path: root/modules-available
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available')
7 files changed, 1151 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/ b/modules-available/statistics/
index 04614521..0a194f2e 100644
--- a/modules-available/statistics/
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/
@@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
+if (Request::any('action') === 'test' && isLocalExecution()) {
+ $x = new HardwareQuery(HardwareInfo::PCI_DEVICE);
+ //$x->addCompare(false, 'Memory Slot Occupied', '>=', true, 'Memory Slot Count');
+ $x->addWhere(true, 'vendor', '=', '8086');
+ $x->addColumn(true, 'device');
+ $res = $x->query();
+ foreach ($res as $row) {
+ error_log(json_encode($row));
+ }
+ exit;
+ HardwareParser::parseMachine('0A5D9E23-80F4-9C43-912C-96D80AE7E80B',
+ file_get_contents('/tmp/bla.json'));
+ echo 'Kweries: ' . Database::getQueryCount();
+ exit;
if (empty($_POST['type'])) die('Missing options.');
$type = mb_strtolower($_POST['type']);
@@ -62,7 +78,11 @@ if ($type[0] === '~') {
if (!is_string($hostname) || $hostname === $ip) {
$hostname = '';
- $data = Util::cleanUtf8(Request::post('data', '', 'string'));
+ $data = Util::cleanUtf8(Request::post('json', '', 'string'));
+ $hasJson = !empty($data);
+ if (!$hasJson) {
+ $data = Util::cleanUtf8(Request::post('data', '', 'string'));
+ }
// Prepare insert/update to machine table
$new = array(
'machineuuid'=> $uuid,
@@ -119,7 +139,7 @@ if ($type[0] === '~') {
. ' id44mb = :id44mb,'
. ' live_tmpsize = 0, live_swapsize = 0, live_memsize = 0, live_cpuload = 255, live_cputemp = 0,'
. ' badsectors = :badsectors,'
- . ' data = :data,'
+ . ' data = ' . ($hasJson ? ':data' : "If(Left(data, 1) = '{', data, :data)") . ','
. ' state = :state '
. " WHERE machineuuid = :machineuuid AND state = :oldstate AND lastseen = :oldlastseen", $new);
if ($res === 0) {
@@ -151,6 +171,10 @@ if ($type[0] === '~') {
$new['locationid'] = $loc; // For Filter Event
+ if ($hasJson) {
+ HardwareParser::parseMachine($uuid, $data);
+ }
// Check for suspicious hardware changes
if ($old !== false) {
checkHardwareChange($old, $new);
@@ -316,6 +340,7 @@ if ($type[0] === '~') {
'hwid' => $hwid,
'machineuuid' => $uuid,
'devpath' => $port,
+ 'serial' => '',
), array('disconnecttime' => 0));
$validProps = array();
if (count($screen) > 1) {
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/inc/ b/modules-available/statistics/inc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ef94365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+class HardwareInfo
+ // Never change these!
+ const RAM_MODULE = 'RAM';
+ const HDD = 'HDD';
+ const CPU = 'CPU';
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/inc/ b/modules-available/statistics/inc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d356e226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
+class HardwareParser
+ const SIZE_LOOKUP = ['T' => 1099511627776, 'G' => 1073741824, 'M' => 1048576, 'K' => 1024, '' => 1];
+ const SI_LOOKUP = ['T' => 1000000000000, 'G' => 1000000000, 'M' => 1000000, 'K' => 1000, '' => 1];
+ public static function parseCpu(&$row, $data)
+ {
+ if (0 >= preg_match_all('/^(.+):\s+(\d+)$/im', $data, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach ($out as $entry) {
+ $row[str_replace(' ', '', $entry[1])] = $entry[2];
+ }
+ }
+ public static function parseDmiDecode(&$row, $data)
+ {
+ $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
+ $section = false;
+ $ramOk = false;
+ $ramForm = $ramType = $ramSpeed = $ramClockSpeed = false;
+ $ramslot = [];
+ $row['ramslotcount'] = $row['maxram'] = 0;
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ if (empty($line)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($line[0] !== "\t" && $line[0] !== ' ') {
+ if (isset($ramslot['size'])) {
+ $row['ramslot'][] = $ramslot;
+ $ramslot = [];
+ }
+ $section = $line;
+ $ramOk = false;
+ if (($ramForm || $ramType) && ($ramSpeed || $ramClockSpeed)) {
+ if (isset($row['ramtype']) && !$ramClockSpeed) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $row['ramtype'] = $ramType . ' ' . $ramForm;
+ if ($ramClockSpeed) {
+ $row['ramtype'] .= ', ' . $ramClockSpeed;
+ } elseif ($ramSpeed) {
+ $row['ramtype'] .= ', ' . $ramSpeed;
+ }
+ $ramForm = false;
+ $ramType = false;
+ $ramClockSpeed = false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($section === 'Base Board Information') {
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Product Name: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['mobomodel'] = $out[1];
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Manufacturer: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['mobomanufacturer'] = $out[1];
+ }
+ } elseif ($section === 'System Information') {
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Product Name: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['pcmodel'] = $out[1];
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Manufacturer: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['pcmanufacturer'] = $out[1];
+ }
+ } elseif ($section === 'Physical Memory Array') {
+ if (!$ramOk && preg_match('/Use: System Memory/i', $line)) {
+ $ramOk = true;
+ }
+ if ($ramOk && preg_match('/^\s*Number Of Devices:\s+(\d+)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['ramslotcount'] += $out[1];
+ }
+ if ($ramOk && preg_match('/^\s*Maximum Capacity:\s+(\d.+)/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['maxram'] += self::convertSize($out[1], 'G', false);
+ }
+ } elseif ($section === 'Memory Device') {
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Size:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['extram'] = true;
+ if (preg_match('/(\d+)\s*(\w)i?B/i', $out[1])) {
+ if (self::convertSize($out[1], 'M', false) < 35)
+ continue; // TODO: Parsing this line by line is painful. Check for other indicators, like Locator
+ $ramslot['size'] = self::convertSize($out[1], 'G');
+ } elseif (!isset($row['ramslot']) || (count($row['ramslot']) < 8 && (!isset($row['ramslotcount']) || $row['ramslotcount'] <= 8))) {
+ $ramslot['size'] = '_____';
+ }
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Manufacturer:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
+ $ramslot['manuf'] = self::decodeJedec($out[1]);
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Form Factor:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
+ $ramForm = $out[1];
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Type:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
+ $ramType = $out[1];
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Speed:\s*(\d.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $ramSpeed = $out[1];
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*Configured (?:Clock|Memory) Speed:\s*(\d.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $ramClockSpeed = $out[1];
+ }
+ } elseif ($section === 'BIOS Information') {
+ if (preg_match(',^\s*Release Date:\s*(\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})\s*$,i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['biosdate'] = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($out[1]));
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*BIOS Revision:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['biosrevision'] = $out[1];
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*Version:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ $row['biosversion'] = $out[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($row['ramslotcount']) || (isset($row['ramslot']) && $row['ramslotcount'] < count($row['ramslot']))) {
+ $row['ramslotcount'] = isset($row['ramslot']) ? count($row['ramslot']) : 0;
+ }
+ if ($row['maxram'] > 0) {
+ $row['maxram'] .= ' GiB';
+ }
+ }
+ const LOOKUP = ['T' => 1099511627776, 'G' => 1073741824, 'M' => 1048576, 'K' => 1024, '' => 1];
+ /**
+ * Convert/format size unit. Input string can be a size like
+ * 8 GB or 1024 MB and will be converted according to passed parameters.
+ * @param string $string Input string
+ * @param string $scale 'a' for auto, T/G/M/K/'' for according units
+ * @param bool $appendUnit append unit string, e.g. 'GiB'
+ * @return false|string|int Formatted result
+ */
+ public static function convertSize(string $string, string $scale = 'a', bool $appendUnit = true)
+ {
+ if (!preg_match('/(\d+)\s*([TGMK]?)/i', $string, $out)) {
+ error_log("Not size: $string");
+ return false;
+ }
+ $val = (int)$out[1] * self::LOOKUP[strtoupper($out[2])];
+ if (!array_key_exists($scale, self::LOOKUP)) {
+ foreach (self::LOOKUP as $k => $v) {
+ if ($k === '' || $val / 8 >= $v || abs($val - $v) < 50) {
+ $scale = $k;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $val = (int)round($val / self::LOOKUP[$scale]);
+ if ($appendUnit) {
+ $val .= ' ' . ($scale === '' ? 'Byte' : $scale . 'iB'); // NBSP!!
