 = other;
+ var c2 = this;
+ if( ! inclusive ) inclusive = false;
+ var ax = c1.centerx();
+ var ay = c1.centery();
+ // nine points to check whether they're in e2: e1's four corners, e1's center-sides, and e1's center
+ // if center of e1 is within e2, there's some kind of total inclusion
+ var points = [ [c1.x1,c1.y1,"SE"], [c1.x2,c1.y1,"SW"], [c1.x2,c1.y2,"NW"], [c1.x1,c1.y2,"NE"], [ax,c1.y1,"S"], [c1.x2,ay,"W"], [ax,c1.y2,"N"], [c1.x1,ay,"E"], [ax,ay,undefined] ];
+ var hit = null;
+ var dirs = { NW:false, N:false, NE:false, E:false, SE:false, S:false, SW:false, W:false };
+ for( var i=0; i<points.length; i++ )
+ {
+ if( this.containsPoint( points[i][0], points[i][1], inclusive ) )
+ {
+ if( points[i][2] ) dirs[points[i][2]] = true;
+ if( hit ) continue; // don't need to make another one - it'll be the same anyways //
+ hit = [ new CollisionCoords( { x1: Math.max(c1.x1,c2.x1), y1: Math.max(c1.y1,c2.y1),
+ x2: Math.min(c1.x2,c2.x2), y2: Math.min(c1.y2,c2.y2), dir: points[i][2] } ) ];
+ }
+ }
+ if( hit )
+ {
+ if( dirs["NW"] && dirs["NE"] ) hit[0].dir = "N";
+ if( dirs["NE"] && dirs["SE"] ) hit[0].dir = "E";
+ if( dirs["SE"] && dirs["SW"] ) hit[0].dir = "S";
+ if( dirs["SW"] && dirs["NW"] ) hit[0].dir = "W";
+ if( dirs["NW"] && dirs["NE"] &&
+ dirs["SE"] && dirs["SW"] ) hit[0].dir = "Outside";
+ if( !dirs["NW"] && !dirs["NE"] &&
+ !dirs["SE"] && !dirs["SW"] &&
+ !dirs["N"] && !dirs["E"] &&
+ !dirs["S"] && !dirs["W"] ) hit[0].dir = "Inside";
+ }
+ return hit || [];
+ };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype._protrusion = function( area, dir, list )
+ {
+ var o = this.overlaps( new CollisionCoords( area ), false );
+ if( o.length <= 0 ) return list;
+ o[0].dir = dir;
+ list.push( o[0] );
+ return list;
+ };
+ CollisionCoords.prototype.protrusions = function( container )
+ {
+ var list = [];
+ var n = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ var p = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ var l = container.x1;
+ var r = container.x2;
+ var t = container.y1;
+ var b = container.y2;
+ list = this._protrusion( { x1:l, y1:n, x2:r, y2:t }, "N" , list );
+ list = this._protrusion( { x1:r, y1:n, x2:p, y2:t }, "NE", list );
+ list = this._protrusion( { x1:r, y1:t, x2:p, y2:b }, "E" , list );
+ list = this._protrusion( { x1:r, y1:b, x2:p, y2:p }, "SE", list );
+ list = this._protrusion( { x1:l, y1:b, x2:r, y2:p }, "S" , list );
+ list = this._protrusion( { x1:n, y1:b, x2:l, y2:p }, "SW", list );
+ list = this._protrusion( { x1:n, y1:t, x2:l, y2:b }, "W" , list );
+ list = this._protrusion( { x1:n, y1:n, x2:l, y2:t }, "NW", list );
+ return list;
+ };
+ function Collision( targetNode, obstacleNode, overlapCoords, overlapType )
+ {
+ = targetNode;
+ this.obstacle = obstacleNode;
+ this.overlap = overlapCoords;
+ this.overlapType = overlapType;
+ }
+ Collision.prototype.distance = function( other )
+ {
+ var tc =;
+ var oc = c.overlap;
+ return Math.sqrt( (tc.centerx()-oc.centerx())*(tc.centerx()-oc.centerx()) +
+ (tc.centery()-oc.centery())*(tc.centery()-oc.centery()) );
+ }
+ function CollisionFactory( targets, obstacles, containment )
+ {
+ this.targets = targets;
+ this.obstacles = obstacles;
+ this.collisions = null;
+ this.cache = null;
+ if( containment ) this.containment = containment;
+ else this.containment = null;
+ }
+ CollisionFactory.prototype.getCollisions = function( overlapType )
+ {
+ if( this.collisions !== null ) return this.collisions;
+ this.cache = {};
+ this.collisions = [];
+ // note: doesn't do any dup-detection, so if you ask if something collides with
+ // itself, it will!
