path: root/modules/sysconfig/
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2016-04-28 21:31:15 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2016-04-28 21:31:15 +0200
commit95db8e184b378534db0ac08d14ae8500ee5090c3 (patch)
treef39cee8160ef4266e49dbe04d3e8fe6400ce2133 /modules/sysconfig/
parentMerge branch 'master' into modularization (diff)
Implemented new menu, added logic for defining dependencies, move translation files around
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/sysconfig/')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/sysconfig/ b/modules/sysconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c06e125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sysconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+class Page_SysConfig extends Page
+ /**
+ * Holds all the known configuration modules, with title, description, start class for their wizard, etc.
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $moduleTypes = array();
+ /**
+ * Add a known configuration module. Every addmoule_* file should call this
+ * for its module provided.
+ *
+ * @param string $id Internal identifier for the module
+ * @param string $startClass Class to start wizard for creating such a module
+ * @param string $title Title of this module type
+ * @param string $description Description for this module type
+ * @param string $group Title for group this module type belongs to
+ * @param bool $unique Can only one such module be added to a config?
+ * @param int $sortOrder Lower comes first, alphabetical ordering otherwiese
+ */
+ public static function addModule($id, $startClass, $title, $description, $group, $unique, $sortOrder = 0)
+ {
+ self::$moduleTypes[$id] = array(
+ 'startClass' => $startClass,
+ 'title' => $title,
+ 'description' => $description,
+ 'group' => $group,
+ 'unique' => $unique,
+ 'sortOrder' => $sortOrder
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @return array All registered module types
+ */
+ public static function getModuleTypes()
+ {
+ return self::$moduleTypes;
+ }
+ protected function doPreprocess()
+ {
+ User::load();
+ if (!User::hasPermission('superadmin')) {
+ Message::addError('no-permission');
+ Util::redirect('?do=Main');
+ }
+ $action = Request::any('action', 'list');
+ // Load all addmodule classes, as they populate the $moduleTypes array
+ require_once 'modules/sysconfig/';
+ foreach (glob('modules/sysconfig/addmodule_*.inc.php') as $file) {
+ require_once $file;
+ }
+ // Action: "addmodule" (upload new module)
+ if ($action === 'addmodule') {
+ $this->initAddModule();
+ AddModule_Base::preprocess();
+ }
+ if ($action === 'module') {
+ // Action: "delmodule" (delete module)
+ if (Request::post('del', 'no') !== 'no') {
+ $this->delModule();
+ }
+ if (Request::post('download', 'no') !== 'no') {
+ $this->downloadModule();
+ }
+ if (Request::post('rebuild', 'no') !== 'no') {
+ $this->rebuildModule();
+ }
+ }
+ // Action: "addconfig" (compose config from one or more modules)
+ if ($action === 'addconfig') {
+ $this->initAddConfig();
+ AddConfig_Base::preprocess();
+ }
+ if ($action === 'config') {
+ // Action: "delconfig" (delete config)
+ if (Request::post('del', 'no') !== 'no') {
+ $this->delConfig();
+ }
+ // Action "activate" (set sysconfig as active)
+ if (Request::post('activate', 'no') !== 'no') {
+ $this->activateConfig();
+ }
+ // Action "rebuild" (rebuild config.tgz from its modules)
+ if (Request::post('rebuild', 'no') !== 'no') {
+ $this->rebuildConfig();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render module; called by main script when this module page should render
+ * its content.
+ */
+ protected function doRender()
+ {
+ Render::setTitle(Dictionary::translate('lang_location'));
+ $action = Request::any('action', 'list');
+ switch ($action) {
+ case 'addmodule':
+ AddModule_Base::render();
+ return;
+ case 'addconfig':
+ AddConfig_Base::render();
+ return;
+ case 'list':
+ $this->listConfigs();
+ return;
+ case 'module':
+ $listid = Request::post('list');
+ if ($listid !== false) {
+ $this->listModuleContents($listid);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'config':
+ $listid = Request::post('list');
+ if ($listid !== false) {
+ $this->listConfigContents($listid);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Message::addError('invalid-action', $action, 'main');
+ }
+ /**
+ * List all configurations and configuration modules.