+ }
+ return $val;
+ }
+ public static function parseHdd(&$row, $data)
+ {
+ $hdds = array();
+ // Could have more than one disk - linear scan
+ $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
+ $i = 0;
+ $mbrToMbFactor = $sectorToMbFactor = 0;
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ if (preg_match('/^Disk (\S+):.* (\d+) bytes/i', $line, $out)) {
+ // --- Beginning of MBR disk ---
+ unset($hdd);
+ if ($out[2] < 10000) // sometimes vmware reports lots of 512byte disks
+ continue;
+ if (substr($out[1], 0, 8) === '/dev/dm-') // Ignore device mapper
+ continue;
+ // disk total size and name
+ $mbrToMbFactor = 0; // This is != 0 for mbr
+ $sectorToMbFactor = 0; // This is != for gpt
+ $hdd = array(
+ 'devid' => 'devid-' . ++$i,
+ 'dev' => $out[1],
+ 'sectors' => 0,
+ 'size' => round($out[2] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)),
+ 'used' => 0,
+ 'partitions' => array(),
+ 'json' => array(),
+ );
+ $hdds[] = &$hdd;
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^Disk (\S+):\s+(\d+)\s+sectors,/i', $line, $out)) {
+ // --- Beginning of GPT disk ---
+ unset($hdd);
+ if ($out[2] < 1000) // sometimes vmware reports lots of 512byte disks
+ continue;
+ if (substr($out[1], 0, 8) === '/dev/dm-') // Ignore device mapper
+ continue;
+ // disk total size and name
+ $mbrToMbFactor = 0; // This is != 0 for mbr
+ $sectorToMbFactor = 0; // This is != for gpt
+ $hdd = array(
+ 'devid' => 'devid-' . ++$i,
+ 'dev' => $out[1],
+ 'sectors' => $out[2],
+ 'size' => 0,
+ 'used' => 0,
+ 'partitions' => array(),
+ 'json' => array(),
+ );
+ $hdds[] = &$hdd;
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^Units =.*= (\d+) bytes/i', $line, $out)) {
+ // --- MBR: Line that tells us how to interpret units for the partition lines ---
+ // Unit for start and end
+ $mbrToMbFactor = $out[1] / (1024 * 1024); // Convert so that multiplying by unit yields MiB
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^Logical sector size:\s*(\d+)/i', $line, $out)) {
+ // --- GPT: Line that tells us the logical sector size used everywhere ---
+ $sectorToMbFactor = $out[1] / (1024 * 1024);
+ } elseif (isset($hdd) && preg_match('/^First usable sector.* is (\d+)$/i', $line, $out)) {
+ // --- Some fdisk versions are messed up and report 2^32 as the sector count in the first line,
+ // but the correct value in the "last usable sector is xxxx" line below ---
+ if ($out[1] > $hdd['sectors']) {
+ $hdd['sectors'] = $out[1];
+ }
+ } elseif (isset($hdd) && $mbrToMbFactor !== 0 && preg_match(',^/dev/(\S+)\s+.*\s(\d+)[+\-]?\s+(\d+)[+\-]?\s+\d+[+\-]?\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.*)$,i', $line, $out)) {
+ // --- MBR: Partition entry ---
+ // Some partition
+ $type = strtolower($out[4]);
+ if ($type === '5' || $type === 'f' || $type === '85') {
+ continue;
+ } elseif ($type === '44') {
+ $out[5] = 'OpenSLX-ID44';
+ $color = '#5c1';
+ } elseif ($type === '45') {
+ $out[5] = 'OpenSLX-ID45';
+ $color = '#0d7';
+ } elseif ($type === '82') {
+ $color = '#48f';
+ } else {
+ $color = '#e55';
+ }
+ $partsize = round(($out[3] - $out[2]) * $mbrToMbFactor);
+ $hdd['partitions'][] = array(
+ 'id' => $out[1],
+ 'name' => $out[1],
+ 'size' => round($partsize / 1024, $partsize < 1024 ? 1 : 0),
+ 'type' => $out[5],
+ );
+ $hdd['json'][] = array(
+ 'label' => $out[1],
+ 'value' => $partsize,
+ 'color' => $color,
+ );
+ $hdd['used'] += $partsize;
+ } elseif (isset($hdd) && $sectorToMbFactor !== 0 && preg_match(',^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)[+\-]?\s+(\d+)[+\-]?\s+\S+\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.*)$,i', $line, $out)) {
+ // --- GPT: Partition entry ---
+ // Some partition
+ $type = $out[5];
+ if ($type === 'OpenSLX-ID44') {
+ $color = '#5c1';
+ } elseif ($type === 'OpenSLX-ID45') {
+ $color = '#0d7';
+ } elseif ($type === 'Linux swap') {
+ $color = '#48f';
+ } else {
+ $color = '#e55';
+ }
+ $id = $hdd['devid'] . '-' . $out[1];
+ $partsize = round(($out[3] - $out[2]) * $sectorToMbFactor);
+ $hdd['partitions'][] = array(
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'name' => $out[1],
+ 'size' => round($partsize / 1024, $partsize < 1024 ? 1 : 0),
+ 'type' => $type,
+ );
+ $hdd['json'][] = array(
+ 'label' => $id,
+ 'value' => $partsize,
+ 'color' => $color,
+ );
+ $hdd['used'] += $partsize;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($hdd);
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) {
+ $hdd['used'] = round($hdd['used'] / 1024);
+ if ($hdd['size'] === 0 && $hdd['sectors'] !== 0) {
+ $hdd['size'] = round(($hdd['sectors'] * $sectorToMbFactor) / 1024);
+ }
+ $free = $hdd['size'] - $hdd['used'];
+ if ($hdd['size'] > 0 && ($free > 5 || ($free / $hdd['size']) > 0.1)) {
+ $hdd['partitions'][] = array(
+ 'id' => 'free-id-' . $i,
+ 'name' => Dictionary::translate('unused'),
+ 'size' => $free,
+ 'type' => '-',
+ );
+ $hdd['json'][] = array(
+ 'label' => 'free-id-' . $i,
+ 'value' => $free * 1024,
+ 'color' => '#aaa',
+ );
+ ++$i;
+ }
+ $hdd['json'] = json_encode($hdd['json']);
+ }
+ unset($hdd);
+ $row['hdds'] = &$hdds;
+ }
+ public static function parsePci(&$pci1, &$pci2, $data)
+ {
+ preg_match_all('/[a-f0-9:.]{7}\s+"(Class\s*)?(?<class>[a-f0-9]{4})"\s+"(?<ven>[a-f0-9]{4})"\s+"(?<dev>[a-f0-9]{4})"/is', $data, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ $NOW = time();
+ $pci = array();
+ foreach ($out as $entry) {
+ if (!isset($pci[$entry['class']])) {
+ $class = 'c.' . $entry['class'];
+ $res = Page_Statistics::getPciId('CLASS', $class);
+ if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) {
+ $pci[$entry['class']]['lookupClass'] = 'do-lookup';
+ $pci[$entry['class']]['class'] = $class;
+ } else {
+ $pci[$entry['class']]['class'] = $res['value'];
+ }
+ }
+ $new = array(
+ 'ven' => $entry['ven'],
+ 'dev' => $entry['ven'] . ':' . $entry['dev'],
+ );
+ $res = Page_Statistics::getPciId('VENDOR', $new['ven']);
+ if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) {
+ $new['lookupVen'] = 'do-lookup';
+ } else {
+ $new['ven'] = $res['value'];
+ }
+ $res = Page_Statistics::getPciId('DEVICE', $new['dev']);
+ if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) {
+ $new['lookupDev'] = 'do-lookup';
+ } else {
+ $new['dev'] = $res['value'] . ' (' . $new['dev'] . ')';
+ }
+ $pci[$entry['class']]['entries'][] = $new;
+ }
+ ksort($pci);
+ foreach ($pci as $class => $entry) {
+ if ($class === '0300' || $class === '0200' || $class === '0403') {
+ $pci1[] = $entry;
+ } else {
+ $pci2[] = $entry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static function parseSmartctl(&$hdds, $data)
+ {
+ $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ if (preg_match('/^NEXTHDD=(.+)$/', $line, $out)) {
+ unset($dev);
+ foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) {
+ if ($hdd['dev'] === $out[1]) {
+ $dev = &$hdd;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!isset($dev)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^([A-Z][^:]+):\s*(.*)$/', $line, $out)) {
+ $key = preg_replace('/\s|-|_/', '', $out[1]);
+ if ($key === 'ModelNumber') {
+ $key = 'DeviceModel';
+ }
+ $dev['s_' . $key] = $out[2];
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*\d+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+)(\s|$)/', $line, $out)) {
+ $dev['s_' . preg_replace('/\s|-|_/', '', $out[1])] = $out[2];
+ }
+ }
+ // Format strings
+ foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) {
+ if (isset($hdd['s_PowerOnHours'])) {
+ $hdd['PowerOnTime'] = '';
+ $val = (int)str_replace('.', '', $hdd['s_PowerOnHours']);
+ if ($val > 8760) {
+ $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 8760) . 'Y, ';
+ $val %= 8760;
+ }
+ if ($val > 720) {
+ $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 720) . 'M, ';
+ $val %= 720;
+ }
+ if ($val > 24) {
+ $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 24) . 'd, ';
