path: root/modules-available/sysconfig
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2016-05-04 18:27:28 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2016-05-04 18:27:28 +0200
commit80424b29e00609bf837119fa810b5afdadf2b4e9 (patch)
treee59c49265aeb219c4137bdf21e71262201345b99 /modules-available/sysconfig
parentWIP (diff)
Work on translations: templates and messages work
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/sysconfig')
46 files changed, 247 insertions, 401 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/template-tags.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/template-tags.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0d88a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/template-tags.json
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ "lang_activate": "Aktivieren",
+ "lang_active": "Aktiv",
+ "lang_adStarted": "Der AD-Proxy wird nun konfiguriert und gestartet...",
+ "lang_adText1": "Zum Einrichten der Benutzerauthentifizierung \u00fcber ein Active Directory wird neben der Adresse des anzusprechenden Servers ein dedizierter Benutzer im AD ben\u00f6tigt, \u00fcber welchen das AD angesprochen wird. Der Benutzer sollte in der gleichen Dom\u00e4ne sein, wie die Benutzer, die sich sp\u00e4ter an den Arbeitsstationen anmelden werden. Ansonsten ist es notwendig, die Suchbasis anzugeben.",
+ "lang_adText2": "Dieser Benutzer ben\u00f6tigt keine besonderen Rechte, Sie k\u00f6nnen diesem Benutzer zur Sicherheit auch die Rechte zum Anmelden entziehen. Der Benutzer muss lediglich ausreichende Berechtigungen haben, um einen LDAP-Bind am AD durchzuf\u00fchren, und nach Benutzern zu suchen.",
+ "lang_adText3": "Normalerweise k\u00f6nnen Sie als Bind DN die Kurzform im Format dom\u00e4ne\\benutzer angeben. Wenn dies nicht funktioniert, m\u00fcssen Sie den DN des Benutzers ermitteln. Z.B. unter Eingabe des folgenden Befehls auf einem DC:",
+ "lang_adText4": "Nach Eingabe aller ben\u00f6tigten Daten wird im n\u00e4chsten Schritt \u00fcberpr\u00fcft, ob die Kommunikation mit dem AD m\u00f6glich ist.",
+ "lang_add": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen",
+ "lang_allowPass": "Login mit Passwort zulassen",
+ "lang_allowPassInfo": "Wenn aktiviert, l\u00e4sst der sshd Logins mit Benutzername\/Passwort-Kombination zu. Ansonsten werden nur Logins nach dem pubkey-Verfahren zugelassen.",
+ "lang_asteriskMandatory": "Mit (*) gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder",
+ "lang_availableModules": "Verf\u00fcgbare Konfigurationsmodule",
+ "lang_availableSystem": "Verf\u00fcgbare Systemkonfigurationen",
+ "lang_back": "Zur\u00fcck",
+ "lang_bindDN": "Bind DN",
+ "lang_branding": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie ihr Einrichtungslogo im SVG-Format hochladen. Das SVG-Format ist ein Vektorgrafikformat, was zum Skalieren vorteilhaft ist. Eine gute Quelle f\u00fcr SVG-Logos von Unis und Hochschulen ist ihr jeweiliger Wikipedia-Artikel.",
+ "lang_brandingInfo": "Unten sehen Sie zur Kontrolle noch einmal das ausgew\u00e4hlte Logo. Sollten Sie das Logo nicht sehen k\u00f6nnen, pr\u00fcfen Sie bitte, ob Sie ein valides SVG-Bild verwendet haben. Alternativ ist es m\u00f6glich, dass beim Verarbeiten des Bildes ein Fehler auftrat. Sie k\u00f6nnen daher das Modul trotzdem speichern und testen, ob das Logo im bwLehrpool-System angezeigt wird.",
+ "lang_browseForFile": "Durchsuchen",
+ "lang_checkFileContent": "Hier haben Sie die M\u00f6glichkeit, den Inhalt des Archivs noch einmal zu \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen.",
+ "lang_close": "Schlie\u00dfen",
+ "lang_computerLoad": "Bild von lokalem Rechner hochladen",
+ "lang_configuration": "Konfiguration",
+ "lang_configurationActive": "Konfiguration aktivieren",
+ "lang_configurationChoose": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie, welche Module f\u00fcr diese Konfiguration verwendet werden sollen.",
+ "lang_configurationModuleNotFound": "Keine Konfigurationsmodule gefunden!",
+ "lang_configurationSuccess": "Die Konfiguration wurde erfolgreich erstellt.",
+ "lang_connectionWait": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfe Verbindung, bitte warten",
+ "lang_continueAnyway": "Trotzdem weiter",
+ "lang_customCertificate": "Zur Validierung zus\u00e4tzlich erforderliche (Intermediate-)Zertifikate",
+ "lang_customModuleInfo1": "\u00dcber ein benutzerdefiniertes Modul ist es m\u00f6glich, beliebige Dateien zum Linux-Grundsystem, das auf den Clients gebootet wird, hinzuzuf\u00fcgen. Dazu kann ein Archiv mit einer Dateisystemstruktur hochgeladen werden, die in dieser Form 1:1 in das gebootete Linux extrahiert wird.",
+ "lang_customModuleInfo2": "Beispiel: Enth\u00e4lt das hochgeladene Archiv eine Datei etc\/beispiel.conf, so wird auf einem gebooteten Client diese Datei als \/etc\/beispiel.conf zu finden sein.",
+ "lang_delete": "L\u00f6schen",
+ "lang_deleteLong": "Modul oder Konfiguration l\u00f6schen.",
+ "lang_dnLookup": "Ermitteln der Bind-DN",
+ "lang_download": "Herunterladen",
+ "lang_downloadLong": "Dieses Modul \"so wie es ist\" herunterladen.",
+ "lang_edit": "Bearbeiten",
+ "lang_editLong": "Modul oder Konfiguration bearbeiten.",
+ "lang_generateModule": "Modul erzeugen",
+ "lang_helpHomeAttrHead": "Name des Home-Verzeichnis-Attributs",
+ "lang_helpHomeAttrText": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie alternativ zum fest vorgegebenem Template des Home-Verzeichnis Servers den Attributsnamen im Active Directory angeben, der diesen Pfad bereitstellt. Normalerweise ist dies \"homeDirectory\". Wird das Feld leer gelassen, versucht der Assistent, das Attribut selbstst\u00e4ndig zu ermitteln. Falls das Einbinden der Home-Verzeichnisse anschlie\u00dfend nicht funktioniert, \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie bitte den Client-Log (Status->Client Log) und den LDAP-Proxy-Log (Status->Server Status).",
+ "lang_helpModuleConfiguration": "Konfigurationsmodule sind die Bausteine, aus denen eine Systemkonfiguration erstellt wird. Hier lassen sich sowohl generische Module durch einen Wizard anlegen, als auch komplett eigene Module erstellen (fortgeschritten, Linuxkenntnisse erforderlich).",
+ "lang_helpSystemConfiguration": "\u00dcber eine Systemkonfiguration wird die grundlegende Lokalisierung des bwLehrpool-Systems durchgef\u00fchrt. Dazu geh\u00f6ren Aspekte wie das Authentifizierungsverfahren f\u00fcr Benutzer (z.B. Active Directory, LDAP), Druckerkonfiguration, Home-Verzeichnisse, etc. Eine Systemkonfiguration setzt sich aus einem oder mehreren Konfigurationsmodulen zusammen, welche im angrenzenden Panel verwaltet werden k\u00f6nnen.",
+ "lang_homeAttr": "Home-Attribut",
+ "lang_homeAttributeExplanation": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie das Attribut, welches das Home-Verzeichnis der User enth\u00e4lt.",
+ "lang_ldapStarted": "Der LDAP-Proxy wurde gestartet",
+ "lang_ldapText1": "Mit diesem Wizard k\u00f6nnen Sie Authentifizierung gegen einen LDAP-Server einrichten.",
+ "lang_ldapText2": "Zu diesem Zweck wird ein LDAP-Proxy auf dem Satelliten-Server gestartet. Dies bedeutet, dass der LDAP-Server von diesem Server aus erreichbar sein muss. Die Pool-PCs hingegen m\u00fcssen nicht direkt mit dem LDAP-Server kommunizieren k\u00f6nnen.",
+ "lang_legend": "Legende",
+ "lang_listenPort": "Listen port",
+ "lang_listenPortInfo": "Der Port, auf dem der sshd lauscht. Der offizielle Standard ist 22.",
+ "lang_moduleChoose": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie aus, welche Art Konfigurationsmodul Sie erstellen m\u00f6chten.",
+ "lang_moduleConfiguration": "Konfigurationsmodule",
+ "lang_moduleName": "Modulname",
+ "lang_moduleTitle": "Titel",
+ "lang_name": "Name",
+ "lang_newConfiguration": "Neue Konfiguration",
+ "lang_newModule": "Neues Modul",
+ "lang_next": "Weiter",
+ "lang_noContent": "Kein Inhalt!",
+ "lang_noModuleOfType": "Kein Modul dieser Art vorhanden.",
+ "lang_noOpenPort": "Auf dem angegebenen Server wurde kein offener Port gefunden.",
+ "lang_noValidCert": "Der Server besitzt kein oder ein nicht valides Zertifikat.",
+ "lang_onProblemSearchBase": "Werden keine Benutzer gefunden, dann \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie bitte die Suchbasis",
+ "lang_or": "oder",
+ "lang_password": "Passwort",
+ "lang_rebuild": "Neu generieren",
+ "lang_rebuildLong": "Modul oder Konfiguration neu generieren. Das entsprechende Modul bzw. Konfiguration ist aktuell und sollte nicht neu generiert werden m\u00fcssen.",
+ "lang_rebuildOutdatedLong": "Modul oder Konfiguration neu generieren. Das entsprechende Modul bzw. Konfiguration ist veraltet oder nicht vorhanden.",
+ "lang_restartWizard": "Wizard neu starten",
+ "lang_rootKey": "root pubkey (\u00f6ffentlicher Schl\u00fcssel)",