+ if( ! overlapType ) overlapType = "collision";
+ if( overlapType != "collision" && overlapType != "protrusion" ) return [];
+ var c = [];
+ var t = this.targets;
+ var o = this.obstacles;
+ for( var ti=0; ti<t.length; ti++ )
+ {
+ var tc = t[ti];
+ for( var oi=0; oi<o.length; oi++ )
+ {
+ var oc = o[oi];
+ var ol = ( (overlapType=="collision") ? tc.overlaps( oc ) : tc.protrusions( oc.innerContainer() ) );
+ for( var oli=0; oli<ol.length; oli++ )
+ {
+ c.push( new Collision( t[ti], o[oi], ol[oli], overlapType ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.collisions = c;
+ return c;
+ };
+ //
+ // Setup
+ //
+ function makeCoordsArray( j )
+ {
+ return $(j).get().map(function(e,i,a){ return new CollisionCoords( $(e) ); });
+ }
+ function combineQueries( array )
+ {
+ var j = $();
+ for( var i=0; i<array.length; i++ )
+ {
+ j=j.add( array[i] );
+ }
+ return j;
+ }
+ $.fn.collision = function( selector, options )
+ {
+ if( ! options ) options = {};
+ var mode = "collision";
+ var as = null;
+ var cd = null;
+ var od = null;
+ var dd = null;
+ var rel = "body"; // can be "body" (default), "collider", "obstacle", or a selector
+ if( options.mode == "protrusion" ) mode = options.mode;
+ if( ) as =;
+ if( options.colliderData ) cd = options.colliderData;
+ if( options.obstacleData ) od = options.obstacleData;
+ if( options.directionData ) dd = options.directionData;
+ if( options.relative ) rel = options.relative;
+ var cf = new CollisionFactory( makeCoordsArray(this), makeCoordsArray(selector) );
+ var ov = cf.getCollisions( mode );
+ var array;
+ // if no "as", then just the jquery object that we collided with
+ // but if there's as="<div/>", then make div's out of the overlaps
+ if( ! as ) array = $.map( ov, function(e,i,a){ return e.obstacle.proto; } );
+ else array = $.map( ov, function(e,i,a){ var xoff = e.overlap.x1;
+ var yoff = e.overlap.y1;
+ if( rel && rel != "body" )
+ {
+ var r = rel == "collider" ? $( :
+ rel == "obstacle" ? $(e.obstacle.proto) :
+ $(rel);
+ if( r.length>0 )
+ {
+ var roff = r.offset();
+ xoff -= roff.left;
+ yoff -=;
+ }
+ }
+ var c = $(as).offset( { left: xoff, top: yoff } )
+ .width( e.overlap.width() )
+ .height( e.overlap.height() );
+ if( cd ), $(;
+ if( od ), $(e.obstacle.proto));
+ if( dd && e.overlap.dir ), e.overlap.dir);
+ return c;
+ } );
+ return combineQueries( array );
+ };
diff --git a/modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib/jquery-ui-draggable-collision.js b/modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib/jquery-ui-draggable-collision.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ef553b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/roomplanner/js/lib/jquery-ui-draggable-collision.js
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014 Djuri Baars
+Copyright (c) 2011 Sean Cusack
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ // Default settings
+ var DEBUG = false;
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.obstacle = ".ui-draggable-collision-obstacle";
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.restraint = ".ui-draggable-collision-restraint";
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.collider = ".ui-draggable-dragging";
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.colliderData = null;
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.obstacleData = null;
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.directionData = null;
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.relative = "body";
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.preventCollision = false;
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.preventProtrusion = false;
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.collisionVisualDebug = false;
+ $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.multipleCollisionInteractions = [];
+ // Plugin setup
+ $.ui.plugin.add( "draggable", "obstacle", {
+ create: function(event,ui){ handleInit .call( this, event, ui ); },
+ start: function(event,ui){ handleStart .call( this, event, ui ); } ,
+ drag: function(event,ui){ return this, event, ui ); } ,
+ stop: function(event,ui){ this, event, ui );
+ handleStop .call( this, event, ui ); }
+ });
+ // NOTE: the "handleCollide" function must do all collision and protrusion detection at once, in order for the
+ // simultaneous prevention cases to work properly, so basically, if you ask for both, the obstacle events
+ // will occur first (and do both), and then these will trigger, see that they have an obstacle, and not
+ // do anything a second time
+ $.ui.plugin.add( "draggable", "restraint", {
+ create: function(event,ui){ handleInit .call( this, event, ui ); },
+ start: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle ) // if there are obstacles, we already handled both
+ {
+ handleStart .call( this, event, ui );
+ }
+ } ,
+ drag: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle ) // if there are obstacles, we already handled both
+ {
+ return this, event, ui );
+ }
+ } ,
+ stop: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle ) // if there are obstacles, we already handled both
+ {
+ this, event, ui );
+ handleStop .call( this, event, ui );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Likewise, if we already have an obstacle or restraint, we've done it all, so don't repeat
+ $.ui.plugin.add( "draggable", "multipleCollisionInteractions", {
+ create: function(event,ui){ handleInit .call( this, event, ui ); },
+ start: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle &&
+ ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.restraint )
+ {
+ handleStart .call( this, event, ui );
+ }
+ } ,
+ drag: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle &&
+ ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.restraint )
+ {
+ return this, event, ui );
+ }
+ } ,
+ stop: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle &&
+ ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.restraint )
+ {
+ this, event, ui );
+ handleStop .call( this, event, ui );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Private Classes
+ //
+ ////////////
+ // EVENTS //
+ ////////////
+ function CollisionEvent( eventType, collider, obstacle, collisionType, collision )
+ {
+ this, eventType );
+ this.collider = collider;
+ this.obstacle = obstacle;
+ this.collisionType = collisionType;
+ this.collision = collision;
+ }