+ */
+ private function listConfigs()
+ {
+ // Configs
+ $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT configtgz.configid, configtgz.title, configtgz.filepath, configtgz.status, GROUP_CONCAT(configtgz_x_module.moduleid) AS modlist"
+ . " FROM configtgz"
+ . " INNER JOIN configtgz_x_module USING (configid)"
+ . " GROUP BY configid"
+ . " ORDER BY title ASC");
+ $configs = array();
+ while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ $configs[] = array(
+ 'configid' => $row['configid'],
+ 'config' => $row['title'],
+ 'modlist' => $row['modlist'],
+ 'current' => readlink(CONFIG_HTTP_DIR . '/default/config.tgz') === $row['filepath'],
+ 'needrebuild' => ($row['status'] !== 'OK')
+ );
+ }
+ // Config modules
+ $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT moduleid, title, moduletype, status FROM configtgz_module ORDER BY moduletype ASC, title ASC");
+ $modules = array();
+ while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ $modules[] = array(
+ 'moduleid' => $row['moduleid'],
+ 'moduletype' => $row['moduletype'],
+ 'module' => $row['title'],
+ 'iscustom' => ($row['moduletype'] === 'CustomModule' || $row['moduletype'] === 'Branding'),
+ 'needrebuild' => ($row['status'] !== 'OK')
+ );
+ }
+ Render::addTemplate('_page', array(
+ 'configs' => $configs,
+ 'modules' => $modules,
+ 'havemodules' => (count($modules) > 0)
+ ));
+ Render::addScriptTop('custom');
+ Render::addFooter('<script> $(window).load(function (e) {
+ forceTable($("#modtable"));
+ forceTable($("#conftable"));
+ }); // </script>');
+ }
+ private function listModuleContents($moduleid)
+ {
+ // fetch the data
+ $row = Database::queryFirst("SELECT title, filepath FROM configtgz_module WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array('moduleid' => $moduleid));
+ if ($row === false) {
+ Message::addError('config-invalid', $moduleid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ // find files in that archive
+ $status = Taskmanager::submit('ListArchive', array(
+ 'file' => $row['filepath']
+ ));
+ if (isset($status['id']))
+ $status = Taskmanager::waitComplete($status, 4000);
+ if (!Taskmanager::isFinished($status) || Taskmanager::isFailed($status)) {
+ Taskmanager::addErrorMessage($status);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ // Sort files for better display
+ $dirs = array();
+ foreach ($status['data']['entries'] as $file) {
+ if ($file['isdir'])
+ continue;
+ $dirs[dirname($file['name'])][] = $file;
+ }
+ ksort($dirs);
+ $list = array();
+ foreach ($dirs as $dir => $files) {
+ $list[] = array(
+ 'name' => $dir,
+ 'isdir' => true
+ );
+ sort($files);
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ $file['size'] = Util::readableFileSize($file['size']);
+ $list[] = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ // render the template
+ Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translate('lang_contentOf') . ' ' . $row['title'], false, 'custom-filelist', array(
+ 'files' => $list,
+ ));
+ }
+ private function listConfigContents($configid)
+ {
+ // get config name
+ $config = Database::queryFirst("SELECT title FROM configtgz WHERE configid = :configid LIMIT 1", array('configid' => $configid));
+ if ($config === false) {
+ Message::addError('config-invalid', $configid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ // fetch the data
+ $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT module.moduleid, module.title AS moduletitle"
+ . " FROM configtgz_module module"
+ . " INNER JOIN configtgz_x_module USING (moduleid)"
+ . " WHERE configtgz_x_module.configid = :configid"
+ . " ORDER BY module.title ASC", array('configid' => $configid));
+ $modules = array();
+ while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ $modules[] = array(
+ 'module' => $row['moduletitle'],
+ 'moduleid' => $row['moduleid']
+ );
+ }
+ // render the template
+ Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translate('lang_contentOf') . ' ' . $config['title'], false, 'config-module-list', array(
+ 'modules' => $modules
+ ));
+ }
+ private function activateConfig()
+ {
+ $configid = Request::post('activate', 'MISSING');
+ $row = Database::queryFirst("SELECT title, filepath FROM configtgz WHERE configid = :configid LIMIT 1", array('configid' => $configid));
+ if ($row === false) {
+ Message::addError('config-invalid', $configid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ $task = Taskmanager::submit('LinkConfigTgz', array(
+ 'destination' => $row['filepath']