+ "lang_rootKeyInfo": "Tragen Sie hier den \u00f6ffentlichen Schl\u00fcssel eines Schl\u00fcsselpaars ein, mit dem Sie sich als root-Benutzer an den Clients anmelden wollen. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um diese Funktion nicht zu verwenden.",
+ "lang_save": "Speichern",
+ "lang_searchBase": "Suchbasis",
+ "lang_selectFile": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie ein Archiv",
+ "lang_selectHomeAttribute": "Home-Attribut",
+ "lang_selfSignedNote": "Das Zertifikat des Servers scheint selbst signiert zu sein. Wenn Sie fortfahren wird versucht, die Zertifikatskette vom Server abzufragen. Dies ist in den meisten F\u00e4llen erfolgreich, sollte aber nur getan werden wenn Sie wissen, dass das Zertifikat des Servers von einer unbekannten CA signiert wurde. Falls die Authentifizierung anschlie\u00dfend nicht funktioniert, \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie die LDAP-Proxy Logs auf der Serverstatus-Seite.",
+ "lang_show": "Ansehen",
+ "lang_showLong": "Inhalt des Moduls anzeigen.",
+ "lang_skip": "Weiter",
+ "lang_ssl": "SSL",
+ "lang_sslDescription": "Die Verbindung zum AD-Server mit SSL sichern. (Die Verbindung zwischen Client und Proxy wird in jedem Fall mit SSL abgewickelt.)",
+ "lang_supportedFiles": "Unterst\u00fctzte Archivformate",
+ "lang_systemConfiguration": "Systemkonfiguration",
+ "lang_systemConfigurationAlert": "Bevor Sie eine Systemkonfiguration erstellen k\u00f6nnen, m\u00fcssen Sie zun\u00e4chst ein Konfigurationsmodul erzeugen.",
+ "lang_systemConfigurationNotFound": "Keine Systemkonfigurationen gefunden.Erstellen Sie eine neue Konfiguration aus den unten aufgef\u00fchrten Konfigurationsmodulen.",
+ "lang_title": "Titel",
+ "lang_to": "Zur",
+ "lang_toSystemConfiguration": "Zur Systemkonfiguration",
+ "lang_upload": "Hochladen",
+ "lang_urlLoad": "Bild von URL laden",
+ "lang_userDirectory": "Benutzerverzeichnis",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo1": "Optionale Angabe: Wenn die Clients f\u00fcr die Benutzer ein eigenes Verzeichnis (Homeverzeichnis, Benutzerverzeichnis) von einem Server einbinden sollen, geben Sie bitte hier das Format in UNC-Notation an, also z.B.",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo2": "%s ist dabei ein Platzhalter f\u00fcr den Login-Namen des Benutzers.",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo3": "Das Verzeichnis wird mit den gleichen Zugangsdaten eingebunden, die der Benutzer beim Login angibt. (D.h. kein Kerberos Support o.\u00e4.)"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/_page.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/_page.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 844a12ef..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/_page.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- "lang_activate": "Aktivieren",
- "lang_active": "Aktiv",
- "lang_availableModules": "Verf\u00fcgbare Konfigurationsmodule",
- "lang_availableSystem": "Verf\u00fcgbare Systemkonfigurationen",
- "lang_close": "Schlie\u00dfen",
- "lang_configurationModuleNotFound": "Keine Konfigurationsmodule gefunden!",
- "lang_delete": "L\u00f6schen",
- "lang_deleteLong": "Modul oder Konfiguration l\u00f6schen.",
- "lang_download": "Herunterladen",
- "lang_downloadLong": "Dieses Modul \"so wie es ist\" herunterladen.",
- "lang_edit": "Bearbeiten",
- "lang_editLong": "Modul oder Konfiguration bearbeiten.",
- "lang_helpModuleConfiguration": "Konfigurationsmodule sind die Bausteine, aus denen eine Systemkonfiguration erstellt wird. Hier lassen sich sowohl generische Module durch einen Wizard anlegen, als auch komplett eigene Module erstellen (fortgeschritten, Linuxkenntnisse erforderlich).",
- "lang_helpSystemConfiguration": "\u00dcber eine Systemkonfiguration wird die grundlegende Lokalisierung des bwLehrpool-Systems durchgef\u00fchrt. Dazu geh\u00f6ren Aspekte wie das Authentifizierungsverfahren f\u00fcr Benutzer (z.B. Active Directory, LDAP), Druckerkonfiguration, Home-Verzeichnisse, etc. Eine Systemkonfiguration setzt sich aus einem oder mehreren Konfigurationsmodulen zusammen, welche im angrenzenden Panel verwaltet werden k\u00f6nnen.",
- "lang_legend": "Legende",
- "lang_moduleConfiguration": "Konfigurationsmodule",
- "lang_newConfiguration": "Neue Konfiguration",
- "lang_newModule": "Neues Modul",
- "lang_rebuild": "Neu generieren",
- "lang_rebuildLong": "Modul oder Konfiguration neu generieren. Das entsprechende Modul bzw. Konfiguration ist aktuell und sollte nicht neu generiert werden m\u00fcssen.",
- "lang_rebuildOutdatedLong": "Modul oder Konfiguration neu generieren. Das entsprechende Modul bzw. Konfiguration ist veraltet oder nicht vorhanden.",
- "lang_show": "Ansehen",
- "lang_showLong": "Inhalt des Moduls anzeigen.",
- "lang_systemConfiguration": "Systemkonfiguration",
- "lang_systemConfigurationAlert": "Bevor Sie eine Systemkonfiguration erstellen k\u00f6nnen, m\u00fcssen Sie zun\u00e4chst ein Konfigurationsmodul erzeugen.",
- "lang_systemConfigurationNotFound": "Keine Systemkonfigurationen gefunden.Erstellen Sie eine neue Konfiguration aus den unten aufgef\u00fchrten Konfigurationsmodulen."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-finish.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-finish.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e91e98dc..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-finish.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "lang_adStarted": "Der AD-Proxy wird nun konfiguriert und gestartet...",
- "lang_generateModule": "Modul erzeugen",
- "lang_restartWizard": "Assistent neustarten",
- "lang_systemConfiguration": "Systemkonfiguration",
- "lang_to": "Zur"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-selfsearch.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-selfsearch.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a957ee..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-selfsearch.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Zur\u00fcck",
- "lang_continueAnyway": "Trotzdem weiter",
- "lang_dnLookup": "Ermitteln der Bind-DN",
- "lang_homeAttributeExplanation": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie das Attribut, welches das Home-Verzeichnis der User enth\u00e4lt.",
- "lang_next": "Weiter",
- "lang_onProblemSearchBase": "Bei Problemen versuchen Sie, die Bind-DN und Suchbasis manuell anzugeben",
- "lang_selectHomeAttribute": "Home-Attribut",
- "lang_skip": "\u00dcberspringen"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a85e133f..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- "lang_adText1": "Zum Einrichten der Benutzerauthentifizierung \u00fcber ein Active Directory wird neben der Adresse des anzusprechenden Servers ein dedizierter Benutzer im AD ben\u00f6tigt, \u00fcber welchen das AD angesprochen wird. Der Benutzer sollte in der gleichen Dom\u00e4ne sein, wie die Benutzer, die sich sp\u00e4ter an den Arbeitsstationen anmelden werden. Ansonsten ist es notwendig, die Suchbasis anzugeben.",
- "lang_adText2": "Dieser Benutzer ben\u00f6tigt keine besonderen Rechte, Sie k\u00f6nnen diesem Benutzer zur Sicherheit auch die Rechte zum Anmelden entziehen. Der Benutzer muss lediglich ausreichende Berechtigungen haben, um einen LDAP-Bind am AD durchzuf\u00fchren, und nach Benutzern zu suchen.",
- "lang_adText3": "Normalerweise k\u00f6nnen Sie als Bind DN die Kurzform im Format dom\u00e4ne\\benutzer angeben. Wenn dies nicht funktioniert, m\u00fcssen Sie den DN des Benutzers ermitteln. Z.B. unter Eingabe des folgenden Befehls auf einem DC:",
- "lang_adText4": "Nach Eingabe aller ben\u00f6tigten Daten wird im n\u00e4chsten Schritt \u00fcberpr\u00fcft, ob die Kommunikation mit dem AD m\u00f6glich ist.",
- "lang_asteriskMandatory": "Mit (*) gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder",
- "lang_bindDN": "Bind DN",
- "lang_close": "Schlie\u00dfen",
- "lang_customCertificate": "Zur Validierung zus\u00e4tzlich erforderliche (Intermediate-)Zertifikate",
- "lang_helpHomeAttrHead": "Name des Home-Verzeichnis-Attributs",
- "lang_helpHomeAttrText": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie alternativ zum fest vorgegebenem Template des Home-Verzeichnis Servers den Attributsnamen im Active Directory angeben, der diesen Pfad bereitstellt. Normalerweise ist dies \"homeDirectory\". Wird das Feld leer gelassen, versucht der Assistent, das Attribut selbstst\u00e4ndig zu ermitteln. Falls das Einbinden der Home-Verzeichnisse anschlie\u00dfend nicht funktioniert, \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie bitte den Client-Log (Status->Client Log) und den LDAP-Proxy-Log (Status->Server Status).",
- "lang_homeAttr": "Home-Attribut",
- "lang_moduleTitle": "Titel",
- "lang_next": "Weiter",
- "lang_password": "Passwort",
- "lang_searchBase": "Suchbasis",
- "lang_ssl": "SSL",
