path: root/modules-available/locationinfo/inc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/locationinfo/inc/')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/locationinfo/inc/ b/modules-available/locationinfo/inc/
index 6e4d77ac..ea1bebac 100644
--- a/modules-available/locationinfo/inc/
+++ b/modules-available/locationinfo/inc/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
$this->errors = [];
- protected final function addError($message, $fatal)
+ protected final function addError(string $message, bool $fatal)
$this->errors[] = ['time' => time(), 'message' => $message, 'fatal' => $fatal];
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
self::$backendTypes = array();
foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/coursebackend/coursebackend_*.inc.php', GLOB_NOSORT) as $file) {
require_once $file;
- preg_match('#coursebackend_([^/\.]+)\.inc\.php$#i', $file, $out);
+ preg_match('#coursebackend_([^/.]+)\.inc\.php$#i', $file, $out);
$className = 'CourseBackend_' . $out[1];
if (!class_exists($className)) {
trigger_error("Backend type source unit $file doesn't seem to define class $className", E_USER_ERROR);
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
* @return array list of backends
- public static function getList()
+ public static function getList(): array
return array_keys(self::$backendTypes);
- public static function exists($backendType)
+ public static function exists($backendType): bool
return isset(self::$backendTypes[$backendType]);
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
* @param string $backendType name of module type
* @return \CourseBackend|false module instance
- public static function getInstance($backendType)
+ public static function getInstance(string $backendType)
if (!isset(self::$backendTypes[$backendType])) {
@@ -106,18 +106,18 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
* @return string return display name of backend
- public abstract function getDisplayName();
+ public abstract function getDisplayName(): string;
* @returns \BackendProperty[] list of properties that need to be set
- public abstract function getCredentialDefinitions();
+ public abstract function getCredentialDefinitions(): array;
* @return boolean true if the connection works, false otherwise
- public abstract function checkConnection();
+ public abstract function checkConnection(): bool;
* uses json to setCredentials, the json must follow the form given in
@@ -126,42 +126,39 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
* @param array $data assoc array with data required by backend
* @returns bool if the credentials were in the correct format
- public abstract function setCredentialsInternal($data);
+ public abstract function setCredentialsInternal(array $data): bool;
* @return int desired caching time of results, in seconds. 0 = no caching
- public abstract function getCacheTime();
+ public abstract function getCacheTime(): int;
* @return int age after which timetables are no longer refreshed should be
* greater then CacheTime
- public abstract function getRefreshTime();
+ public abstract function getRefreshTime(): int;
* Internal version of fetch, to be overridden by subclasses.
- * @param $roomIds array with remote IDs for wanted rooms
+ * @param $requestedRoomIds array with remote IDs for wanted rooms
* @return array a recursive array that uses the roomID as key
* and has the schedule array as value. A schedule array contains an array in this format:
* ["start"=>'JJJJ-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS',"end"=>'JJJJ-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS',"title"=>string]
- protected abstract function fetchSchedulesInternal($roomId);
+ protected abstract function fetchSchedulesInternal(array $requestedRoomIds): array;
* In case you want to sanitize or otherwise mangle a property for your backend,
* override this.
- * @param string $prop
- * @param $value
- * @return mixed
- public function mangleProperty($prop, $value)
+ public function mangleProperty(string $prop, $value)
return $value;
- private static function fixTime(&$start, &$end)
+ private static function fixTime(string &$start, string &$end): bool
if (!preg_match('/^(\d{2}|\d{4})-?\d{2}-?\d{2}-?T\d{1,2}:?\d{2}:?(\d{2})?$/', $start))
return false;
@@ -178,14 +175,10 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
* Method for fetching the schedule of the given rooms on a server.
* @param array $requestedLocationIds array of room ID to fetch
- * @return array|bool array containing the timetables as value and roomid as key as result, or false on error
+ * @return array array containing the timetables as value and roomid as key as result, or false on error
- public final function fetchSchedule($requestedLocationIds)
+ public final function fetchSchedule(array $requestedLocationIds): array
- if (!is_array($requestedLocationIds)) {
- $this->addError('No array of roomids was given to fetchSchedule', false);
- return false;
- }
if (empty($requestedLocationIds))
return array();
$requestedLocationIds = array_values($requestedLocationIds);
@@ -195,7 +188,7 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
array('locations' => $requestedLocationIds));
$returnValue = [];
$remoteIds = [];
- while ($row = $dbquery1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ foreach ($dbquery1 as $row) {
// Check if in cache - if lastUpdate is null then it is interpreted as 1970
if ($row['lastcalendarupdate'] + $this->getCacheTime() < $NOW) {
$remoteIds[$row['locationid']] = $row['serverlocationid'];
@@ -222,7 +215,7 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
'lastuse' => $NOW - $this->getRefreshTime(),
'minage' => $NOW - $this->getCacheTime(),
- while ($row = $dbquery4->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ foreach ($dbquery4 as $row) {
$remoteIds[$row['locationid']] = $row['serverlocationid'];
@@ -239,9 +232,6 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
$backendResponse = $this->fetchSchedulesInternal(array_unique($remoteIds));
- if ($backendResponse === false) {
- return false;
- }
// Fetching might have taken a while, get current time again
$NOW = time();
@@ -282,7 +272,7 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
return $returnValue;
- public final function setCredentials($serverId, $data)
+ public final function setCredentials(int $serverId, array $data): bool
foreach ($this->getCredentialDefinitions() as $prop) {
if (!isset($data[$prop->property])) {
@@ -302,18 +292,9 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
- * @return false if there was no error string with error message if there was one
- */
- public final function getError()
- {
- trigger_error('getError() is legacy; use getErrors()');
- return $this->error;
- }
- /**
* @return array list of errors that occurred during processing.
- public final function getErrors()
+ public final function getErrors(): array
return $this->errors;
@@ -378,7 +359,7 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
* @param string $response xml document to convert
* @return bool|array array representation of the xml if possible, false otherwise
- protected function xmlStringToArray($response, &$error)
+ protected function xmlStringToArray(string $response, &$error)
$cleanresponse = preg_replace('/(<\/?)(\w+):([^>]*>)/', '$1$2$3', $response);
try {
@@ -390,8 +371,7 @@ abstract class CourseBackend
return false;
- $array = json_decode(json_encode((array)$xml), true);
- return $array;
+ return json_decode(json_encode((array)$xml), true);
@@ -414,7 +394,6 @@ class BackendProperty {
* Initialize additional fields of this class that are only required
* for rendering the server configuration dialog.
- * @param string $backendId target backend id
* @param mixed $current current value of this property.
public function initForRender($current = null) {