path: root/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en')
4 files changed, 47 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/messages.json b/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/messages.json
index 5098eb76..2afc3431 100644
--- a/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/messages.json
+++ b/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/messages.json
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
- "reboot-unconfirmed": "Confirmation prompt to reboot not confirmed",
+ "apt-db-out-of-date": "The system update database is out of date ({{0}}). Consider checking for new updates and installing them.",
+ "security-updates-available": "Pending security updates: {{0}}",
+ "storage-low-system": "System storage running out. Only {{0}} free. You could try deleting old Net-boot OS versions.",
+ "storage-low-vmstore": "VMstore space is running out. Only {{0}} left.",
"update-reboot-required": "Updating the following system packages requires reboot: {{0}}"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/module.json b/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/module.json
index 9f6d937a..cc2b5283 100644
--- a/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/module.json
+++ b/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/module.json
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
"module_name": "System Status",
+ "page_title": "System status of server",
"tab_DmsdLog": "bwLehrpool-Suite log",
+ "tab_Dnbd3Log": "DNBD3 server log",
"tab_LdadpLog": "LDAP\/AD",
"tab_LighttpdLog": "lighttpd log",
+ "tab_ListUpgradable": "System updates",
"tab_Netstat": "netstat -tulpn",
"tab_PsList": "ps auxf"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/permissions.json b/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/permissions.json
index 879fa882..21e7538f 100644
--- a/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/permissions.json
+++ b/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/permissions.json
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+ "apt.autoremove": "Remove packages that are no longer required.",
+ "apt.fix": "Try to fix installation and dependency problems.",
+ "apt.update": "Update system.",
+ "apt.upgrade": "Update system via \"full-upgrade\".",
+ "restart.dmsd": "Restart bwLehrpool-Suite.",
+ "restart.dnbd3-server": "Restart DNBD3 server.",
+ "restart.ldadp": "Restart LDADP.",
"serverreboot": "Reboot server.",
"show.overview.addresses": "Show addresses on overview page.",
"show.overview.diskstat": "Show diskstats on overview page.",
@@ -6,8 +13,10 @@
"": "Show services on overview page.",
"show.overview.systeminfo": "Show systeminfo on overview page.",
"tab.dmsdlog": "Show bwLehrpool-Suite status.",
+ "tab.dnbd3log": "Show DNBD3 log.",
"tab.ldadplog": "Show LDAP\/AD proxy logs.",
"tab.lighttpdlog": "Show web server logs.",
+ "tab.listupgradable": "Show system update status.",
"tab.netstat": "Show output of netstat.",
"tab.pslist": "Show process list."
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/template-tags.json b/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/template-tags.json
index 5f6ad898..7758c71c 100644
--- a/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/template-tags.json
+++ b/modules-available/systemstatus/lang/en/template-tags.json
@@ -1,40 +1,60 @@
"lang_OK": "OK",
"lang_addressConfiguration": "Address Configuration",
+ "lang_aptOutput": "apt-get output",
"lang_areYouSureReboot": "Reboot server now?",
"lang_attention": "Attention!",
"lang_average": "Average",
+ "lang_backToPackagelist": "Back up update page",
"lang_capacity": "Capacity",
+ "lang_checkForUpdates": "Check for updates",
+ "lang_confirmRestart": "Are you sure you want to restart this service? This can lead to interruptions.",
"lang_cpuLoad": "CPU Load",
+ "lang_distribution": "Distribution",
"lang_dmsdUnreachable": "dmsd not reachable",
- "lang_downloads": "Downloads",
+ "lang_everythingUpToDate": "Everything is up to date",
"lang_failure": "Failure",
+ "lang_fixDependencies": "Fix installation\/dependency problems",
"lang_foundStore": "Found:",
"lang_free": "Free",
"lang_goToStoreConf": "Go to VM store configuration",
- "lang_logicCPUs": "Logic CPUs",
+ "lang_kernel": "Kernel",
+ "lang_lastPackageInstall": "Updates installed",
+ "lang_lastUpdateCheck": "Last update check",
+ "lang_lastestUpdate": "Latest updates from",
+ "lang_listOldWarning": "The package database is out of date. Consider checking for updates before updating.",
+ "lang_logicCPUs": "Logical CPUs",
"lang_maintenance": "Maintenance",
"lang_moduleHeading": "System Status",
"lang_notDetermined": "Could not be determined",
- "lang_occupied": "Occupied",
- "lang_onlyOS": "OS Only",
+ "lang_occupied": "In use",
+ "lang_onlyOS": "OS only",
"lang_overview": "Overview",
- "lang_ramUsage": "RAM Usage",
+ "lang_package": "Package",
+ "lang_packagesNeedingReboot": "Packages that require a system reboot",
+ "lang_ramUsage": "RAM usage",
+ "lang_removeUnusedPackages": "Remove unused packages",
+ "lang_restart": "Restart",
+ "lang_runFullUpdate": "Run \"full-upgrade\"",
+ "lang_runUpdate": "Run update",
+ "lang_runningDownloads": "Running downloads",
+ "lang_runningUploads": "Running uploads",
"lang_serverReboot": "Reboot Server",
"lang_services": "Services",
+ "lang_showPackageList": "Show updates and packages",
"lang_space": "Space",
"lang_storeMissingExpected": "VM store not mounted. Expected:",
"lang_storeNotConfigured": "No VM store configured!",
- "lang_swapUsage": "swap Usage",
+ "lang_swapUsage": "swap usage",
"lang_swapWarning": "Memory swap is being used. This may be an indication that the satellite server does not have enough physical memory available. In the case of performance problems or server instability you should consider equipping the server with more RAM.",
"lang_system": "System",
- "lang_systemPartition": "System Partition",
+ "lang_systemPartition": "System partition",
"lang_systemStoreError": "Error querying available system storage",
"lang_total": "Total",
- "lang_unknownState": "Unknown status",
"lang_updatedPackages": "Pending updates",
- "lang_uploads": "Uploads",
- "lang_uptimeOS": "OS Uptime",
- "lang_vmStore": "VM Store",
+ "lang_updatesWikiLink": "See bwLehrpool Wiki for more information regarding updates",
+ "lang_uptimeOS": "OS uptime",
+ "lang_versionFromTo": "Update details",
+ "lang_vmStore": "VM store",
"lang_vmStoreError": "Error determining available space of the VM storage. Please check the configuration."
} \ No newline at end of file