+ CollisionEvent.prototype = new $.Event( "" );
+ function CollisionCheckEvent( eventType, collider, obstacle, collisionType )
+ {
+ this, eventType );
+ this.collider = collider;
+ this.obstacle = obstacle;
+ this.collisionType = collisionType;
+ }
+ CollisionCheckEvent.prototype = new $.Event( "" );
+ //////////////////////
+ //////////////////////
+ function Coords( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
+ {
+ this.x1 = x1;
+ this.y1 = y1;
+ this.x2 = x2;
+ this.y2 = y2;
+ }
+ Coords.prototype.width = function() { return (this.x2-this.x1); };
+ Coords.prototype.height = function() { return (this.y2+this.y1); };
+ Coords.prototype.centerx = function() { return (this.x1+this.x2)/2; };
+ Coords.prototype.centery = function() { return (this.y1+this.y2)/2; };
+ Coords.prototype.area = function() { return this.width()*this.height(); };
+ Coords.prototype.hash = function() { return "["+[this.x1,this.y1,this.x2,this.y2].join(",")+"]"; };
+ Coords.prototype.distance = function(c)
+ {
+ return this.distanceTo( c.centerx(), c.centery() );
+ };
+ Coords.prototype.distanceTo = function(x,y)
+ {
+ var dx = this.centerx()-x;
+ var dy = this.centerx()-y;
+ return Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
+ };
+ /////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////
+ // create a box with the same total area, centered at center of gravity
+ function centerGravity( coordsList )
+ {
+ if( coordsList.length <= 0 ) return null;
+ var wsumx = 0;
+ var wsumy = 0;
+ var suma = 0;
+ for( var i = 0; i < coordsList.length; i++ )
+ {
+ suma += coordsList[i].area();
+ wsumx += coordsList[i].centerx() * coordsList[i].area();
+ wsumy += coordsList[i].centery() * coordsList[i].area();
+ }
+ var d = Math.sqrt( suma ); // dimension of square (both w and h)
+ return new Coords( (wsumx/suma) - d/2, (wsumy/suma) - d/2, (wsumx/suma) + d/2, (wsumy/suma) + d/2 );
+ }
+ // convert a jq object into a Coords object, handling all the nice-n-messy offsets and margins and crud
+ function jq2Coords( jq, dx, dy )
+ {
+ var x1,y1, x2, y2;
+ if( !dx ) dx=0;
+ if( !dy ) dy=0;
+ if( jq.parent().length > 0 )
+ {
+ x1 = dx + jq.offset().left - (parseInt(jq.css("margin-left"))||0);
+ y1 = dy + jq.offset().top - (parseInt(jq.css("margin-top" ))||0);
+ x2 = x1 + jq.outerWidth( true);
+ y2 = y1 + jq.outerHeight(true);
+ } else {
+ x1 = dx + parseInt(jq.css("left" )) || 0;
+ y1 = dy + parseInt(jq.css("top" )) || 0;
+ x2 = x1 + parseInt(jq.css("width" )) || 0;
+ y2 = y1 + parseInt(jq.css("height")) || 0;
+ x2 += (parseInt(jq.css("margin-left"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("border-left"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("padding-left"))||0) +
+ (parseInt(jq.css("padding-right"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("border-right"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("margin-right"))||0);
+ y2 += (parseInt(jq.css("margin-top"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("border-top"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("padding-top"))||0) +
+ (parseInt(jq.css("padding-bottom"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("border-bottom"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("margin-bottom"))||0);
+ }
+ return new Coords( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
+ }
+ function jqList2CenterGravity( jqList, dx, dy )
+ {
+ return centerGravity( jqList.toArray().map( function(e,i,a){ return jq2Coords($(e),dx,dy); } ) );
+ }
+ /////////////////////
+ /////////////////////
+ function Collision( jq, cdata, odata, type, dx, dy, ddata, recentCenterOfGravity, mousex, mousey )
+ {
+ if(!recentCenterOfGravity) recentCenterOfGravity=jqList2CenterGravity($(this.collider), dx, dy);
+ if(!dx) dx = 0;
+ if(!dy) dy = 0;
+ this.collision = $(jq );
+ this.collider = $(;
+ this.obstacle = $(;
+ this.direction =;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.dx = dx;
+ this.dy = dy;
+ this.centerOfMass = recentCenterOfGravity;
+ this.collisionCoords = jq2Coords( this.collision );
+ this.colliderCoords = jq2Coords( this.collider, dx, dy );
+ this.obstacleCoords = jq2Coords( this.obstacle );
+ if(!mousex) mousex = this.colliderCoords.centerx();
+ if(!mousey) mousex = this.colliderCoords.centery();
+ this.mousex = mousex;
+ this.mousey = mousey;
+ }
+ // amount "embedded" into obstacle in x-direction
+ // might be negative or zero if it doesn't make sense
+ // this is used with the delta calculation - if its <= 0, it'll get skipped
+ // dirx is -1 or +1, depending on which way we are orienting things (which way we want to move it)
+ // NOTE: originally, we were taking the collision area into account, but it's easier to recalc embed value
+ Collision.prototype.embedx = function( dirx )
+ {
+ if( this.type == "collision" )
+ {
+ if( dirx < 0 ) /* want to move left */ return this.colliderCoords.x2 - this.obstacleCoords.x1;
+ if( dirx > 0 ) /* want to move right */ return this.obstacleCoords.x2 - this.colliderCoords.x1;
+ }
+ else if( this.type == "protrusion" )
+ {
+ // if we're embedded in a top/bottom edge, don't move left or right, silly:
+ if( ( this.direction == "N" ) || ( this.direction == "S" ) ) return 0;
+ if( dirx < 0 ) /* want to move left */ return this.colliderCoords.x2 - this.obstacleCoords.x2;
+ if( dirx > 0 ) /* want to move right */ return this.obstacleCoords.x1 - this.colliderCoords.x1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+ // and ditto for y-direction
+ Collision.prototype.embedy = function( diry )
+ {
+ if( this.type == "collision" )
+ {
+ if( diry < 0 ) /* want to move up */ return this.colliderCoords.y2 - this.obstacleCoords.y1;
+ if( diry > 0 ) /* want to move down */ return this.obstacleCoords.y2 - this.colliderCoords.y1;
+ }
+ else if( this.type == "protrusion" )
+ {
+ // if we're embedded in a left/right edge, don't move up or down, silly:
+ if( ( this.direction == "E" ) || ( this.direction == "W" ) ) return 0;
+ if( diry < 0 ) /* want to move up */ return this.colliderCoords.y2 - this.obstacleCoords.y2;
+ if( diry > 0 ) /* want to move down */ return this.obstacleCoords.y1 - this.colliderCoords.y1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+ // distance from collision to recent center of mass, i.e. it used to be in one place, and we're dragging it
+ // to another, so the "overlap" of some collider happens a certain "distance" from the center of where stuff
+ // used to be...