- "lang_sslDescription": "Die Verbindung zum AD-Server mit SSL sichern. (Die Verbindung zwischen Client und Proxy wird in jedem Fall mit SSL abgewickelt.)",
- "lang_userDirectory": "Benutzerverzeichnis",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo1": "Optionale Angabe: Wenn die Clients f\u00fcr die Benutzer ein eigenes Verzeichnis (Homeverzeichnis, Benutzerverzeichnis) von einem Server einbinden sollen, geben Sie bitte hier das Format in UNC-Notation an, also z.B.",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo2": "%s ist dabei ein Platzhalter f\u00fcr den Login-Namen des Benutzers.",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo3": "Das Verzeichnis wird mit den gleichen Zugangsdaten eingebunden, die der Benutzer beim Login angibt. (D.h. kein Kerberos Support o.\u00e4.)"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad_ldap-checkconnection.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad_ldap-checkconnection.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bf31104..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad_ldap-checkconnection.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Zur\u00fcck",
- "lang_connectionWait": "Pr\u00fcfe Verbindung...",
- "lang_next": "Weiter",
- "lang_noOpenPort": "Auf dem angegebenen Server wurde kein offener Port gefunden.",
- "lang_noValidCert": "Der Server besitzt kein oder ein nicht valides Zertifikat.",
- "lang_selfSignedNote": "Das Zertifikat des Servers scheint selbst signiert zu sein. Wenn Sie fortfahren wird versucht, die Zertifikatskette vom Server abzufragen. Dies ist in den meisten F\u00e4llen erfolgreich, sollte aber nur getan werden wenn Sie wissen, dass das Zertifikat des Servers von einer unbekannten CA signiert wurde. Falls die Authentifizierung anschlie\u00dfend nicht funktioniert, \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie die LDAP-Proxy Logs auf der Serverstatus-Seite."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad_ldap-checkcredentials.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad_ldap-checkcredentials.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f0ab6e15..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ad_ldap-checkcredentials.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Zur\u00fcck",
- "lang_connectionWait": "Die Verbindung zum angegebenen AD-Server wird nun \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Bitte haben Sie einen Moment Geduld.",
- "lang_onProblemSearchBase": "Falls dieser Schritt fehlschl\u00e4gt, und Sie keine Suchbasis angegeben haben, versuchen Sie es erneut unter expliziter Angabe einer Suchbasis.",
- "lang_skip": "\u00dcberspringen"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/branding-check.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/branding-check.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 740cc34f..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/branding-check.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "lang_brandingInfo": "Unten sehen Sie zur Kontrolle noch einmal das ausgew\u00e4hlte Logo. Sollten Sie das Logo nicht sehen k\u00f6nnen, pr\u00fcfen Sie bitte, ob Sie ein valides SVG-Bild verwendet haben. Alternativ ist es m\u00f6glich, dass beim Verarbeiten des Bildes ein Fehler auftrat. Sie k\u00f6nnen daher das Modul trotzdem speichern und testen, ob das Logo im bwLehrpool-System angezeigt wird.",
- "lang_save": "Speichern",
- "lang_title": "Titel"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/branding-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/branding-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e85a51d0..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/branding-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- "lang_branding": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie ihr Einrichtungslogo im SVG-Format hochladen. Das SVG-Format ist ein Vektorgrafikformat, was zum Skalieren vorteilhaft ist. Eine gute Quelle f\u00fcr SVG-Logos von Unis und Hochschulen ist ihr jeweiliger Wikipedia-Artikel.",
- "lang_browseForFile": "Durchsuchen",
- "lang_computerLoad": "Bild von lokalem Rechner hochladen",
- "lang_or": "oder",
- "lang_selectFile": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie eine Datei",
- "lang_upload": "Hochladen",
- "lang_urlLoad": "Bild von URL laden"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/cfg-finish.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/cfg-finish.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 86fb7a15..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/cfg-finish.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- "lang_configurationActive": "Konfiguration aktivieren",
- "lang_configurationSuccess": "Die Konfiguration wurde erfolgreich erstellt."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/cfg-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/cfg-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c22a96c3..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/cfg-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "lang_configuration": "Konfiguration",
- "lang_configurationChoose": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie, welche Module f\u00fcr diese Konfiguration verwendet werden sollen.",
- "lang_name": "Name",
- "lang_next": "Weiter",
- "lang_noModuleOfType": "Kein Modul dieser Art vorhanden."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/config-module-list.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/config-module-list.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f346a107..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/config-module-list.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- "lang_noContent": "Kein Inhalt!",
- "lang_show": "Ansehen"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-filelist.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-filelist.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a73a858..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-filelist.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Zur\u00fcck"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-fileselect.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-fileselect.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 94085f65..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-fileselect.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "lang_checkFileContent": "Hier haben Sie die M\u00f6glichkeit, den Inhalt des Archivs noch einmal zu \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen.",
- "lang_moduleName": "Modulname",
- "lang_next": "Weiter"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-upload.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-upload.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c3a8ae..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/custom-upload.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "lang_browseForFile": "Durchsuchen",
- "lang_customModuleInfo1": "\u00dcber ein benutzerdefiniertes Modul ist es m\u00f6glich, beliebige Dateien zum Linux-Grundsystem, das auf den Clients gebootet wird, hinzuzuf\u00fcgen. Dazu kann ein Archiv mit einer Dateisystemstruktur hochgeladen werden, die in dieser Form 1:1 in das gebootete Linux extrahiert wird.",
- "lang_customModuleInfo2": "Beispiel: Enth\u00e4lt das hochgeladene Archiv eine Datei etc\/beispiel.conf, so wird auf einem gebooteten Client diese Datei als \/etc\/beispiel.conf zu finden sein.",
- "lang_selectFile": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie ein Archiv",
- "lang_supportedFiles": "Unterst\u00fctzte Archivformate",
- "lang_upload": "Hochladen"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-checkconnection.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-checkconnection.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f2e619e..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-checkconnection.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Zur\u00fcck",
- "lang_connectionWait": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfe Verbindung, bitte warten",
- "lang_next": "Weiter"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-checkcredentials.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-checkcredentials.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c8dcc9cd..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-checkcredentials.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Zur\u00fcck",
- "lang_connectionWait": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfe LDAP-Zugangsdaten",
- "lang_onProblemSearchBase": "Werden keine Benutzer gefunden, dann \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie bitte die Suchbasis",