+ ));
+ if (isset($task['statusCode']) && $task['statusCode'] === TASK_WAITING) {
+ $task = Taskmanager::waitComplete($task['id']);
+ }
+ if (!isset($task['statusCode']) || $task['statusCode'] === TASK_ERROR) {
+ Message::addError('task-error', $task['data']['error']);
+ } elseif ($task['statusCode'] === TASK_FINISHED) {
+ Message::addSuccess('config-activated', $row['title']);
+ Event::activeConfigChanged();
+ }
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ private function rebuildConfig()
+ {
+ $configid = Request::post('rebuild', 'MISSING');
+ $config = ConfigTgz::get($configid);
+ if ($config === false) {
+ Message::addError('config-invalid', $configid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ $ret = $config->generate(false, 350); // TODO
+ if ($ret === true)
+ Message::addSuccess('module-rebuilt', $config->title());
+ elseif ($ret === false)
+ Message::addError('module-rebuild-failed', $config->title());
+ else
+ Message::addInfo('module-rebuilding', $config->title());
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ private function delModule()
+ {
+ $moduleid = Request::post('del', 'MISSING');
+ $row = Database::queryFirst("SELECT title, filepath FROM configtgz_module WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array('moduleid' => $moduleid));
+ if ($row === false) {
+ Message::addError('config-invalid', $moduleid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ $existing = Database::queryFirst("SELECT title FROM configtgz_x_module"
+ . " INNER JOIN configtgz USING (configid)"
+ . " WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array('moduleid' => $moduleid));
+ if ($existing !== false) {
+ Message::addError('module-in-use', $row['title'], $existing['title']);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ $task = Taskmanager::submit('DeleteFile', array(
+ 'file' => $row['filepath']
+ ));
+ if (isset($task['statusCode']) && $task['statusCode'] === TASK_WAITING) {
+ $task = Taskmanager::waitComplete($task['id']);
+ }
+ if (!isset($task['statusCode']) || $task['statusCode'] === TASK_ERROR) {
+ Message::addWarning('task-error', $task['data']['error']);
+ } elseif ($task['statusCode'] === TASK_FINISHED) {
+ Message::addSuccess('module-deleted', $row['title']);
+ }
+ Database::exec("DELETE FROM configtgz_module WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array('moduleid' => $moduleid));
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ private function downloadModule()
+ {
+ $moduleid = Request::post('download', 'MISSING');
+ $row = Database::queryFirst("SELECT title, filepath FROM configtgz_module WHERE moduleid = :moduleid LIMIT 1", array('moduleid' => $moduleid));
+ if ($row === false) {
+ Message::addError('config-invalid', $moduleid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ if (!Util::sendFile($row['filepath'], $row['title'] . '.tgz'))
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ private function rebuildModule()
+ {
+ $moduleid = Request::post('rebuild', 'MISSING');
+ $module = ConfigModule::get($moduleid);
+ if ($module === false) {
+ Message::addError('config-invalid', $moduleid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ $ret = $module->generate(false, 250);
+ if ($ret === true)
+ Message::addSuccess('module-rebuilt', $module->title());
+ elseif ($ret === false)
+ Message::addError('module-rebuild-failed', $module->title());
+ else
+ Message::addInfo('module-rebuilding', $module->title());
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ private function delConfig()
+ {
+ $configid = Request::post('del', 'MISSING');
+ $config = ConfigTgz::get($configid);
+ if ($config === false) {
+ Message::addError('config-invalid', $configid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ $config->delete();
+ Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig');
+ }
+ private function initAddModule()
+ {
+ ConfigModule::loadDb();
+ require_once 'modules/sysconfig/';
+ $step = Request::any('step', 'AddModule_Start');
+ if (!class_exists($step) && preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_/', $step, $out)) {
+ require_once 'modules/sysconfig/addmodule_' . strtolower($out[1]) . '.inc.php';
+ }
+ AddModule_Base::setStep($step);
+ }
+ private function initAddConfig()
+ {
+ ConfigModule::loadDb();
+ require_once 'modules/sysconfig/';
+ $step = Request::any('step', 0);
+ if ($step === 0)
+ $step = 'AddConfig_Start';
+ AddConfig_Base::setStep($step);
+ }