+ Collision.prototype.distance = function()
+ {
+ var cx1 = this.centerOfMass.centerx();
+ var cy1 = this.centerOfMass.centery();
+ var cx2 = this.collisionCoords.centerx();
+ var cy2 = this.collisionCoords.centery();
+ return Math.sqrt( (cx2-cx1)*(cx2-cx1) + (cy2-cy1)*(cy2-cy1) );
+ };
+ Collision.prototype.hash = function(){ return this.type+"["+this.colliderCoords.hash()+","+this.obstacleCoords.hash()+"]"; };
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // sort so that collisions closest to recent center of mass come first -- we need to resolve them in order
+ function collisionComparison(c1,c2)
+ {
+ var cd1 = c1.distance();
+ var cd2 = c2.distance();
+ return ( ( cd1 < cd2 ) ? -1 : ( cd1 > cd2 ) ? +1 : 0 );
+ }
+ ///////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////
+ function Interaction( draggable, options )
+ {
+ this.draggable = $(draggable);
+ this.obstacleSelector = options.obstacle || ".ui-draggable-collision-obstacle" ;
+ this.restraintSelector = options.restraint || ".ui-draggable-collision-restraint" ;
+ this.obstacle = $(options.obstacle || ".ui-draggable-collision-obstacle" );
+ this.restraint = $(options.restraint || ".ui-draggable-collision-restraint" );
+ var collider = options.collider || ".ui-draggable-dragging" ;
+ this.collider = draggable.find( collider ).andSelf().filter( collider );
+ this.colliderData = options.colliderData || null;
+ this.obstacleData = options.obstacleData || null;
+ this.directionData = options.directionData || null;
+ this.relative = options.relative || "body";
+ this.preventCollision = options.preventCollision || false;
+ this.preventProtrusion = options.preventProtrusion || false;
+ this.collisions = $();
+ this.protrusions = $();
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Main handler functions
+ //
+ function uiTrigger( _this, widget, eventName, event, ui )
+ {
+ $ widget, eventName, event, ui );
+ _this.trigger( event, ui );
+ }
+ function handleInit( event, ui, type )
+ {
+ var w = $(this).data("ui-draggable");
+ var o = w.options;
+ }
+ function handleStart(event,ui)
+ {
+ VISUAL_DEBUG = $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.collisionVisualDebug;
+ $(this).data( "jquery-ui-draggable-collision-recent-position", ui.originalPosition );
+ }
+ function handleStop (event,ui)
+ {
+ $(this).removeData("jquery-ui-draggable-collision-recent-position");
+ if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) $(".testdebug").remove();
+ }
+ // This is the monolithic workhorse of the plugin:
+ // * At the beginning and end, it sends out all the pre/post-collision/protrusion events
+ // * In the middle, it both calculates collisions, and prevents them if requested
+ // * When it's either tried its best, or found a fit, or wasn't required to avoid obstacles, it sends out actual collision events
+ //
+ // Inside the first big loop is the actual "prevention" logic
+ // * It calculates the "intended position" of everything, checks all the collision logic, and if it needs to,
+ // then calculates a delta movement to see if that fits, and the loop continues until it either works,
+ // or an arbitrary iteration limit is reached, just in case it gets in a loop
+ // * The delta function is described in more detail below
+ //
+ // During all the "trying a new position" and "determining collisions" calculations, it's not using purely the
+ // current position of the colliders -- it can't because the draggable is now in a new "intended position",
+ // and with it, all its children, including any collider children
+ // * So, it keeps track of a dx and dy from known position, and populates a "jquery-collision-coordinates" data value
+ // that the jquery-collision plugin takes into account during the calculations
+ // * Also, the Coords() values get populated with these offsets at various times, so that they reflect "intended position"
+ //
+ // Note also that the collider, obstacle, and direction data fields are temporarily overriden (because we need them here,
+ // and the user may not have asked for them), and then erased and placed where the user wants them, right before
+ // sending out the collision events
+ //
+ // Note also that the collisions and protrusions requested are "relative" to "body". If the use asked for
+ // something relative, it has to get translated right before sending out the events...