- "lang_skip": "Weiter"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-finish.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-finish.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7387f3a0..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-finish.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "lang_generateModule": "Modul erzeugen",
- "lang_ldapStarted": "Der LDAP-Proxy wurde gestartet",
- "lang_restartWizard": "Wizard neu starten",
- "lang_toSystemConfiguration": "Zur Systemkonfiguration"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index df5b1c09..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/ldap-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "lang_bindDN": "Bind DN",
- "lang_close": "Schlie\u00dfen",
- "lang_customCertificate": "Zur Validierung zus\u00e4tzlich erforderliche (Intermediate-)Zertifikate",
- "lang_ldapText1": "Mit diesem Wizard k\u00f6nnen Sie Authentifizierung gegen einen LDAP-Server einrichten.",
- "lang_ldapText2": "Zu diesem Zweck wird ein LDAP-Proxy auf dem Satelliten-Server gestartet. Dies bedeutet, dass der LDAP-Server von diesem Server aus erreichbar sein muss. Die Pool-PCs hingegen m\u00fcssen nicht direkt mit dem LDAP-Server kommunizieren k\u00f6nnen.",
- "lang_moduleTitle": "Modulname",
- "lang_next": "Weiter",
- "lang_password": "Passwort",
- "lang_searchBase": "Suchbasis (Search base)",
- "lang_ssl": "SSL",
- "lang_sslDescription": "Zum Verbinden mit dem LDAP-Server SSL verwenden. (Die Verbindung zwischen Client und Proxy wird in jedem Fall mit SSL abgewickelt.) Einige LDAP-Server verweigern die Authentifizierung, wenn SSL nicht genutzt wird.",
- "lang_userDirectory": "Home-Verzeichnis",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo1": "UNC-Pfad zum Home-Verzeichnis der Nutzer, mit Platzhalter '%s' f\u00fcr den Benutzernamen.",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo2": "Zur Zeit wird nur SMB\/CIFS unterst\u00fctzt."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/sshconfig-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/sshconfig-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ef9286d7..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/sshconfig-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- "lang_allowPass": "Login mit Passwort zulassen",
- "lang_allowPassInfo": "Wenn aktiviert, l\u00e4sst der sshd Logins mit Benutzername\/Passwort-Kombination zu. Ansonsten werden nur Logins nach dem pubkey-Verfahren zugelassen.",
- "lang_listenPort": "Listen port",
- "lang_listenPortInfo": "Der Port, auf dem der sshd lauscht. Der offizielle Standard ist 22.",
- "lang_moduleName": "Modulname",
- "lang_rootKey": "root pubkey (\u00f6ffentlicher Schl\u00fcssel)",
- "lang_rootKeyInfo": "Tragen Sie hier den \u00f6ffentlichen Schl\u00fcssel eines Schl\u00fcsselpaars ein, mit dem Sie sich als root-Benutzer an den Clients anmelden wollen. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um diese Funktion nicht zu verwenden.",
- "lang_save": "Speichern"
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 37992831..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/de/templates/start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- "lang_add": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen",
- "lang_moduleChoose": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie aus, welche Art Konfigurationsmodul Sie erstellen m\u00f6chten."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/module.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/module.json
index c872d62a..f6454e24 100644
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/module.json
+++ b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/module.json
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
- "lang_delete": "Delete",
"module_name": "Modules"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/template-tags.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/template-tags.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4ce7c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/template-tags.json
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ "lang_activate": "Activate",
+ "lang_active": "Active",
+ "lang_adStarted": "The AD-proxy is now configured and started ...",
+ "lang_adText1": "To set up user authentication through Active Directory, a dedicated user is required in AD next to the address of the server, which is addressed by the AD.",
+ "lang_adText2": "This user does not need special rights, you can follow this user to evade security and the rights to log on. The user only needs to have sufficient permissions to perform an LDAP Bind on AD, and search for users.",
+ "lang_adText3": "Next the distinguished name of the user must be specified. You can determine this by dsquery command line program on a domain controller as the following call:",
+ "lang_adText4": "After entering all required data in the next step, it checks whether communication is possible with the AD.",
+ "lang_add": "Add",
+ "lang_allowPass": "Allow password login",
+ "lang_allowPassInfo": "When active, logins via username and password are allowed. Otherwise, only pubkey authentication is possible.",
+ "lang_asteriskMandatory": "Fields marked with (*) are mandatory",
+ "lang_availableModules": "Available Configuration Modules",
+ "lang_availableSystem": "Available System Configuration",
+ "lang_back": "Back",
+ "lang_bindDN": "Bind DN",
+ "lang_branding": "For best results, you should upload the logo in SVG format. SVG is a vector graphics format, which is advantageous for scaling. A good source for SVG logos of universities and colleges is their respective Wikipedia article.",
+ "lang_brandingInfo": "Below you can check the selected logo. If you can not see the logo, please check whether you have used a valid SVG image. Alternatively, it is possible that during processing of the image, an error occurred. Therefore, you can save the module anyway and test whether the logo is displayed in the bwLehrpool system.",
+ "lang_browseForFile": "Browse",
+ "lang_checkFileContent": "Here you have the possibility to check the contents of the archive again.",
+ "lang_close": "Close",
+ "lang_computerLoad": "Load image from local computer",
+ "lang_configuration": "Configuration",
+ "lang_configurationActive": "Enable configuration",
+ "lang_configurationChoose": "Please select which modules will be used for this configuration.",
+ "lang_configurationModuleNotFound": "Configuration module not found!",
+ "lang_configurationSuccess": "The configuration has been successfully created.",
+ "lang_connectionWait": "Checking connection, please wait",
+ "lang_continueAnyway": "Continue anyway",
+ "lang_customCertificate": "Additional (intermediate) certificates required for certificate validation",
+ "lang_customModuleInfo1": "About a custom module, it is possible to add arbitrary files to a Linux system that is booted clients. For this purpose, an archive can be uploaded using a file system structure that is extracted in this form 1:1 in the booted Linux.",
+ "lang_customModuleInfo2": "Example: If the uploaded archive is the file etc\/example.conf, this file will be located as \/etc\/example.conf to a booted client.",
+ "lang_delete": "Delete",
+ "lang_deleteLong": "Delete module or configuration.",
+ "lang_dnLookup": "Looking up bind dn",
+ "lang_download": "Download",
+ "lang_downloadLong": "Download module \"as is\".",
+ "lang_edit": "Edit",
+ "lang_editLong": "Edit module or configuration.",
+ "lang_folderRedirection": "Folder Redirection",
+ "lang_generateModule": "Generating module",
+ "lang_handlingNotes": "Here you can configure how network shares (like the user's home directory) are mapped inside the VM. Old Versions of bwLehrpool used the VMware Shared Folder technique, which could cause problems with certain file servers. The new \"native mode\" works much better, but on Windows guests, it requires that you (1) use an smb\/cifs file server (Windows Server, Linux with Samba) and (2) have openslx.exe setup to autorun in the VM (this is already configured for bwLehrpool templates). Native mode with fallback is experimental and known to cause temporary freezes with some VMs. Use with care. IMPORTANT: Pick a drive letter for the home directory that will be free in the Virtual Machines. Otherwise, a random letter will be assigned.",
+ "lang_helpHomeAttrHead": "Name of the home directory attribute",
+ "lang_helpHomeAttrText": "Here you can specify the name of the attribute on the Active Directory that contains the path of the home directory server. Usually this is \"homeDirectory\". If you leave this blank, the wiszard will try to determine the attribute name automatically. If home directories don't work, check the client log (Status->Client log) and the LDAP proxy log (Status->Server status).",
+ "lang_helpModuleConfiguration": "Configuration modules are the building blocks from which a system configuration is created. Here you can create both generic modules by a wizard, as well as create completely custom modules (advanced Linux knowledge required).",