+ $val %= 24;
+ }
+ $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= $val . 'h';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static function decodeJedec(string $string): string
+ {
+ // JEDEC ID:7F 7F 9E 00 00 00 00 00
+ if (preg_match('/JEDEC(?:\s*ID)?\s*:\s*([0-9a-f\s]+)/i', $string, $out)) {
+ preg_match_all('/[0-9a-f]{2}/i', $out[1], $out);
+ $bank = 0;
+ $id = 0;
+ foreach ($out[0] as $id) {
+ $bank++;
+ $id = hexdec($id) & 0x7f; // Let's just ignore the parity bit, and any potential error
+ if ($id !== 0x7f)
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($id !== 0) {
+ static $data = false;
+ if ($data === false) $data = json_decode(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/jedec.json'), true);
+ if (array_key_exists('bank' . $bank, $data) && array_key_exists('id' . $id, $data['bank' . $bank]))
+ return $data['bank' . $bank]['id' . $id];
+ }
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $key
+ * @param string $value
+ * @return ?int value, or null if not numeric
+ */
+ private static function toNumeric(string $key, string $val)
+ {
+ $key = strtolower($key);
+ // Normalize voltage to mV
+ if ((strpos($key, 'volt') !== false || strpos($key, 'current') !== false)
+ && preg_match('/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s+(m?)V/', $val, $out)) {
+ return (int)($out[1] * ($out[2] === 'm' ? 1 : 1000));
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/speed|width|size|capacity/', $key)
+ && preg_match('#^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*([TGMK]?)i?([BT](?:it|yte|))s?(?:/s)?#i',
+ $val, $out)) {
+ // Matched (T/G/M) Bits, Bytes, etc...
+ // For bits, use SI
+ if ($out[3] !== 'B' && strtolower($out[3]) !== 'byte')
+ return (int)($out[1] * self::SI_LOOKUP[strtoupper($out[2])]);
+ // For bytes, use 1024
+ return (int)($out[1] * self::SIZE_LOOKUP[strtoupper($out[2])]);
+ }
+ // Speed in Hz
+ if (preg_match('#^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*([TGMK]?)Hz#i',
+ $val, $out)) {
+ return (int)($out[1] * self::SI_LOOKUP[strtoupper($out[2])]);
+ }
+ // Count, size (unitless)
+ if (is_numeric($val) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $val)
+ && preg_match('/used|occupied|count|number|size/', $key)) {
+ return (int)$val;
+ }
+ // Date
+ if (preg_match('#^(?:[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})$#', $val)) {
+ return (int)strtotime($val);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes hwinfo json, then looks up and returns all sections from the
+ * dmidecode subtree that represent the given dmi table entry type,
+ * e.g. 17 for memory. It will then return an array of 'props' subtrees.
+ *
+ * @param array $data hwinfo tree
+ * @param int $type dmi type
+ * @return array [ <props>, <props>, ... ]
+ */
+ private static function getDmiHandles(array $data, int $type): array
+ {
+ if (empty($data['dmidecode']))
+ return [];
+ $ret = [];
+ foreach ($data['dmidecode'] as $section) {
+ if ($section['handle']['type'] == $type) {
+ $ret[] = $section['props'];
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes key-value-array, returns a concatenated string of all the values with the keys given in $fields.
+ * The items are separated by spaces, and returned in the order they were given in $fields. Missing keys
+ * are silently omitted.
+ */
+ private static function idFromArray(array $array, string ...$fields): string
+ {
+ $out = '';
+ foreach ($fields as $field) {
+ if (!isset($array[$field]))
+ continue;
+ if (empty($out)) {
+ $out = $array[$field];
+ } else {
+ $out .= ' ' . $array[$field];
+ }
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Establish a mapping between a client and some hardware device.
+ * Optionally writes hardware properties specific to a hardware instance of a client
+ *
+ * @param string $uuid client
+ * @param int $hwid hw global hw id
+ * @param string $pathId unique identifier for the local instance of this hw, e.q. PCI slot, /dev path, something that handles the case that there are multiple instances of the same hardware in one machine
+ * @param array $props KV-pairs of properties to write for this instance; can be empty
+ * @return int
+ */
+ private static function writeLocalHardwareData(string $uuid, int $hwid, string $pathId, array $props): int
+ {
+ // Add mapping between hw entity and machine
+ $mappingId = Database::insertIgnore('machine_x_hw', 'machinehwid',
+ ['hwid' => $hwid, 'machineuuid' => $uuid, 'devpath' => $pathId],
+ ['disconnecttime' => 0]);
+ // And all the properties specific to this entity instance (e.g. serial number)
+ if (!empty($props)) {
+ $vals = [];
+ foreach ($props as $k => $v) {
+ $vals[] = [$mappingId, $k, $v, self::toNumeric($k, $v)];
+ }
+ Database::exec("INSERT INTO machine_x_hw_prop (machinehwid, prop, `value`, `numeric`)
+ VALUES :vals
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = VALUES(`value`), `numeric` = VALUES(`numeric`)", ['vals' => $vals]);
+ }
+ return $mappingId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes an array of type [ key1 => [ 'values' => [ <val1.1>, <val1.2>, ... ] ], key2 => ... ]
+ * and turns it into [ key1 => <val1.1>, key2 => <val2.1>, ... ]
+ *
+ * Along the way:
+ * 1) any fields with bogus values, or values analogous to empty will get removed
+ * 2) Any values ending in Bytes, bits or speed will be normalized
+ */
+ private static function prepareDmiProperties(array $data): array
+ {
+ $ret = [];
+ foreach ($data as $key => $vals) {
+ $val = trim($vals['values'][0]);
+ if ($val === '[Empty]' || $val === 'NULL')
+ continue;
+ $val = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', '', strtolower($val));
+ if ($val === '' || $val === 'notspecified' || $val === 'tobefilledbyoem' || $val === 'unknown'
+ || $val === 'chassismanufacture' || $val === 'chassismanufacturer' || $val === 'chassisversion'
+ || $val === 'chassisserialnumber' || $val === 'defaultstring' || $val === 'productname'
+ || $val === 'manufacturer' || $val === 'systemmodel' || $val === 'fillbyoem') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $val = trim($vals['values'][0] ?? '');
+ if ($key === 'Manufacturer') {
+ $val = self::fixManufacturer($val);
+ }
+ $ret[$key] = $val;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mark all devices of a given type disconnected from the given machine, with an optional
+ * exclude list of machine-client-mapping IDs
+ *
+ * @param string $uuid client
+ * @param string $dbType type, eg HDD
+ * @param array $excludedHwIds mappingIDs to exclude, ie. devices that are still connected
+ */
+ private static function markDisconnected(string $uuid, string $dbType, array $excludedHwIds)
+ {
+ error_log("Marking disconnected for $dbType from " . implode(', ', $excludedHwIds));
+ if (empty($excludedHwIds)) {
+ Database::exec("UPDATE machine_x_hw mxh, statistic_hw h
+ SET mxh.disconnecttime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
+ WHERE h.hwtype = :type AND h.hwid = mxh.hwid AND mxh.machineuuid = :uuid
+ AND mxh.disconnecttime = 0",
+ ['type' => $dbType, 'uuid' => $uuid]);
+ } else {
+ Database::exec("UPDATE machine_x_hw mxh, statistic_hw h
+ SET mxh.disconnecttime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
+ WHERE h.hwtype = :type AND h.hwid = mxh.hwid AND mxh.machineuuid = :uuid
+ AND mxh.disconnecttime = 0 AND mxh.machinehwid NOT IN (:hwids)",
+ ['type' => $dbType, 'uuid' => $uuid, 'hwids' => $excludedHwIds]);
+ }
+ }
+ private static function writeGlobalHardwareData(string $dbType, array $global): int
+ {
+ static $cache = [];
+ // Since the global properties are supposed to be unique for a specific piece of hardware, use them all
+ // to generate a combined ID for this hardware entity, as opposed to $localProps, which should differ
+ // between instances of the same hardware entity, e.g. one specific HDD model has different serial numbers.