+ function handleCollide( event, ui )
+ {
+ // Note that $(this) is the draggable that's moving - it has a ui.position that moves acording to where
+ // the draggable is "about to move". However, our "collidable" objects might not be the same as $(this) -
+ // they might be child elements. So we need to keep track of recent and present position so we can apply the
+ // "intended" dx and dy to all the moving elements:
+ var rp = $(this).data("jquery-ui-draggable-collision-recent-position");
+ if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "handleCollision ******************************************************************" ); }
+ if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) $(".testdebug").remove();
+ var ctyp = "collision";
+ var prec = "precollision";
+ var postc = "postcollision";
+ var ptyp = "protrusion";
+ var prep = "preprotrusion";
+ var postp = "postprotrusion";
+ // NOTE: widget is used for uiTrigger, otherwise event-binders don't get a "ui" variable
+ var widget = $(this).data("ui-draggable");
+ var o = widget.options;
+ // List of Interactions -- first one is the main set of args from the .draggable() setup call, rest are multipleCollisionInteractions:[...]
+ var ilist = [];
+ if( o.obstacle || o.restraint ) ilist.push( new Interaction( $(this), o ) );
+ if( o.multipleCollisionInteractions && o.multipleCollisionInteractions['length'] )
+ {
+ var mci = o.multipleCollisionInteractions;
+ for( var i=0; i<mci.length; i++ )
+ ilist.push( new Interaction( $(this), mci[i] ) );
+ }
+ if( ilist.length <= 0 )
+ {
+ // Just forget the whole stpuid business - why are we in here, anyways - no interactions to check
+ // Cache the current position anyways, and jump out:
+ $(this).data( "jquery-ui-draggable-collision-recent-position", ui.position );
+ return;
+ }
+ var d1 = "ui-draggable-collision-collider-temp";
+ var d2 = "ui-draggable-collision-obstacle-temp";
+ var d3 = "ui-draggable-collision-direction-temp";
+ var di = "ui-draggable-collision-interaction-temp";
+ var d =;
+ var as = "<div />";
+ if( d && ) as =;
+ var e;
+ // Try moving things twice the number of colliders times obstacles+restraints, plus 1 original attempt
+ // We need to calculate maxiter here because there may be several levels of interactions
+ // (Honestly, anything will do, just need a reasonable cutoff)
+ var maxiter = 1;
+ // Global just-about-to-check-collisions event:
+ for( var i=0; i<ilist.length; i++ )
+ {
+ maxiter += 2 * ilist[i].collider.length * ( ilist[i].obstacle.length + ilist[i].restraint.length );
+ {
+ ilist[i].obstacle .each(function(){$(this).clone().removeClass().empty().addClass("testdebug").css("pointer-events","none")
+ .css("background","transparent").css("padding","0px")
+ .css("border","1px solid black" ).css("margin","-1px")
+ .appendTo($(this).parent());});
+ ilist[i].restraint.each(function(){$(this).clone().removeClass().empty().addClass("testdebug").css("pointer-events","none")
+ .css("background","transparent").css("padding","0px")
+ .css("border","1px solid magenta").css("margin","-1px")
+ .appendTo($(this).parent());});
+ }
+ if( ilist[i].obstacleSelector )
+ {
+ e = new CollisionCheckEvent( prec, $(this), ilist[i].obstacle, ctyp )
+ uiTrigger( ilist[i].collider, widget, prec, e, ui );
+ }
+ if( ilist[i].restraintSelector )
+ {
+ e = new CollisionCheckEvent( prep, $(this), ilist[i].restraint, ptyp )
+ uiTrigger( ilist[i].collider, widget, prep, e, ui );
+ }
+ }
+ var origleft = rp.left;
+ var origtop =;
+ var origdx = ui.position.left - rp.left;
+ var origdy = -;
+ var dx;
+ var dy;
+ var ocl = []; // list of Collision()'s total
+ var cocl = []; // list of Collision()'s just from collisions
+ var pocl = []; // list of Collision()'s just from protrusions
+ var ccl = []; // list of Collision()'s just from containment (also a protrusion)
+ // Check if there's containment for the draggable:
+ var $cont = $();
+ if( widget.containment )
+ {
+ maxiter += 2; // the main draggable container times twice the number of containers (1)
+ var cn = widget.containment;
+ $cont = $("<div />").offset( { left: cn[0], top: cn[1] } )
+ .width( cn[2]-cn[0]+$(this).width( ) ) // because it had the draggable's size chopped out :-P
+ .height( cn[3]-cn[1]+$(this).height() ); // because it had the draggable's size chopped out :-P
+ $cont.clone()
+ .css("background","transparent")
+ .css("border","1px solid blue")
+ .css("margin","-1px").css("padding","0px")
+ .addClass("testdebug")
+ .appendTo();
+ }
+ var deltaCache = {};
+ var iter = 0;
+ while( iter < maxiter )
+ {
+ iter++;
+ // Calc offset from recent move, so we can move the objects that are "coming along for the ride" before calculating their
+ // collisions. Otherwise the ui variable only keeps track of the main draggable, not its contents, which may contain
+ // the actual things that collide
+ dx = ui.position.left - rp.left;
+ dy = -;
+ // Empty the collision containers outside the interaction loop:
+ ocl = [];
+ cocl = [];
+ pocl = [];
+ for( var i=0; i<ilist.length; i++ )
+ {
+ ilist[i].collisions = $();
+ ilist[i].protrusions = $();
+ var $c = ilist[i].collider;
+ var $o = ilist[i].obstacle;
+ var $r = ilist[i].restraint;
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log( "trying inter,c,o,r=",ilist[i],$c,$o,$r)
+ // Add offset to coordinates before figuring out collisions, because we're basing it on "where its about to go", not "where it is":
+ // (Don't do this for anything but colliders! Applying to obstacles or restrictions or containment screws things up!!)