+ "lang_helpSystemConfiguration": "The fundamental localization of the bwLehrpool system is done through a system configuration. These include aspects such as the authentication method for users (eg Active Directory, LDAP), printer configuration, home directories, etc. A system configuration is composed of one or more configuration modules, which can be managed in the panel next to this one.",
+ "lang_homeAttr": "Home attribute",
+ "lang_homeAttributeExplanation": "Please select the attribute which holds the user's home directory.",
+ "lang_homedirHandling": "(Home) directory handling",
+ "lang_ldapStarted": "The LDAP proxy has been launched",
+ "lang_ldapText1": "Here you can create a configuration module to authenticate agains an LDAP server",
+ "lang_ldapText2": "An LDAP-Proxy will be launched on this server. This means the LDAP-Server must be reachable from it. The client PCs in the labs however don't have to be able to talk to the LDAP server \u2013 they will use the proxy running on this server.",
+ "lang_legend": "Legend",
+ "lang_listenPort": "Listen port",
+ "lang_listenPortInfo": "Listen port for the sshd. Default is 22.",
+ "lang_mapModeNative": "Natively map inside the VM [openslx.exe]",
+ "lang_mapModeNativeFallback": "Natively map inside VM; fallback to VMware Shared Folders",
+ "lang_mapModeNone": "Don't map shares at all",
+ "lang_mapModeVmware": "VMware Shared Folders [VMwareTools]",
+ "lang_moduleChoose": "Please select which type of configuration module you want to create.",
+ "lang_moduleConfiguration": "Module Configuration",
+ "lang_moduleName": "Module Name",
+ "lang_moduleTitle": "Title",
+ "lang_name": "Name",
+ "lang_newConfiguration": "New Configuration",
+ "lang_newModule": "New Module",
+ "lang_next": "Next",
+ "lang_noContent": "No content!",
+ "lang_noModuleOfType": "No module of this type found.",
+ "lang_noOpenPort": "There is no open LDAP port on this server.",
+ "lang_noValidCert": "The server did not supply a certificate, or the certificate is invalid.",
+ "lang_onProblemSearchBase": "If no users are found, please check the search base",
+ "lang_or": "or",
+ "lang_password": "Password",
+ "lang_rebuild": "Rebuild",
+ "lang_rebuildLong": "Rebuild module or configuration.",
+ "lang_rebuildOutdatedLong": "Rebuild module or configuration. The module\/configuration is outdated or missing and should be regenerated.",
+ "lang_redirectionWarning": "WARNING: This feature is experimental. It remaps the selected folders after the VM booted (via openslx.exe) to the logged in user's home drive. This might cause problems with applications that start before the pathes are patched, as they will see the old unpatched settings. This also doesn't work fully on Windows 10. If you want to reliably remap these directories, it's recommended to change their locations in the VM before uploading it.",
+ "lang_restartWizard": "Restart wizard",
+ "lang_rootKey": "root pubkey",
+ "lang_rootKeyInfo": "Here you can add the public key of a keypair that you want to use for authentication as root-user. Leave this field blank to disable the feature.",
+ "lang_save": "Save",
+ "lang_searchBase": "Search Base",
+ "lang_selectFile": "Please select an archive",
+ "lang_selectHomeAttribute": "Home attribute",
+ "lang_selfSignedNote": "The certificate of this server cannot be verified using the builtin trust store. If you know that the server's certificate was signed by an unknown CA, you can try to proceed. The chain will then be extracted from the server, which should be successful in most cases. If the authentication module does not work afterwards, check the LDAP-proxy logs on the server status page.",
+ "lang_shareDesktop": "Desktop (Might hide shortcuts created by the tutor)",
+ "lang_shareDocuments": "My Documents",
+ "lang_shareDownloads": "Downloads",
+ "lang_shareHomeDrive": "Home drive letter (Windows)",
+ "lang_shareMapCreate": "Create folders on network share if they don't exist",
+ "lang_shareMedia": "My Music, Videos, Pictures",
+ "lang_shareOther": "Other (Saved Games, Contacts, Favorites, ...)",
+ "lang_shareRemapMode": "Mapping mode",
+ "lang_show": "Show",
+ "lang_showLong": "Show content of module.",
+ "lang_skip": "Next",
+ "lang_ssl": "SSL",
+ "lang_sslDescription": "Use SSL encryption to talk to AD server.",
+ "lang_supportedFiles": "Supported File Formats",
+ "lang_systemConfiguration": "System Configuration",
+ "lang_systemConfigurationAlert": "Before you can create a system configuration, you must first create a configuration module.",
+ "lang_systemConfigurationNotFound": "No system configurations found. Create a new configuration from the configuration modules listed below.",
+ "lang_title": "Title",
+ "lang_to": "To",
+ "lang_toSystemConfiguration": "Go to system configuration",
+ "lang_upload": "Upload",
+ "lang_urlLoad": "Load image from URL",
+ "lang_userDirectory": "User Directory",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo1": "Optional: If the clients should embed a separate directory (home directory, user directory) from a server for the user, please enter here the format in UNC notation, eg",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo2": "%s is a placeholder for the user's login name.",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo3": "The directory is loaded with the same credentials that the user specifies when login. (That is no Kerberos support, etc.)"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/_page.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/_page.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f139359..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/_page.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- "lang_activate": "Activate",
- "lang_active": "Active",
- "lang_availableModules": "Available Configuration Modules",
- "lang_availableSystem": "Available System Configuration",
- "lang_close": "Close",
- "lang_configurationModuleNotFound": "Configuration module not found!",
- "lang_delete": "Delete",
- "lang_deleteLong": "Delete module or configuration.",
- "lang_download": "Download",
- "lang_downloadLong": "Download module \"as is\".",
- "lang_edit": "Edit",
- "lang_editLong": "Edit module or configuration.",
- "lang_helpModuleConfiguration": "Configuration modules are the building blocks from which a system configuration is created. Here you can create both generic modules by a wizard, as well as create completely custom modules (advanced Linux knowledge required).",
- "lang_helpSystemConfiguration": "The fundamental localization of the bwLehrpool system is done through a system configuration. These include aspects such as the authentication method for users (eg Active Directory, LDAP), printer configuration, home directories, etc. A system configuration is composed of one or more configuration modules, which can be managed in the panel next to this one.",
- "lang_legend": "Legend",
- "lang_moduleConfiguration": "Module Configuration",
- "lang_newConfiguration": "New Configuration",
- "lang_newModule": "New Module",
- "lang_rebuild": "Rebuild",
- "lang_rebuildLong": "Rebuild module or configuration.",
- "lang_rebuildOutdatedLong": "Rebuild module or configuration. The module\/configuration is outdated or missing and should be regenerated.",
- "lang_show": "Show",
- "lang_showLong": "Show content of module.",
- "lang_systemConfiguration": "System Configuration",
- "lang_systemConfigurationAlert": "Before you can create a system configuration, you must first create a configuration module.",
- "lang_systemConfigurationNotFound": "No system configurations found. Create a new configuration from the configuration modules listed below."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-finish.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-finish.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f89046e..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-finish.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "lang_adStarted": "The AD-proxy is now configured and started ...",
- "lang_generateModule": "Generate Module",
- "lang_restartWizard": "Restart Wizard",
- "lang_systemConfiguration": "System Configuration",
- "lang_to": "To"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-selfsearch.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-selfsearch.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 70db0620..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-selfsearch.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_continueAnyway": "Continue anyway",
- "lang_dnLookup": "Looking up bind dn",
- "lang_homeAttributeExplanation": "Please select the attribute which holds the user's home directory.",
- "lang_next": "Next",
