path: root/modules-available/statistics/pages
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2022-05-10 15:49:58 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2022-05-10 15:49:58 +0200
commit988ff2ca8229662615c13a9bc4cca0d9263ba5ec (patch)
tree04ad652acc49558866971ea9076ae49c404a9653 /modules-available/statistics/pages
parent[statistics] Don't try to check MBR partition IDs for non-MBR drives (diff)
[statistics] Show HDD count in list view
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/statistics/pages')
2 files changed, 27 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/pages/ b/modules-available/statistics/pages/
index 4d4da2b6..4eac2ee5 100644
--- a/modules-available/statistics/pages/
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/pages/
@@ -30,23 +30,32 @@ class SubPage
$filterSet->makeFragments($where, $join, $args);
$xtra = '';
- if ($filterSet->isNoId44Filter()) {
- $xtra .= ', data';
- }
if (Module::isAvailable('runmode')) {
$xtra .= ', runmode.module AS rmmodule, runmode.isclient';
if (strpos($join, 'runmode') === false) {
$join .= ' LEFT JOIN runmode ON (m.machineuuid = runmode.machineuuid) ';
- $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT m.machineuuid, m.locationid, m.macaddr, m.clientip, m.lastseen,
+ $allRows = Database::queryAll("SELECT m.machineuuid, m.locationid, m.macaddr, m.clientip, m.lastseen,
m.logintime, m.state, m.currentuser, m.currentrunmode, m.realcores, m.mbram, m.kvmstate, m.cpumodel, m.id44mb,
m.hostname, m.notes IS NOT NULL AS hasnotes,
m.badsectors, Count(s.machineuuid) AS confvars $xtra FROM machine m
LEFT JOIN setting_machine s ON (m.machineuuid = s.machineuuid)
$join WHERE $where GROUP BY m.machineuuid", $args);
- $rows = array();
- $singleMachine = 'none';
+ // If filter results in just one result, redirect to machine details
+ if (count($allRows) === 1) {
+ Util::redirect('?do=statistics&uuid=' . $allRows[0]['machineuuid']);
+ }
+ // Gather additional info that would be ugly to fetch via joins above
+ $uuids = array_column($allRows, 'machineuuid');
+ $machineWithHdds = Database::queryKeyValueList("SELECT mxx.machineuuid, Count(s.hwid) AS num
+ FROM statistic_hw s
+ INNER JOIN machine_x_hw AS mxx ON (s.hwid = mxx.hwid AND s.hwtype = :type
+ AND mxx.disconnecttime = 0 AND mxx.machineuuid IN (:ids))
+ GROUP BY mxx.machineuuid",
+ ['type' => HardwareInfo::HDD, 'ids' => $uuids]);
+ $machineWithConfigOverrides = Database::queryKeyValueList("SELECT machineuuid, Count(machineuuid) AS num
+ FROM setting_machine WHERE machineuuid IN (:ids) GROUP BY machineuuid", ['ids' => $uuids]);
// TODO: Cannot disable checkbox for those where user has no permission, since we got multiple actions now
// We should pass these lists to the output and add some JS magic
// Either disable the delete/reboot/... buttons as soon as at least one "forbidden" client is selected (potentially annoying)
@@ -59,12 +68,8 @@ class SubPage
// Only make client clickable if user is allowed to view details page
$detailsAllowedLocations = User::getAllowedLocations("machine.view-details");
$location = self::buildLocationLookup();
- foreach ($res as $row) {
- if ($singleMachine === 'none') {
- $singleMachine = $row['machineuuid'];
- } else {
- $singleMachine = false;
- }
+ $rows = [];
+ foreach ($allRows as &$row) {
$row['link_details'] = in_array($row['locationid'], $detailsAllowedLocations);
//$row['firstseen'] = Util::prettyTime($row['firstseen']);
$row['lastseen_int'] = $row['lastseen'];
@@ -83,10 +88,14 @@ class SubPage
if (empty($row['hostname'])) {
$row['hostname'] = $row['clientip'];
- if (isset($row['data'])) {
- if (!preg_match('#^Disk.* /dev/[^d].* (bytes$|sectors,)#m', $row['data'])) {
- $row['nohdd'] = true;
- }
+ if (isset($machineWithConfigOverrides[$row['machineuuid']])) {
+ $row['confvars'] = $machineWithConfigOverrides[$row['machineuuid']];
+ }
+ if (isset($machineWithHdds[$row['machineuuid']])) {
+ $row['hddcount'] = $machineWithHdds[$row['machineuuid']];
+ }
+ if (isset($row['data']) && !$row['data']) {
+ $row['nohdd'] = true;
$row['cpumodel'] = preg_replace('/\(R\)|\(TM\)|\bintel\b|\bamd\b|\bcpu\b|dual-core|\bdual\s+core\b|\bdual\b|\bprocessor\b/i', ' ', $row['cpumodel']);
if (!empty($row['rmmodule'])) {
@@ -116,10 +125,7 @@ class SubPage
if ($row['locationid'] > 0) {
$row['location'] = $location[$row['locationid']];
- $rows[] = $row;
- }
- if ($singleMachine !== false && $singleMachine !== 'none') {
- Util::redirect('?do=statistics&uuid=' . $singleMachine);
+ $rows[] =& $row;
$data = array(
'rowCount' => count($rows),
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/pages/ b/modules-available/statistics/pages/
index 798a5a83..9e51d9f9 100644
--- a/modules-available/statistics/pages/
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/pages/
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class SubPage
User::assertPermission('machine.view-details', (int)$client['locationid']);
// Hack: Get raw collected data
if (Request::get('raw', false)) {
- Header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ Header('Content-Type: application/json');
// Parse data