+ $c.each( function(){ $(this).data( "jquery-collision-coordinates", jq2Coords($(this),dx,dy) ); } );
+ var cog = jqList2CenterGravity($c);
+ for( var ci=0; ci<$c.length; ci++ )
+ {
+ // Calculate collisions separately from protrusions, as we might only prevent one or the other:
+ var oc = $($c[ci]).collision( $o, { mode: "collision", as: "<div />", colliderData: d1, obstacleData: d2, directionData: d3, relative: "body" } );
+ if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "collisions", oc ); }
+ // Add the interaction settings to their data, so we can pick it apart later:
+ di, ilist[i] );
+ // And add the collisions to the interaction:
+ ilist[i].collisions = ilist[i].collisions.add(oc);
+ // And if there are any, make the appropriate Collision() objects and add them to the list
+ if( oc.length > 0 )
+ {
+ cocl = oc.toArray().map( function(e,i,a){ return new Collision($(e), d1, d2, "collision" , dx, dy, d3, cog, event.pageX, event.pageY ); } );
+ ocl = ocl.concat( cocl );
+ if(VISUAL_DEBUG) $("<span>c"+iter+"</span>").appendTo(oc.addClass("testdebug").css("position","absolute").css("padding","0px")
+ .css("border","1px solid black").css("margin","-1").appendTo("body"));
+ }
+ // Calculate protrusions likewise:
+ oc = $($c[ci]).collision( $r, { mode: "protrusion", as: "<div />", colliderData: d1, obstacleData: d2, directionData: d3, relative: "body" } );
+ if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "protrusions", oc ); }
+ // Add the interaction settings to their data, so we can pick it apart later:
+ di, ilist[i] );
+ // And add the protrusions to the interaction:
+ ilist[i].protrusions = ilist[i].protrusions.add( oc );
+ // And if there are any, make the appropriate Collision() objects and add them to the list
+ if( oc.length > 0 )
+ {
+ pocl = oc.toArray().map( function(e,i,a){ return new Collision($(e), d1, d2, "protrusion", dx, dy, d3, cog, event.pageX, event.pageY ); } );
+ ocl = ocl.concat( pocl );
+ if(VISUAL_DEBUG) $("<span>p"+iter+"</span>").appendTo(oc.addClass("testdebug").css("position","absolute").css("padding","0px")
+ .css("border","1px solid magenta").css("margin","-1").appendTo("body"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Now remove coordinate offsets before sending events, otherwise event results might futz with em:
+ $c.each( function(){ $(this).removeData( "jquery-collision-coordinates" ); } );
+ }
+ if( widget.containment )
+ {
+ // Add offset to coordinates before figuring out collisions, because we're basing it on "where its about to go", not "where it is":
+ // (Don't do this for anything but colliders! Applying to obstacles or restrictions or containment screws things up!!)
+ $(this).each( function(){ $(this).data( "jquery-collision-coordinates", jq2Coords($(this),dx,dy) ); } );
+ // Check protrusion from container as well
+ // NOTE: since draggable plugin has already applied containment, if we accidentally move it outside, it won't fix it for us
+ var $cc = $(this).collision( $cont, { mode: "protrusion", as: "<div />", colliderData: d1, obstacleData: d2, directionData: d3, relative: "body" } );
+ ccl = $cc.toArray().map( function(e,i,a){ return new Collision($(e), d1, d2, "protrusion", dx, dy, d3, jqList2CenterGravity($c), event.pageX, event.pageY ); } );
+ if(VISUAL_DEBUG) $("<span>x"+iter+"</span>").appendTo($cc.addClass("testdebug").css("position","absolute")
+ .css("padding","0px").css("border","1px solid blue").css("margin","-1").appendTo("body"));
+ // Now remove coordinate offsets before sending events, otherwise event results might futz with em:
+ $(this).each( function(){ $(this).removeData( "jquery-collision-coordinates" ); } );
+ }
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log("checking if we have any collisions at all...");
+ // If there's no collisions, INCLUDING the container, stop now, don't keep doing stuff
+ if( ( cocl.length <= 0 ) && ( pocl.length <= 0 ) && ( ccl.length <= 0 ) ) break;
+ var doneAdjusting = true;
+ // Go through each interaction -- if any of them break the prevention rule, we aren't done adjusting yet
+ for( var i=0; i<ilist.length; i++ )
+ {
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log("checking adjustments for",ilist[i],"ccl=",ccl,
+ "pc,cl,pp,pl=",ilist[i].preventCollision, ilist[i].collisions.length, ilist[i].preventProtrusion, ilist[i].protrusions.length);
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log("checking if we overstepped our containment...");
+ // If we aren't trying to prevent anything yet we SOMEHOW jumped our containment, stop - this shouldn't ever happen, DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!
+ if( ( ! ilist[i].preventCollision ) && ( ! ilist[i].preventProtrusion ) && ( ccl.length > 0 ) )
+ {
+ if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "not trying to prevent anything, but jumped our containment", ilist[i] ); }
+ doneAdjusting = false;
+ }
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log("checking if we want to block something we have collided with...");
+ // More specifically, if aren't any collisions that we actually want to prevent, stop -- though we have to think of this in the opposite sense:
+ // if we DO either
+ // want to prevent collisions yet have a collision or containment failure, OR
+ // want to prevent protrusions yet have a protrusion or a containment failure,
+ // then DON'T STOP
+ if( ( ilist[i].preventCollision && ( ( ilist[i].collisions .length > 0 ) || ( ccl.length > 0 ) ) ) ||
+ ( ilist[i].preventProtrusion && ( ( ilist[i].protrusions.length > 0 ) || ( ccl.length > 0 ) ) ) )
+ {
+ if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "trying to prevent something that we're still hitting", ilist[i] ); }
+ doneAdjusting = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if( doneAdjusting )
+ {
+ if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "done adjusting" ); }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log("calculating delta with ocl,ccl=",ocl,ccl);
+ // Calculate a delta to move, based on collisions+protrusions and containment
+ var d = delta( ocl.concat(), ccl, deltaCache );
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log("dx=",d.dx,"dy=",d.dy);
+ // If there's nothing to do, stop -- it shouldn't happen if we had collisions, but...