- "lang_onProblemSearchBase": "On failure, try to pass the bind dn and search base manually",
- "lang_selectHomeAttribute": "Home attribute",
- "lang_skip": "Skip"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ff35fc03..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- "lang_adText1": "To set up user authentication through Active Directory, a dedicated user is required in AD next to the address of the server, which is addressed by the AD.",
- "lang_adText2": "This user does not need special rights, you can follow this user to evade security and the rights to log on. The user only needs to have sufficient permissions to perform an LDAP Bind on AD, and search for users.",
- "lang_adText3": "Next the distinguished name of the user must be specified. You can determine this by dsquery command line program on a domain controller as the following call:",
- "lang_adText4": "After entering all required data in the next step, it checks whether communication is possible with the AD.",
- "lang_asteriskMandatory": "Fields marked with (*) are mandatory",
- "lang_bindDN": "Bind DN",
- "lang_close": "Close",
- "lang_customCertificate": "Additional (intermediate) certificates required for certificate validation",
- "lang_helpHomeAttrHead": "Name of the home directory attribute",
- "lang_helpHomeAttrText": "Here you can specify the name of the attribute on the Active Directory that contains the path of the home directory server. Usually this is \"homeDirectory\". If you leave this blank, the wiszard will try to determine the attribute name automatically. If home directories don't work, check the client log (Status->Client log) and the LDAP proxy log (Status->Server status).",
- "lang_homeAttr": "Home attribute",
- "lang_moduleTitle": "Title",
- "lang_next": "Next",
- "lang_password": "Password",
- "lang_searchBase": "Search Base",
- "lang_ssl": "SSL",
- "lang_sslDescription": "Use SSL encryption to talk to AD server.",
- "lang_userDirectory": "User Directory",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo1": "Optional: If the clients should embed a separate directory (home directory, user directory) from a server for the user, please enter here the format in UNC notation, eg",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo2": "%s is a placeholder for the user's login name.",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo3": "The directory is loaded with the same credentials that the user specifies when login. (That is no Kerberos support, etc.)"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-checkconnection.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-checkconnection.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a924f8b..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-checkconnection.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_connectionWait": "Checking connection...",
- "lang_next": "Next",
- "lang_noOpenPort": "There is no open LDAP port on this server.",
- "lang_noValidCert": "The server did not supply a certificate, or the certificate is invalid.",
- "lang_selfSignedNote": "The certificate of this server cannot be verified using the builtin trust store. If you know that the server's certificate was signed by an unknown CA, you can try to proceed. The chain will then be extracted from the server, which should be successful in most cases. If the authentication module does not work afterwards, check the LDAP-proxy logs on the server status page."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-checkcredentials.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-checkcredentials.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b83a231..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-checkcredentials.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_connectionWait": "The connection to the specified AD server is now checked. Please wait a moment.",
- "lang_onProblemSearchBase": "If this step fails and you didn't supply a search base, try again with a valid one.",
- "lang_skip": "Skip"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-homedir.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-homedir.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 90d4a211..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ad_ldap-homedir.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- "lang_folderRedirection": "Folder Redirection",
- "lang_handlingNotes": "Here you can configure how network shares (like the user's home directory) are mapped inside the VM. Old Versions of bwLehrpool used the VMware Shared Folder technique, which could cause problems with certain file servers. The new \"native mode\" works much better, but on Windows guests, it requires that you (1) use an smb\/cifs file server (Windows Server, Linux with Samba) and (2) have openslx.exe setup to autorun in the VM (this is already configured for bwLehrpool templates). Native mode with fallback is experimental and known to cause temporary freezes with some VMs. Use with care. IMPORTANT: Pick a drive letter for the home directory that will be free in the Virtual Machines. Otherwise, a random letter will be assigned.",
- "lang_homedirHandling": "(Home) directory handling",
- "lang_mapModeNative": "Natively map inside the VM [openslx.exe]",
- "lang_mapModeNativeFallback": "Natively map inside VM; fallback to VMware Shared Folders",
- "lang_mapModeNone": "Don't map shares at all",
- "lang_mapModeVmware": "VMware Shared Folders [VMwareTools]",
- "lang_redirectionWarning": "WARNING: This feature is experimental. It remaps the selected folders after the VM booted (via openslx.exe) to the logged in user's home drive. This might cause problems with applications that start before the pathes are patched, as they will see the old unpatched settings. This also doesn't work fully on Windows 10. If you want to reliably remap these directories, it's recommended to change their locations in the VM before uploading it.",
- "lang_shareDesktop": "Desktop (Might hide shortcuts created by the tutor)",
- "lang_shareDocuments": "My Documents",
- "lang_shareDownloads": "Downloads",
- "lang_shareHomeDrive": "Home drive letter (Windows)",
- "lang_shareMapCreate": "Create folders on network share if they don't exist",
- "lang_shareMedia": "My Music, Videos, Pictures",
- "lang_shareOther": "Other (Saved Games, Contacts, Favorites, ...)",
- "lang_shareRemapMode": "Mapping mode"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/branding-check.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/branding-check.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a481d8b..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/branding-check.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "lang_brandingInfo": "Below you can check the selected logo. If you can not see the logo, please check whether you have used a valid SVG image. Alternatively, it is possible that during processing of the image, an error occurred. Therefore, you can save the module anyway and test whether the logo is displayed in the bwLehrpool system.",
- "lang_save": "Save",
- "lang_title": "Title"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/branding-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/branding-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4423784d..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/branding-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- "lang_branding": "For best results, you should upload the logo in SVG format. SVG is a vector graphics format, which is advantageous for scaling. A good source for SVG logos of universities and colleges is their respective Wikipedia article.",
- "lang_browseForFile": "Browse",
- "lang_computerLoad": "Load image from local computer",
- "lang_or": "or",
- "lang_selectFile": "Please select a file",
- "lang_upload": "Upload",
- "lang_urlLoad": "Load image from URL"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/cfg-finish.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/cfg-finish.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b8729636..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/cfg-finish.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- "lang_configurationActive": "Enable configuration",
- "lang_configurationSuccess": "The configuration has been successfully created."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/cfg-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/cfg-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9afc6ce3..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/cfg-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "lang_configuration": "Configuration",
- "lang_configurationChoose": "Please select which modules will be used for this configuration.",
- "lang_name": "Name",
- "lang_noModuleOfType": "No module of this type found."