+ $id = md5(implode(' ', $global));
+ if (!isset($cache[$id])) {
+ // Cache lookup, make sure we insert this only once for every run, as this is supposed to be general
+ // information about the hardware, e.g. model number, max. resultion, capacity, ...
+ $hwid = Database::insertIgnore('statistic_hw', 'hwid', ['hwtype' => $dbType, 'hwname' => $id]);
+ $vals = [];
+ foreach ($global as $k => $v) {
+ $vals[] = [$hwid, $k, $v, self::toNumeric($k, $v)];
+ }
+ if (!empty($vals)) {
+ Database::exec("INSERT INTO statistic_hw_prop (hwid, prop, `value`, `numeric`)
+ VALUES :vals
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = VALUES(`value`), `numeric` = VALUES(`numeric`)",
+ ['vals' => $vals]);
+ }
+ $cache[$id] = $hwid;
+ }
+ return $cache[$id];
+ }
+ public static function parseMachine(string $uuid, string $data)
+ {
+ $data = json_decode($data, true);
+ $version = $data['version'] ?? 0;
+ if ($version != 2) {
+ error_log("Received unsupported hw json v$version");
+ return;
+ }
+ // determine misc stuff first
+ $globalMainboardExtra = [];
+ $localMainboardExtra = [];
+ // physical memory array
+ $memArrays = self::getDmiHandles($data, 16);
+ $globalMainboardExtra['Memory Slot Count'] = 0;
+ $globalMainboardExtra['Memory Maximum Capacity'] = 0;
+ foreach ($memArrays as $mem) {
+ $mem = self::prepareDmiProperties($mem);
+ if (isset($mem['Number Of Devices']) && ($mem['Use'] ?? 0) === 'System Memory') {
+ $globalMainboardExtra['Memory Slot Count'] += $mem['Number Of Devices'];
+ }
+ if (isset($mem['Maximum Capacity'])) {
+ $globalMainboardExtra['Memory Maximum Capacity'] += self::convertSize($mem['Maximum Capacity'], 'M', false);
+ }
+ }
+ $globalMainboardExtra['Memory Maximum Capacity'] = self::convertSize($globalMainboardExtra['Memory Maximum Capacity'] . ' MB');
+ // BIOS section - need to cross-match this with mainboard or system model, as it doesn't have a meaningful
+ // identifier on its own
+ $bios = self::prepareDmiProperties(self::getDmiHandles($data, 0)[0]);
+ foreach (['Version', 'Release Date', 'Firmware Revision'] as $k) {
+ if (isset($bios[$k])) {
+ $localMainboardExtra['BIOS ' . $k] = $bios[$k];
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($bios['BIOS Revision'])) {
+ $localMainboardExtra['BIOS Revision'] = $bios['BIOS Revision'];
+ }
+ foreach (['Vendor', 'ROM Size'] as $k) {
+ if (isset($bios[$k])) {
+ $globalMainboardExtra['BIOS ' . $k] = $bios[$k];
+ }
+ }
+ // Using the general helper function
+ $ramModCount = self::updateHwTypeFromDmi($uuid, $data, 17, HardwareInfo::RAM_MODULE, function (array $flat): bool {
+ return self::convertSize(($flat['Size'] ?? 0), '', false) > 65 * 1024 * 1024;
+ },
+ ['Locator'],
+ ['Data Width',
+ 'Size',
+ 'Form Factor',
+ 'Type',
+ 'Type Detail',
+ 'Speed',
+ 'Manufacturer',
+ 'Part Number',
+ 'Minimum Voltage',
+ 'Maximum Voltage'],
+ ['Locator', 'Bank Locator', 'Serial Number', 'Asset Tag', 'Configured Memory Speed', 'Configured Voltage']
+ );
+ // Fake RAM slots used/total into this
+ $localMainboardExtra['Memory Slot Occupied'] = $ramModCount;
+ self::updateHwTypeFromDmi($uuid, $data, 2, HardwareInfo::MAINBOARD, ['Manufacturer', 'Product Name'],
+ [],
+ ['Manufacturer', 'Product Name', 'Type', 'Version'],
+ ['Serial Number', 'Asset Tag', 'Location In Chassis'],
+ $globalMainboardExtra, $localMainboardExtra
+ );
+ self::updateHwTypeFromDmi($uuid, $data, 1, HardwareInfo::DMI_SYSTEM, ['Manufacturer', 'Product Name'],
+ [],
+ ['Manufacturer', 'Product Name', 'Version', 'Wake-up Type'],
+ ['Serial Number', 'UUID', 'SKU Number']
+ );
+ self::updateHwTypeFromDmi($uuid, $data, 39, HardwareInfo::POWER_SUPPLY, ['Manufacturer'],
+ ['Location',
+ 'Power Unit Group',
+ 'Name'], // Location might be empty/"Unknown", but Name can be something like "PSU 2"
+ ['Manufacturer', 'Product Name', 'Model Part Number', 'Revision', 'Max Power Capacity'],
+ ['Serial Number', 'Asset Tag', 'Status', 'Plugged', 'Hot Replaceable']
+ );
+ self::updateHwTypeFromDmi($uuid, $data, 4, HardwareInfo::CPU, ['Version'],
+ ['Socket Designation'],
+ ['Type', 'Family', 'Manufacturer', 'Signature', 'Version', 'Core Count', 'Thread Count'],
+ ['Voltage', 'Current Speed', 'Upgrade', 'Core Enabled']);
+ self::updateHwTypeFromDmi($uuid, $data, 9, HardwareInfo::SYSTEM_SLOT, function (array &$entry): bool {
+ if (!isset($entry['Type']))
+ return false;
+ // Split up PCIe info
+ if (preg_match('/^x(?<b>\d+) PCI Express( (?<g>\d+)( x(?<s>\d+))?)?$/', $entry['Type'], $out)) {
+ $entry['Type'] = 'PCI Express';
+ $entry['PCIe Bus Width'] = $out['b'];
+ if (!empty($out['g'])) {
+ $entry['PCIe Gen'] = $out['g'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($out['s'])) {
+ $entry['PCIe Slot Width'] = $out['s'];
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ ['Designation', 'ID', 'Bus Address'],
+ ['Type', 'PCIe Bus Width', 'PCIe Gen', 'PCIe Slot Width'],
+ ['Current Usage', 'Designation']
+ );
+ // ---- lspci ------------------------------------
+ $pciHwIds = [];
+ foreach (($data['lspci'] ?? []) as $dev) {
+ $hwid = self::writeGlobalHardwareData(HardwareInfo::PCI_DEVICE,
+ self::propsFromArray($dev, 'vendor', 'device', 'rev', 'class'));
+ $mappingId = self::writeLocalHardwareData($uuid, $hwid, $dev['slot'] ?? 'unknown',
+ self::propsFromArray($dev, 'slot', 'subsystem', 'subsystem_vendor'));
+ $pciHwIds[] = $mappingId;
+ }
+ self::markDisconnected($uuid, HardwareInfo::PCI_DEVICE, $pciHwIds);
+ // ---- Disks ------------------------------------0Y3R3K