+ if( d.dx == 0 && d.dy == 0 ) break;
+ // Apply the movement, and let the loop run again, to see if our proposed delta movement was any good
+ ui.position.left += d.dx;
+ += d.dy;
+ }
+ dx = ui.position.left - rp.left;
+ dy = -;
+ /* deactivated for now - doesn't seem to be needed - may revisit later:
+ // if our new center of gravity is further from the mouse position than the last one, revert
+ var origd = jqList2CenterGravity($c,origdx,origdy).distanceTo( event.pageX, event.pageY );
+ var newd = jqList2CenterGravity($c, dx, dy).distanceTo( event.pageX, event.pageY );
+ if( newd > origd ) { console.log("center of gravity issue: ",origd,newd); } // add this to revert
+ */
+ // If we failed to find a fit, revert to the previous position
+ if( ( iter > maxiter ) || // if we ran out of iterations, tough, revert
+ ( ccl.length > 0 ) || // if we ran outside out containment, also revert
+ ( o.preventProtrusion && ( pocl.length > 0 ) ) || // if we have a protrusion and are trying to prevent protrusions, revert
+ ( o.preventCollision && ( cocl.length > 0 ) ) ) // if we have a collision and are trying to prevent collisions, revert
+ {
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log("reverting, i=",iter,"maxiter=",maxiter,"cocl=",cocl,"cocl.len=",cocl.length,"pocl=",
+ pocl,"pocl.len=",pocl.length,"ccl=",ccl,"ccl.len=",ccl.length,
+ //"newd=",newd,"origd=",origd,
+ "origdx=",origdx,"origdy=",origdy,"dx=",dx,"dy=",dy);
+ ui.position.left = origleft;
+ = origtop;
+ }
+ // NOW we can go through and actually send out the events -- we couldn't before, because we might have hit
+ // collisions multiple times during the course of trying to prevent them
+ for( var ci=0; ci<ocl.length; ci++ )
+ {
+ var oc = ocl[ci]; // each ocl[n] is a Collision()
+ for( var oci=0; oci<oc.collision.length; oci++ )
+ {
+ var $occ = $( oc.collision[oci] );
+ // Remove our custom data elements that guaranteed us getting the data we needed
+ var $coll = $( $ );
+ var $obs = $( $ );
+ var dir = $;
+ var inter = $;
+ $occ.removeData(d1).removeData(d2).removeData(d3).removeData(di);
+ // And add them back in if the user really wanted them after all
+ if( inter.colliderData ) $ inter.colliderData, $coll ); // not that useful, since event gets it, but meh
+ if( inter.obstacleData ) $ inter.obstacleData, $obs ); // not that useful, since event gets it, but meh
+ if( dir && inter.directionData ) $ inter.directionData, dir );
+ if( inter.relative && inter.relative != "body" )
+ {
+ var off = $occ.offset();
+ var rel = inter.relative == "collider" ? $coll :
+ inter.relative == "obstacle" ? $obs :
+ $(inter.relative);
+ var ro = rel.offset();
+ $occ.offset( { left: off.left-ro.left, top: } );
+ }
+ // Send actual collision event - one per collision, i.e. per collider per collided:
+ if( inter.obstacleSelector && ( oc.type == "collision" ) )
+ {
+ e = new CollisionEvent( ctyp, $coll, $obs, ctyp, $occ );
+ uiTrigger( $coll, widget, ctyp, e, ui );
+ }
+ if( inter.restraintSelector && ( oc.type == "protrusion" ) )
+ {
+ e = new CollisionEvent( ptyp, $coll, $obs, ptyp, $occ );
+ uiTrigger( $coll, widget, ptyp, e, ui );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Global just-checked-collisions event:
+ for( var i=0; i<ilist.length; i++ )
+ {
+ if( ilist[i].obstacleSelector )
+ {
+ e = new CollisionCheckEvent( postc, $(this), ilist[i].obstacle, ctyp )
+ uiTrigger( ilist[i].collider, widget, postc, e, ui );
+ }
+ if( ilist[i].restraintSelector )
+ {
+ e = new CollisionCheckEvent( postp, $(this), ilist[i].restraint, ptyp )
+ uiTrigger( ilist[i].collider, widget, postp, e, ui );
+ }
+ }
+ // And put the resulting ui position in our cache, so that if we keep dragging, we'll know how far stuff moved since this time
+ $(this).data( "jquery-ui-draggable-collision-recent-position", ui.position );
+ }
+ // This is the inner-loop collision-prevention function, called maxiter times inside handleCollide()
+ // Its purpose is to determine a single [dx,dy] to move the whole list of colliders and draggable,
+ // in an attempt to fit them properly. Only one of dx or dy will be non-zero at a time.
+ // The cache argument is a simple object passed in from handleCollide, and is used to store previously-
+ // -tried movements, so that it doesn't repeat itself.