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/config-module-list.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/config-module-list.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ff30c0b4..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/config-module-list.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- "lang_noContent": "No content!",
- "lang_show": "Show"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-filelist.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-filelist.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 50bec5b5..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-filelist.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Back"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-fileselect.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-fileselect.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ae25e16..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-fileselect.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "lang_checkFileContent": "Here you have the possibility to check the contents of the archive again.",
- "lang_moduleName": "Module Name",
- "lang_next": "Next"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-upload.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-upload.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 26b7c186..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/custom-upload.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "lang_browseForFile": "Browse",
- "lang_customModuleInfo1": "About a custom module, it is possible to add arbitrary files to a Linux system that is booted clients. For this purpose, an archive can be uploaded using a file system structure that is extracted in this form 1:1 in the booted Linux.",
- "lang_customModuleInfo2": "Example: If the uploaded archive is the file etc\/example.conf, this file will be located as \/etc\/example.conf to a booted client.",
- "lang_selectFile": "Please select an archive",
- "lang_supportedFiles": "Supported File Formats",
- "lang_upload": "Upload"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-checkconnection.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-checkconnection.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 52fbae9e..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-checkconnection.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_connectionWait": "Checking connection, please wait",
- "lang_next": "Next"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-checkcredentials.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-checkcredentials.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a8723c9..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-checkcredentials.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "lang_back": "Back",
- "lang_connectionWait": "Checking LDAP credentials",
- "lang_onProblemSearchBase": "If no users are found, please check the search base",
- "lang_skip": "Next"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-finish.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-finish.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bd15bafc..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-finish.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "lang_generateModule": "Generating module",
- "lang_ldapStarted": "The LDAP proxy has been launched",
- "lang_restartWizard": "Restart wizard",
- "lang_toSystemConfiguration": "Go to system configuration"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ba19f1..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/ldap-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "lang_bindDN": "Bind domain",
- "lang_close": "Close",
- "lang_customCertificate": "Additional (intermediate) certificates required for certificate validation",
- "lang_ldapText1": "Here you can create a configuration module to authenticate agains an LDAP server",
- "lang_ldapText2": "An LDAP-Proxy will be launched on this server. This means the LDAP-Server must be reachable from it. The client PCs in the labs however don't have to be able to talk to the LDAP server \u2013 they will use the proxy running on this server.",
- "lang_moduleTitle": "Module name",
- "lang_next": "Next",
- "lang_password": "Password",
- "lang_searchBase": "Search base",
- "lang_ssl": "SSL",
- "lang_sslDescription": "Use SSL to connect to the LDAP-Server. (The connection between clients and proxy uses SSL in either case.) Some LDAP servers require SSL for authenticating connections.",
- "lang_userDirectory": "Home-Directory",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo1": "UNC-path to home directory of user. '%s' can be used as a placeholder for the account name.",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo2": "Currently, only CIFS\/SMB is supported."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/sshconfig-start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/sshconfig-start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ce553cd..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/sshconfig-start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- "lang_allowPass": "Allow password login",
- "lang_allowPassInfo": "When active, logins via username and password are allowed. Otherwise, only pubkey authentication is possible.",
- "lang_listenPort": "Listen port",
- "lang_listenPortInfo": "Listen port for the sshd. Default is 22.",
- "lang_moduleName": "Module name",
- "lang_rootKey": "root pubkey",
- "lang_rootKeyInfo": "Here you can add the public key of a keypair that you want to use for authentication as root-user. Leave this field blank to disable the feature.",
- "lang_save": "Save"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/start.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/start.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4567d649..00000000
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/en/templates/start.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- "lang_add": "Add",
- "lang_moduleChoose": "Please select which type of configuration module you want to create."