+ $hddHwIds = [];
+ foreach (($data['drives'] ?? []) as $dev) {
+ if (empty($dev['readlink']))
+ continue;
+ if (!isset($dev['smartctl'])) {
+ $smart = [];
+ } else {
+ $smart =& $dev['smartctl'];
+ }
+ if (!isset($dev['lsblk']['blockdevices'][0])) {
+ $lsblk = [];
+ } else {
+ $lsblk =& $dev['lsblk']['blockdevices'][0];
+ }
+ if (!isset($smart['rotation_rate']) && isset($lsblk['rota']) && !$lsblk['rota']) {
+ $smart['rotation_rate'] = 0;
+ }
+ $hwid = self::writeGlobalHardwareData(HardwareInfo::HDD, [
+ // Try to use the model name as the unique identifier
+ 'model' => $smart['model_name'] ?? $lsblk['model'] ?? 'unknown',
+ // Append device size as some kind of fallback, in case model is unknown
+ 'size' => $lsblk['size'] ?? $smart['user_capacity']['bytes'] ?? 'unknown',
+ 'physical_block_size' => $smart['physical_block_size'] ?? $lsblk['phy-sec'] ?? 0,
+ 'logical_block_size' => $smart['logical_block_size'] ?? $lsblk['log-sec'] ?? 0,
+ ] + self::propsFromArray($smart,
+ 'rotation_rate', 'sata_version//string', 'interface_speed//max//string'));
+ // Mangle smart attribute table
+ // TODO: Handle used endurance indicator for (SATA) SSDs
+ $table = [];
+ foreach (($smart['ata_smart_attributes']['table'] ?? []) as $attr) {
+ if (!isset($attr['id']))
+ continue;
+ $id = 'attr_' . $attr['id'] . '_';
+ foreach (['value', 'worst', 'thresh', 'when_failed'] as $item) {
+ if (isset($attr[$item])) {
+ $table[$id . $item] = $attr[$item];
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($attr['raw']['value'])) {
+ if ($attr['id'] === 194) {
+ if (!isset($smart['temperature'])) {
+ $smart['temperature'] = [];
+ }
+ if (!isset($smart['temperature']['current'])) {
+ $smart['temperature']['current'] = $attr['raw']['value'] & 0xffff;
+ }
+ $smart['temperature']['min'] = ($attr['raw']['value'] >> 16) & 0xffff;
+ $smart['temperature']['max'] = ($attr['raw']['value'] >> 32) & 0xffff;
+ }
+ $table[$id . 'raw'] = $attr['raw']['value'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($smart['nvme_smart_health_information_log'])
+ && is_array($smart['nvme_smart_health_information_log'])) {
+ $table += array_filter($smart['nvme_smart_health_information_log'], function ($v, $k) {
+ return !is_array($v) && $k !== 'temperature' && $k !== 'temperature_sensors';
+ }
+ // Partitions - find special ones
+ if (isset($dev['sfdisk']['partitiontable'])) {
+ $table['partition_table'] = $dev['sfdisk']['partitiontable']['label'] ?? 'none';
+ switch ($dev['sfdisk']['partitiontable']['unit'] ?? 'sectors') {
+ case 'sectors':
+ $fac = 512;
+ break;
+ case 'bytes':
+ $fac = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $fac = 0;
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach (($dev['sfdisk']['partitiontable']['partitions'] ?? []) as $part) {
+ $id = 'part_' . $i . '_';
+ foreach (['start', 'size', 'type', 'uuid', 'name'] as $item) {
+ if (!isset($part[$item]))
+ continue;
+ if ($item === 'size' || $item === 'start') {
+ // Turn size and start into byte offsets
+ $table[$id . $item] = $part[$item] * $fac;
+ } else {
+ $table[$id . $item] = $part[$item];
+ }
+ }
+ $type = $table[$id . 'type'] ?? 0;
+ $name = $table[$id . 'name'] ?? '';
+ if ($type == '44' || strtolower($type) === '87f86132-ff94-4987-b250-444444444444'
+ || $name === 'OpenSLX-ID44') {
+ $table[$id . 'slxtype'] = '44';
+ } elseif ($type == '45' || strtolower($type) === '87f86132-ff94-4987-b250-454545454545'
+ || $name === 'OpenSLX-ID45') {
+ $table[$id . 'slxtype'] = '45';
+ }
+ //
+ ++$i;
+ }
+ }
+ $mappingId = self::writeLocalHardwareData($uuid, $hwid, $dev['readlink'],
+ self::propsFromArray($smart + ($lsblk ?? []),
+ 'serial_number', 'firmware_version',
+ 'interface_speed//current//string',
+ 'smart_status//passed', 'temperature//current', 'temperature//min', 'temperature//max') + $table);
+ // Delete old partition and smart attribute entries
+ Database::exec("DELETE FROM machine_x_hw_prop WHERE machinehwid = :id AND prop NOT IN (:keep)
+ AND prop NOT LIKE '@%'", [
+ 'id' => $mappingId,
+ 'keep' => array_keys($table),
+ ]);
+ $hddHwIds[] = $mappingId;
+ unset($smart, $lsblk);
+ } // End loop over disks
+ self::markDisconnected($uuid, HardwareInfo::HDD, $hddHwIds);
+ //
+ // Mark parse date
+ Database::exec("UPDATE machine SET dataparsetime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE machineuuid = :uuid",
+ ['uuid' => $uuid]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unify different variants of manufacturer names
+ */
+ private static function fixManufacturer(string $in): string
+ {
+ $in = self::decodeJedec($in);
+ switch (strtolower($in)) {
+ case 'advanced micro devices, inc.':
+ case 'advanced micro devices':
+ case 'authenticamd':
+ return 'AMD';
+ case 'apple inc.':
+ return 'Apple';
+ case 'asustek computer inc.':
+ return 'ASUS';
+ case 'dell inc.':
+ return 'Dell';
+ case 'fujitsu':
+ case 'fujitsu client computing limited':
+ return 'Fujitsu';
+ case 'hewlett packard':
+ case 'hewlett-packard':
+ return 'HP';
+ case 'hynix semiconduc':
+ case 'hynix/hyundai':
+ case 'hyundai electronics hynix semiconductor inc':
+ case 'hynix semiconductor inc sk hynix':
+ return 'SK Hynix';
+ case 'genuineintel':
+ case 'intel corporation':
+ case 'intel(r) corp.':
+ case 'intel(r) corporation':
+ return 'Intel';
+ case 'samsung sdi':
+ return 'Samsung';
+ }
+ return $in;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes key-value-array, returns a new array with only the keys listed in $fields.