+ // * The most common repeat case is if a collider is stuck inbetween two obstacles, and the space isn't big
+ // enough -- one iteration will have it clear obstacle A, but embed into obstacle B, and the next iteration
+ // will reverse it, and it will get nowhere quickly.
+ // * The key for the hash is collider+obstacle coordinates, so the same collider won't avoid the same obstacle
+ // in the same way twice. (Actually three times, see below.)
+ // * Note that the value of the hash is either nothing, "tried normal", or "tried reverse"
+ // * Nothing means it hasn't been tried yet
+ // * Tried normal means it was tried once
+ // * Tried reverse means it was tried a second time
+ // How does it determine how to move things around?
+ // * It calculates an "embed" value, i.e. how far the collider is "embedded" into the obstacle
+ // * And a direction, either towards center of gravity or away, depending on if it's a collision or protrusion
+ // * And it returns that
+ // How does it choose what obstacle to avoid?
+ // * It first sorts all the "collisions" (remember, these are the actual overlapping regions) based on how
+ // far their centers of gravity are from the last known center of gravity of the draggable itself,
+ // which was passed in during the creation of the Collision objects
+ // * It looks at the last one first, so the furthest from the object -- that way, it's going to always reign
+ // it in towards the last known good value, otherwise "closer" obstacles might keep shoving it away forever
+ // * Next, it calculates the embed values in the x and y direction, and picks the smallest one -- so if it's
+ // embedded heavily in the x-direction and only a little in the y, it'll pick the y first (small changes are
+ // more likely to succeed)
+ // * If it's a negative value, it tries again, because the embed function does the sanity-checking if we
+ // tried to move it in a strange or useless way
+ // * Finally, this is why it tries each "position" twice -- because for each starting position, it tries the
+ // smaller movement first, but then it tries the larger one. That's why the cache keeps track of the
+ // "tried reverse" value
+ // In the end, it returns a { dx:_, dy:_ } object, the handleCollision tries moving everything around, recalculates
+ // all the collisions, and calls this again to see what to do next
+ // NOTE: you can't easily re-calc "real position" from the jquery objects, because they're tagged with data that has
+ // offsets that are used internally by the jquery-collision plugin, so only use the thisc.*Coords values
+ function delta( collisions, containments, cache )
+ {
+ var c = collisions.concat(containments).sort( collisionComparison );
+ if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) { if(!cache.deltanum){ cache.deltanum = 1; } }
+ if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "collisions, in order: ",,i,a){return e.collisionCoords.hash();}).join(",") ); }
+ while( c.length > 0 )
+ {
+ // note _pop_ not _shift_. we want to grab furthest collision from center of mass first...
+ // this one is likely the one causing the most problems, because something is embedded deeply into
+ // some obstacle:
+ var thisc = c.pop();
+ var co = thisc.obstacleCoords;
+ var cc = thisc.colliderCoords;
+ var cv = thisc.collisionCoords;
+ var ct = thisc.type;
+ var cd = thisc.direction;
+ var key = thisc.hash();
+ var dirx = ( thisc.type=="protrusion" ? ( cc.centerx() > co.centerx() ? -1 : +1 )
+ : ( cc.centerx() > co.centerx() ? +1 : -1 ) );
+ var diry = ( thisc.type=="protrusion" ? ( cc.centery() > co.centery() ? -1 : +1 )
+ : ( cc.centery() > co.centery() ? +1 : -1 ) );
+ var dx = thisc.embedx( dirx );
+ var dy = thisc.embedy( diry );
+ if( DEBUG ) console.log("cv,cc,co,ct,dx,dy,thisc.dx,thisc.dy,dirx,diry,co.centerx,co.centery,cc.centerx,cc.centery,key=",
+ cv.hash(),cc.hash(),co.hash(),ct,dx,dy,thisc.dx,thisc.dy,dirx,diry,co.centerx(),co.centery(),cc.centerx(),cc.centery(),key);
+ var tryToAdjustDX = ( dx < dy );
+ if( key in cache && cache[key] == "tried reverse" ) { if( DEBUG ) console.log("but already tried reverse too...");
+ continue; }
+ else if( key in cache && cache[key] == "tried normal" ) { if( DEBUG ) console.log("but already tried this...");
+ tryToAdjustDX=!tryToAdjustDX; cache[key]="tried reverse";
+ }
+ else { cache[key]="tried normal"; }
+ if( tryToAdjustDX )
+ {
+ if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) { $("<span>"+thisc.direction+"d"+cache.deltanum+".dx="+dx+"*"+dirx+"</span>").css("color","black").addClass("testdebug")
+ .css("position","absolute")
+ .css("white-space","nowrap").offset( { left: thisc.mousex, top: thisc.mousey + 20*(cache.deltanum-1) } ).appendTo("body"); cache.deltanum++; };
+ if( dx <= 0 ) { c.push(thisc); continue; }
+ return { "dx":dx*dirx, "dy":0 };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) { $("<span>"+thisc.direction+"d"+cache.deltanum+".dy="+dy+"*"+diry+"</span>").css("color","black").addClass("testdebug")
+ .css("position","absolute")
+ .css("white-space","nowrap").offset( { left: thisc.mousex, top: thisc.mousey + 20*(cache.deltanum-1) } ).appendTo("body"); cache.deltanum++; };
+ if( dy <= 0 ) { c.push(thisc); continue; }
+ return { "dx":0, "dy":dy*diry };
+ }
+ }
+ return { "dx":0, "dy":0 };
+ };