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/pt/module.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/pt/module.json
index b2a9e60c..73bca0ec 100644
--- a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/pt/module.json
+++ b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/pt/module.json
@@ -1,38 +1,3 @@
- "lang_activate": "Ativar",
- "lang_active": "Ativo",
- "lang_adText1": "Para configurar a autentica\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio por meio do Active Directory, um usu\u00e1rio dedicado \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio no AD pr\u00f3ximo ao endere\u00e7o do servidor, que \u00e9 endere\u00e7ado pelo AD.",
- "lang_adText2": "Este usu\u00e1rio n\u00e3o precisa de direitos especiais, voc\u00ea pode seguir este usu\u00e1rio para escapar da seguran\u00e7a e dos direitos para fazer logon. O usu\u00e1rio s\u00f3 precisa ter permiss\u00f5es suficientes para executar a liga\u00e7\u00e3o LDAP no AD, e procurar por usu\u00e1rios.",
- "lang_adText3": "A seguir o nome distinto do usu\u00e1rio deve ser especificado. Voc\u00ea pode determinar isso pelo programa de linha de comando dsquery em um controlador de dom\u00ednio como a seguinte chamada:",
- "lang_adText4": "Depois de inserir todos os dados necess\u00e1rios na pr\u00f3xima etapa, ela verifica se a comunica\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel com o AD.",
- "lang_availableModules": "M\u00f3dulos de Configura\u00e7\u00e3o Dispon\u00edveis",
- "lang_availableSystem": "Configura\u00e7\u00f5es de Sistema Dispon\u00edveis",
- "lang_back": "Voltar",
- "lang_bindDN": "Vincular DN",
- "lang_close": "Fechar",
- "lang_configurationModuleNotFound": "M\u00f3dulo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o encontrado!",
- "lang_delete": "Excluir",
- "lang_file": "Arquivo",
- "lang_helpModuleConfiguration": "M\u00f3dulos de configura\u00e7\u00e3o s\u00e3o as pe\u00e7as fundamentais para a cria\u00e7\u00e3o de uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistema. Aqui voc\u00ea pode criar tanto m\u00f3dulos gen\u00e9ricos atrav\u00e9s de nossa interface, tanto quanto criar m\u00f3dulos completamente customizados (\u00e9 necess\u00e1rio conhecimento de Linux avan\u00e7ado).",
- "lang_helpSystemConfiguration": "A localiza\u00e7\u00e3o fundamental do sistema bwLehrpool \u00e9 feita atrav\u00e9s de uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistema. Isso inclui aspectos como o m\u00e9todo de autentica\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rios (por exemplo, Diret\u00f3rio Ativo, LDAP), configura\u00e7\u00e3o de impressora, diret\u00f3rios home, etc. Uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistema \u00e9 composta por um ou mais m\u00f3dulo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o, que podem ser gerenciados na parte inferior da p\u00e1gina.",
- "lang_moduleConfiguration": "Configura\u00e7\u00e3o do M\u00f3dulo",
- "lang_moduleTitle": "T\u00edtulo",
- "lang_name": "Nome",
- "lang_new": "Novo",
- "lang_newConfiguration": "Nova Configura\u00e7\u00e3o",
- "lang_newModule": "Novo M\u00f3dulo",
- "lang_next": "Pr\u00f3ximo",
- "lang_noContent": "Sem conte\u00fado!",
- "lang_password": "Senha",
- "lang_save": "Salvar",
- "lang_searchBase": "Base de Pesquisa",
- "lang_show": "Mostrar",
- "lang_systemConfiguration": "Confgura\u00e7\u00e3o do Sistema",
- "lang_systemConfigurationAlert": "Antes de criar uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistema, voc\u00ea deve criar primeiro um m\u00f3dulo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o.",
- "lang_systemConfigurationNotFound": "Nenhuma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistena encontrada. Crie uma nova configura\u00e7\u00e3o a partir dos m\u00f3dulos de configura\u00e7\u00e3o abaixo.",
- "lang_userDirectory": "Diret\u00f3rio de Usu\u00e1rio",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo1": "Opcional: Se os clientes devem incorporar um diret\u00f3rio separado (diret\u00f3rio home, diret\u00f3rio de usu\u00e1rio) de um servidor para o usu\u00e1rio, digite aqui o formato em nota\u00e7\u00e3o UNC, por exemplo,",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo2": "%s \u00e9 um marcador para o nome de login do usu\u00e1rio.",
- "lang_userDirectoryInfo3": "O diret\u00f3rio \u00e9 carregado com as mesmas credenciais que o usu\u00e1rio especifica quando entra. (Isto \u00e9, n\u00e3o h\u00e1 suporte Kerberos, etc)",
"module_name": "M\u00f3dulos"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/pt/template-tags.json b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/pt/template-tags.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff8c37fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/sysconfig/lang/pt/template-tags.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ "lang_activate": "Ativar",
+ "lang_active": "Ativo",
+ "lang_adText1": "Para configurar a autentica\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio por meio do Active Directory, um usu\u00e1rio dedicado \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio no AD pr\u00f3ximo ao endere\u00e7o do servidor, que \u00e9 endere\u00e7ado pelo AD.",
+ "lang_adText2": "Este usu\u00e1rio n\u00e3o precisa de direitos especiais, voc\u00ea pode seguir este usu\u00e1rio para escapar da seguran\u00e7a e dos direitos para fazer logon. O usu\u00e1rio s\u00f3 precisa ter permiss\u00f5es suficientes para executar a liga\u00e7\u00e3o LDAP no AD, e procurar por usu\u00e1rios.",
+ "lang_adText3": "A seguir o nome distinto do usu\u00e1rio deve ser especificado. Voc\u00ea pode determinar isso pelo programa de linha de comando dsquery em um controlador de dom\u00ednio como a seguinte chamada:",
+ "lang_adText4": "Depois de inserir todos os dados necess\u00e1rios na pr\u00f3xima etapa, ela verifica se a comunica\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel com o AD.",
+ "lang_availableModules": "M\u00f3dulos de Configura\u00e7\u00e3o Dispon\u00edveis",
+ "lang_availableSystem": "Configura\u00e7\u00f5es de Sistema Dispon\u00edveis",
+ "lang_back": "Voltar",
+ "lang_bindDN": "Vincular DN",
+ "lang_close": "Fechar",
+ "lang_configurationModuleNotFound": "M\u00f3dulo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o encontrado!",
+ "lang_delete": "Excluir",
+ "lang_file": "Arquivo",
+ "lang_helpModuleConfiguration": "M\u00f3dulos de configura\u00e7\u00e3o s\u00e3o as pe\u00e7as fundamentais para a cria\u00e7\u00e3o de uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistema. Aqui voc\u00ea pode criar tanto m\u00f3dulos gen\u00e9ricos atrav\u00e9s de nossa interface, tanto quanto criar m\u00f3dulos completamente customizados (\u00e9 necess\u00e1rio conhecimento de Linux avan\u00e7ado).",
+ "lang_helpSystemConfiguration": "A localiza\u00e7\u00e3o fundamental do sistema bwLehrpool \u00e9 feita atrav\u00e9s de uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistema. Isso inclui aspectos como o m\u00e9todo de autentica\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rios (por exemplo, Diret\u00f3rio Ativo, LDAP), configura\u00e7\u00e3o de impressora, diret\u00f3rios home, etc. Uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistema \u00e9 composta por um ou mais m\u00f3dulo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o, que podem ser gerenciados na parte inferior da p\u00e1gina.",
+ "lang_moduleConfiguration": "Configura\u00e7\u00e3o do M\u00f3dulo",
+ "lang_moduleTitle": "T\u00edtulo",
+ "lang_name": "Nome",
+ "lang_new": "Novo",
+ "lang_newConfiguration": "Nova Configura\u00e7\u00e3o",
+ "lang_newModule": "Novo M\u00f3dulo",
+ "lang_next": "Pr\u00f3ximo",
+ "lang_noContent": "Sem conte\u00fado!",
+ "lang_password": "Senha",
+ "lang_save": "Salvar",
+ "lang_searchBase": "Base de Pesquisa",
+ "lang_show": "Mostrar",
+ "lang_systemConfiguration": "Confgura\u00e7\u00e3o do Sistema",
+ "lang_systemConfigurationAlert": "Antes de criar uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistema, voc\u00ea deve criar primeiro um m\u00f3dulo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o.",
+ "lang_systemConfigurationNotFound": "Nenhuma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de sistena encontrada. Crie uma nova configura\u00e7\u00e3o a partir dos m\u00f3dulos de configura\u00e7\u00e3o abaixo.",
+ "lang_userDirectory": "Diret\u00f3rio de Usu\u00e1rio",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo1": "Opcional: Se os clientes devem incorporar um diret\u00f3rio separado (diret\u00f3rio home, diret\u00f3rio de usu\u00e1rio) de um servidor para o usu\u00e1rio, digite aqui o formato em nota\u00e7\u00e3o UNC, por exemplo,",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo2": "%s \u00e9 um marcador para o nome de login do usu\u00e1rio.",
+ "lang_userDirectoryInfo3": "O diret\u00f3rio \u00e9 carregado com as mesmas credenciais que o usu\u00e1rio especifica quando entra. (Isto \u00e9, n\u00e3o h\u00e1 suporte Kerberos, etc)"
+} \ No newline at end of file