+ */
+ private static function propsFromArray(array $array, string ...$fields): array
+ {
+ $ret = [];
+ foreach ($fields as $field) {
+ if (strpos($field, '//') === false) {
+ if (isset($array[$field]) && !is_array($array[$field])) {
+ $ret[$field] = $array[$field];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $parts = explode('//', $field);
+ $elem = $array;
+ foreach ($parts as $part) {
+ if (isset($elem[$part])) {
+ $elem = $elem[$part];
+ } else {
+ $elem = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($elem !== false && !is_array($elem)) {
+ $ret[preg_replace('~//(value|string)$~', '', $field)] = $elem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ private static function updateHwTypeFromDmi(
+ string $uuid, array $data, int $type, string $dbType,
+ $requiredPropsOrCallback, array $pathFields, array $globalProps, array $localProps,
+ array $globalExtra = [], array $localExtra = []
+ ): int
+ {
+ $sections = self::getDmiHandles($data, $type);
+ $thisMachineHwIds = [];
+ foreach ($sections as $section) {
+ $flat = self::prepareDmiProperties($section);
+ if (is_array($requiredPropsOrCallback)) {
+ foreach ($requiredPropsOrCallback as $prop) {
+ if (!isset($flat[$prop]))
+ continue 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_callable($requiredPropsOrCallback)) {
+ if (!$requiredPropsOrCallback($flat))
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Global
+ $props = self::propsFromArray($flat, ...$globalProps);
+ $hwid = self::writeGlobalHardwareData($dbType, $props + $globalExtra);
+ // Local
+ $pathId = md5(self::idFromArray($flat, ...$pathFields));
+ $props = self::propsFromArray($flat, ...$localProps);
+ $mappingId = self::writeLocalHardwareData($uuid, $hwid, $pathId, $props + $localExtra);
+ $thisMachineHwIds[] = $mappingId;
+ }
+ // Any hw <-> client mappings not in that list get marked as disconnected
+ self::markDisconnected($uuid, $dbType, $thisMachineHwIds);
+ return count($thisMachineHwIds);
+ }
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/inc/ b/modules-available/statistics/inc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ccde2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+class HardwareQuery
+ private $id = 0;
+ private $joins = [];
+ private $where = [];
+ private $args = [];
+ private $columns = [];
+ /**
+ * @param string $type type form HardwareInfo
+ * @param ?string $uuid
+ */
+ public function __construct($type, $uuid = null, $connectedOnly = true)
+ {
+ if ($connectedOnly) {
+ $this->where[] = 'mxhw.disconnecttime = 0';
+ }
+ if ($uuid !== null) {
+ $this->where[] = 'mxhw.machineuuid = :uuid';
+ $this->args['uuid'] = $uuid;
+ }
+ $this->joins[] = "INNER JOIN statistic_hw shw ON (mxhw.hwid = shw.hwid AND shw.hwtype = :hwtype)";
+ $this->args['hwtype'] = $type;
+ }
+ private function id(): string
+ {
+ return 't' . (++$this->id);
+ }
+ private function fillTableVars(bool $global, &$srcTable, &$table, &$column)
+ {
+ if ($global) {
+ $srcTable = 'shw';
+ $table = 'statistic_hw_prop';
+ $column = 'hwid';
+ } else {
+ $srcTable = 'mxhw';
+ $table = 'machine_x_hw_prop';
+ $column = 'machinehwid';
+ }
+ }
+ public function addWhere(bool $global, string $prop, string $op, string $value)
+ {
+ if (isset($this->columns[$prop]))
+ return;
+ $this->fillTableVars($global, $srcTable, $table, $column);
+ $tid = $this->id();
+ $pid = $this->id();
+ $vid = $this->id();
+ $valueCol = ($op === '<' || $op === '>' || $op === '<=' || $op === '>=') ? 'numeric' : 'value';
+ $this->joins[$prop] = "INNER JOIN $table $tid ON ($srcTable.$column = $tid.$column AND
+ $tid.prop = :$pid AND $tid.`$valueCol` $op :$vid)";
+ $this->args[$pid] = $prop;
+ $this->args[$vid] = $value;
+ $this->columns[$prop] = "$tid.`value` AS `$prop`";
+ }
+ public function addCompare(bool $global1, string $prop1, string $op, string $global2, string $prop2)
+ {
+ $this->fillTableVars($global1, $srcTable1, $table1, $column1);
+ $this->fillTableVars($global2, $srcTable2, $table2, $column2);
+ $tid1 = $this->id();
+ $pid1 = $this->id();
+ $tid2 = $this->id();
+ $pid2 = $this->id();
+ $valueCol = ($op === '<' || $op === '>' || $op === '<=' || $op === '>=') ? 'numeric' : 'value';
+ $this->joins[] = "INNER JOIN $table1 $tid1 ON ($srcTable1.$column1 = $tid1.$column1 AND
+ $tid1.prop = :$pid1)";
+ $this->joins[] = "INNER JOIN $table2 $tid2 ON ($srcTable2.$column2 = $tid2.$column2 AND
+ $tid2.prop = :$pid2 AND $tid1.`$valueCol` $op $tid2.`$valueCol`)";
+ $this->args[$pid1] = $prop1;
+ $this->args[$pid2] = $prop2;
+ $this->columns[$prop1] = "$tid1.`value` AS `$prop1`";
+ }
+ public function addColumn(bool $global, string $prop)
+ {
+ if (isset($this->columns[$prop]))
+ return;
+ $this->fillTableVars($global, $srcTable, $table, $column);
+ $tid = $this->id();
+ $pid = $this->id();
+ $this->joins[$prop] = "INNER JOIN $table $tid ON ($srcTable.$column = $tid.$column AND $tid.prop = :$pid)";
+ $this->args[$pid] = $prop;
+ $this->columns[$prop] = "$tid.`value` AS `$prop`";
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return false|PDOStatement
+ */
+ public function query()
+ {
+ $this->columns[] = 'mxhw.machineuuid';
+ $query = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->columns)
+ . ' FROM machine_x_hw mxhw '
+ . implode(' ', $this->joins)
+ . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $this->where);
+ return Database::simpleQuery($query, $this->args);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/inc/ b/modules-available/statistics/inc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 84f98c40..00000000
--- a/modules-available/statistics/inc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-class Parser {
- public static function parseCpu(&$row, $data)
- {
- if (0 >= preg_match_all('/^(.+):\s+(\d+)$/im', $data, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
- return;
- }
- foreach ($out as $entry) {
- $row[str_replace(' ', '', $entry[1])] = $entry[2];
- }
- }
- public static function parseDmiDecode(&$row, $data)
- {
- $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
- $section = false;
- $ramOk = false;
- $ramForm = $ramType = $ramSpeed = $ramClockSpeed = false;
- $ramslot = [];
- $row['ramslotcount'] = $row['maxram'] = 0;
- foreach ($lines as $line) {
- if (empty($line)) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($line[0] !== "\t" && $line[0] !== ' ') {
- if (isset($ramslot['size'])) {
- $row['ramslot'][] = $ramslot;
- $ramslot = [];
- }
- $section = $line;
- $ramOk = false;
- if (($ramForm || $ramType) && ($ramSpeed || $ramClockSpeed)) {
- if (isset($row['ramtype']) && !$ramClockSpeed) {
- continue;
- }
- $row['ramtype'] = $ramType . ' ' . $ramForm;
- if ($ramClockSpeed) {
- $row['ramtype'] .= ', ' . $ramClockSpeed;
- } elseif ($ramSpeed) {
- $row['ramtype'] .= ', ' . $ramSpeed;
- }
- $ramForm = false;
- $ramType = false;
- $ramClockSpeed = false;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ($section === 'Base Board Information') {
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Product Name: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['mobomodel'] = $out[1];
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Manufacturer: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['mobomanufacturer'] = $out[1];
- }
- } elseif ($section === 'System Information') {
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Product Name: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['pcmodel'] = $out[1];
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Manufacturer: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['pcmanufacturer'] = $out[1];
- }
- } elseif ($section === 'Physical Memory Array') {
- if (!$ramOk && preg_match('/Use: System Memory/i', $line)) {
- $ramOk = true;
- }
- if ($ramOk && preg_match('/^\s*Number Of Devices:\s+(\d+)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['ramslotcount'] += $out[1];
- }
- if ($ramOk && preg_match('/^\s*Maximum Capacity:\s+(\d.+)/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['maxram'] += self::convertSize($out[1], 'G', false);
- }
- } elseif ($section === 'Memory Device') {
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Size:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['extram'] = true;
- if (preg_match('/(\d+)\s*(\w)i?B/i', $out[1])) {
- if (self::convertSize($out[1], 'M', false) < 35)
- continue; // TODO: Parsing this line by line is painful. Check for other indicators, like Locator
- $ramslot['size'] = self::convertSize($out[1], 'G');
- } elseif (!isset($row['ramslot']) || (count($row['ramslot']) < 8 && (!isset($row['ramslotcount']) || $row['ramslotcount'] <= 8))) {
- $ramslot['size'] = '_____';
- }
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Manufacturer:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
- $ramslot['manuf'] = self::decodeJedec($out[1]);
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Form Factor:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
- $ramForm = $out[1];
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Type:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') {
- $ramType = $out[1];
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Speed:\s*(\d.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $ramSpeed = $out[1];
- }
- if (preg_match('/^\s*Configured (?:Clock|Memory) Speed:\s*(\d.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $ramClockSpeed = $out[1];
- }
- } elseif ($section === 'BIOS Information') {
- if (preg_match(',^\s*Release Date:\s*(\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})\s*$,i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['biosdate'] = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($out[1]));
- } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*BIOS Revision:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['biosrevision'] = $out[1];
- } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*Version:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) {
- $row['biosversion'] = $out[1];
- }
- }
- }
- if (empty($row['ramslotcount']) || (isset($row['ramslot']) && $row['ramslotcount'] < count($row['ramslot']))) {
- $row['ramslotcount'] = isset($row['ramslot']) ? count($row['ramslot']) : 0;
- }
- if ($row['maxram'] > 0) {
- $row['maxram'] .= ' GiB';
- }
- }
- const LOOKUP = ['T' => 1099511627776, 'G' => 1073741824, 'M' => 1048576, 'K' => 1024, '' => 1];
- /**
- * Convert/format size unit. Input string can be a size like
- * 8 GB or 1024 MB and will be converted according to passed parameters.
- * @param string $string Input string
- * @param string $scale 'a' for auto, T/G/M/K for according units
- * @param bool $appendUnit append unit string, e.g. 'GiB'
- * @return string|int Formatted result
- */
- private static function convertSize($string, $scale = 'a', $appendUnit = true)
- {
- if (!preg_match('/(\d+)\s*([TGMK]?)/i', $string, $out))
- return false;
- $val = (int)$out[1] * self::LOOKUP[strtoupper($out[2])];
- if (!array_key_exists($scale, self::LOOKUP)) {
- foreach (self::LOOKUP as $k => $v) {
- if ($k === '' || $val / 8 >= $v || abs($val - $v) < 50) {
- $scale = $k;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- $val = round($val / self::LOOKUP[$scale]);
- if ($appendUnit) {
- $val .= ' ' . ($scale === '' ? 'Byte' : $scale . 'iB'); // NBSP!!
- }
- return $val;
- }
- public static function parseHdd(&$row, $data)
- {
- $hdds = array();
- // Could have more than one disk - linear scan
- $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
- $i = 0;
- $mbrToMbFactor = $sectorToMbFactor = 0;
- foreach ($lines as $line) {
- if (preg_match('/^Disk (\S+):.* (\d+) bytes/i', $line, $out)) {
- // --- Beginning of MBR disk ---
- unset($hdd);
- if ($out[2] < 10000) // sometimes vmware reports lots of 512byte disks
- continue;
- if (substr($out[1], 0, 8) === '/dev/dm-') // Ignore device mapper
- continue;
- // disk total size and name
- $mbrToMbFactor = 0; // This is != 0 for mbr
- $sectorToMbFactor = 0; // This is != for gpt
- $hdd = array(
- 'devid' => 'devid-' . ++$i,
- 'dev' => $out[1],
- 'sectors' => 0,
- 'size' => round($out[2] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)),
- 'used' => 0,
- 'partitions' => array(),
- 'json' => array(),
- );
- $hdds[] = &$hdd;
- } elseif (preg_match('/^Disk (\S+):\s+(\d+)\s+sectors,/i', $line, $out)) {
- // --- Beginning of GPT disk ---
- unset($hdd);
- if ($out[2] < 1000) // sometimes vmware reports lots of 512byte disks
- continue;
- if (substr($out[1], 0, 8) === '/dev/dm-') // Ignore device mapper
- continue;
- // disk total size and name
- $mbrToMbFactor = 0; // This is != 0 for mbr
- $sectorToMbFactor = 0; // This is != for gpt
- $hdd = array(
- 'devid' => 'devid-' . ++$i,
- 'dev' => $out[1],
- 'sectors' => $out[2],
- 'size' => 0,
- 'used' => 0,
- 'partitions' => array(),
- 'json' => array(),
- );
- $hdds[] = &$hdd;
- } elseif (preg_match('/^Units =.*= (\d+) bytes/i', $line, $out)) {
- // --- MBR: Line that tells us how to interpret units for the partition lines ---
- // Unit for start and end
- $mbrToMbFactor = $out[1] / (1024 * 1024); // Convert so that multiplying by unit yields MiB
- } elseif (preg_match('/^Logical sector size:\s*(\d+)/i', $line, $out)) {
- // --- GPT: Line that tells us the logical sector size used everywhere ---
- $sectorToMbFactor = $out[1] / (1024 * 1024);
- } elseif (isset($hdd) && preg_match('/^First usable sector.* is (\d+)$/i', $line, $out)) {
- // --- Some fdisk versions are messed up and report 2^32 as the sector count in the first line,
- // but the correct value in the "last usable sector is xxxx" line below ---
- if ($out[1] > $hdd['sectors']) {
- $hdd['sectors'] = $out[1];
- }
- } elseif (isset($hdd) && $mbrToMbFactor !== 0 && preg_match(',^/dev/(\S+)\s+.*\s(\d+)[\+\-]?\s+(\d+)[\+\-]?\s+\d+[\+\-]?\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.*)$,i', $line, $out)) {
- // --- MBR: Partition entry ---
- // Some partition
- $type = strtolower($out[4]);
- if ($type === '5' || $type === 'f' || $type === '85') {
- continue;
- } elseif ($type === '44') {
- $out[5] = 'OpenSLX-ID44';
- $color = '#5c1';
- } elseif ($type === '45') {
- $out[5] = 'OpenSLX-ID45';
- $color = '#0d7';
- } elseif ($type === '82') {
- $color = '#48f';
- } else {
- $color = '#e55';
- }
- $partsize = round(($out[3] - $out[2]) * $mbrToMbFactor);
- $hdd['partitions'][] = array(
- 'id' => $out[1],
- 'name' => $out[1],
- 'size' => round($partsize / 1024, $partsize < 1024 ? 1 : 0),
- 'type' => $out[5],
- );
- $hdd['json'][] = array(
- 'label' => $out[1],
- 'value' => $partsize,
- 'color' => $color,
- );
- $hdd['used'] += $partsize;
- } elseif (isset($hdd) && $sectorToMbFactor !== 0 && preg_match(',^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)[\+\-]?\s+(\d+)[\+\-]?\s+\S+\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.*)$,i', $line, $out)) {
- // --- GPT: Partition entry ---
- // Some partition
- $type = $out[5];
- if ($type === 'OpenSLX-ID44') {
- $color = '#5c1';
- } elseif ($type === 'OpenSLX-ID45') {
- $color = '#0d7';
- } elseif ($type === 'Linux swap') {
- $color = '#48f';
- } else {
- $color = '#e55';
- }
- $id = $hdd['devid'] . '-' . $out[1];
- $partsize = round(($out[3] - $out[2]) * $sectorToMbFactor);
- $hdd['partitions'][] = array(
- 'id' => $id,
- 'name' => $out[1],
- 'size' => round($partsize / 1024, $partsize < 1024 ? 1 : 0),
- 'type' => $type,
- );
- $hdd['json'][] = array(
- 'label' => $id,
- 'value' => $partsize,
- 'color' => $color,
- );
- $hdd['used'] += $partsize;
- }
- }
- unset($hdd);
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) {
- $hdd['used'] = round($hdd['used'] / 1024);
- if ($hdd['size'] === 0 && $hdd['sectors'] !== 0) {
- $hdd['size'] = round(($hdd['sectors'] * $sectorToMbFactor) / 1024);
- }
- $free = $hdd['size'] - $hdd['used'];
- if ($hdd['size'] > 0 && ($free > 5 || ($free / $hdd['size']) > 0.1)) {
- $hdd['partitions'][] = array(
- 'id' => 'free-id-' . $i,
- 'name' => Dictionary::translate('unused'),
- 'size' => $free,
- 'type' => '-',
- );
- $hdd['json'][] = array(
- 'label' => 'free-id-' . $i,
- 'value' => $free * 1024,
- 'color' => '#aaa',
- );
- ++$i;
- }
- $hdd['json'] = json_encode($hdd['json']);
- }
- unset($hdd);
- $row['hdds'] = &$hdds;
- }
- public static function parsePci(&$pci1, &$pci2, $data)
- {
- preg_match_all('/[a-f0-9\:\.]{7}\s+"(Class\s*)?(?<class>[a-f0-9]{4})"\s+"(?<ven>[a-f0-9]{4})"\s+"(?<dev>[a-f0-9]{4})"/is', $data, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER);
- $NOW = time();
- $pci = array();
- foreach ($out as $entry) {
- if (!isset($pci[$entry['class']])) {
- $class = 'c.' . $entry['class'];
- $res = Page_Statistics::getPciId('CLASS', $class);
- if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) {
- $pci[$entry['class']]['lookupClass'] = 'do-lookup';
- $pci[$entry['class']]['class'] = $class;
- } else {
- $pci[$entry['class']]['class'] = $res['value'];
- }
- }
- $new = array(
- 'ven' => $entry['ven'],
- 'dev' => $entry['ven'] . ':' . $entry['dev'],
- );
- $res = Page_Statistics::getPciId('VENDOR', $new['ven']);
- if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) {
- $new['lookupVen'] = 'do-lookup';
- } else {
- $new['ven'] = $res['value'];
- }
- $res = Page_Statistics::getPciId('DEVICE', $new['dev']);
- if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) {
- $new['lookupDev'] = 'do-lookup';
- } else {
- $new['dev'] = $res['value'] . ' (' . $new['dev'] . ')';
- }
- $pci[$entry['class']]['entries'][] = $new;
- }
- ksort($pci);
- foreach ($pci as $class => $entry) {
- if ($class === '0300' || $class === '0200' || $class === '0403') {
- $pci1[] = $entry;
- } else {
- $pci2[] = $entry;
- }
- }
- }
- public static function parseSmartctl(&$hdds, $data)
- {
- $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data);
- foreach ($lines as $line) {
- if (preg_match('/^NEXTHDD=(.+)$/', $line, $out)) {
- unset($dev);
- foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) {
- if ($hdd['dev'] === $out[1]) {
- $dev = &$hdd;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!isset($dev)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (preg_match('/^([A-Z][^:]+):\s*(.*)$/', $line, $out)) {
- $key = preg_replace('/\s|-|_/', '', $out[1]);
- if ($key === 'ModelNumber') {
- $key = 'DeviceModel';
- }
- $dev['s_' . $key] = $out[2];
- } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*\d+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+)(\s|$)/', $line, $out)) {
- $dev['s_' . preg_replace('/\s|-|_/', '', $out[1])] = $out[2];
- }
- }
- // Format strings
- foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) {
- if (isset($hdd['s_PowerOnHours'])) {
- $hdd['PowerOnTime'] = '';
- $val = (int)str_replace('.', '', $hdd['s_PowerOnHours']);
- if ($val > 8760) {
- $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 8760) . 'Y, ';
- $val %= 8760;
- }
- if ($val > 720) {
- $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 720) . 'M, ';
- $val %= 720;
- }
- if ($val > 24) {
- $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 24) . 'd, ';
- $val %= 24;
- }
- $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= $val . 'h';
- }
- }
- }
- public static function decodeJedec($string)
- {
- // JEDEC ID:7F 7F 9E 00 00 00 00 00
- if (preg_match('/JEDEC(?:\s*ID)?\s*:\s*([0-9a-f\s]+)/i', $string, $out)) {
- preg_match_all('/[0-9a-f]{2}/i', $out[1], $out);
- $bank = 0;
- foreach ($out[0] as $id) {
- $bank++;
- $id = hexdec($id) & 0x7f; // Let's just ignore the parity bit, and any potential error
- if ($id !== 0x7f)
- break;
- }
- if ($id !== 0) {
- static $data = false;
- if ($data === false) $data = json_decode(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/jedec.json'), true);
- if (array_key_exists('bank' . $bank, $data) && array_key_exists('id' . $id, $data['bank' . $bank]))
- return $data['bank' . $bank]['id' . $id];
- }
- }
- return $string;
- }
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/ b/modules-available/statistics/
index 15d0d633..5856c81e 100644
--- a/modules-available/statistics/
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ $res[] = tableCreate('machine', "
`systemmodel` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`id44mb` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`badsectors` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `data` mediumtext NOT NULL,
+ `data` mediumblob NOT NULL,
+ `dataparsetime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`hostname` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`currentsession` varchar(120) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`currentuser` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ $res[] = $machineHwCreate = tableCreate('machine_x_hw', "
`machinehwid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`hwid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`machineuuid` char(36) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
- `devpath` char(50) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
+ `devpath` char(32) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
`disconnecttime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'time the device was not connected to the pc anymore for the first time, 0 if it is connected',
PRIMARY KEY (`machinehwid`),
UNIQUE KEY `hwid` (`hwid`,`machineuuid`,`devpath`),
@@ -74,23 +75,25 @@ $res[] = $machineHwCreate = tableCreate('machine_x_hw', "
$res[] = tableCreate('machine_x_hw_prop', "
`machinehwid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `prop` char(16) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
+ `prop` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
`value` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
+ `numeric` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`machinehwid`,`prop`)
$res[] = tableCreate('statistic_hw', "
`hwid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
- `hwtype` char(11) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
- `hwname` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
+ `hwtype` char(16) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
+ `hwname` char(32) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`hwid`),
UNIQUE KEY `hwtype` (`hwtype`,`hwname`)
$res[] = tableCreate('statistic_hw_prop', "
`hwid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `prop` char(16) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
+ `prop` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
`value` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
+ `numeric` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`hwid`,`prop`)
@@ -298,6 +301,47 @@ if (!tableHasColumn('machine', 'live_id45size')) {
$res[] = UPDATE_DONE;
+// 2021-08-19 Enhanced machine property indexing
+if (stripos(tableColumnType('statistic_hw_prop', 'prop'), 'varchar(64)') === false) {
+ $ret = Database::exec("ALTER TABLE statistic_hw_prop
+ MODIFY `prop` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
+ ADD `numeric` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL");
+ if ($ret === false) {
+ finalResponse(UPDATE_FAILED, 'Changing prop of statistic_hw_prop failed: ' . Database::lastError());
+ }
+ $res[] = UPDATE_DONE;
+if (stripos(tableColumnType('machine_x_hw_prop', 'prop'), 'varchar(64)') === false) {
+ $ret = Database::exec("ALTER TABLE machine_x_hw_prop
+ MODIFY `prop` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
+ ADD `numeric` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL");
+ if ($ret === false) {
+ finalResponse(UPDATE_FAILED, 'Changing prop of machine_x_hw_prop failed: ' . Database::lastError());
+ }
+ $res[] = UPDATE_DONE;
+if (stripos(tableColumnType('statistic_hw', 'hwname'), 'char(32)') === false) {
+ $ret = Database::exec("ALTER TABLE statistic_hw MODIFY `hwname` char(32) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,
+ MODIFY `hwtype` char(16) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL");
+ if ($ret === false) {
+ finalResponse(UPDATE_FAILED, 'Changing hwname/hwtype of statistic_hw failed: ' . Database::lastError());
+ }
+ $res[] = UPDATE_DONE;
+if (stripos(tableColumnType('machine_x_hw', 'devpath'), 'char(32)') === false) {
+ $ret = Database::exec("ALTER TABLE machine_x_hw MODIFY `devpath` char(32) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL");
+ if ($ret === false) {
+ finalResponse(UPDATE_FAILED, 'Changing devpath of machine_x_hw failed: ' . Database::lastError());
+ }
+ $res[] = UPDATE_DONE;
+if (!tableHasColumn('machine', 'dataparsetime')) {
+ $ret = Database::exec("ALTER TABLE `machine`
+ ADD COLUMN `dataparsetime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `data`");
+ if ($ret === false) {
+ finalResponse(UPDATE_FAILED, 'Adding mem-stat columns to machine table failed: ' . Database::lastError());
+ }
+ $res[] = UPDATE_DONE;
// Create response
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/pages/ b/modules-available/statistics/pages/
index 677ff580..f3af4f47 100644
--- a/modules-available/statistics/pages/
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/pages/
@@ -143,21 +143,21 @@ class SubPage
if (preg_match_all('/##### ([^#]+) #+$(.*?)^#####/ims', $client['data'] . '########', $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($out as $section) {
if ($section[1] === 'CPU') {
- Parser::parseCpu($client, $section[2]);
+ HardwareParser::parseCpu($client, $section[2]);
if ($section[1] === 'dmidecode') {
- Parser::parseDmiDecode($client, $section[2]);
+ HardwareParser::parseDmiDecode($client, $section[2]);
if ($section[1] === 'Partition tables') {
- Parser::parseHdd($hdds, $section[2]);
+ HardwareParser::parseHdd($hdds, $section[2]);
if ($section[1] === 'PCI ID') {
$client['lspci1'] = $client['lspci2'] = array();
- Parser::parsePci($client['lspci1'], $client['lspci2'], $section[2]);
+ HardwareParser::parsePci($client['lspci1'], $client['lspci2'], $section[2]);
if (isset($hdds['hdds']) && $section[1] === 'smartctl') {
// This currently requires that the partition table section comes first...
- Parser::parseSmartctl($hdds['hdds'], $section[2]);
+ HardwareParser::parseSmartctl($hdds['hdds'], $section[2]);