class PvsGenerator
public static function generate()
/* collect names and build room blocks - filter empty rooms while at it */
$roomNames = array();
$roomBlocks = '';
$rooms = Room::getAll();
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
if ($room->shouldSkip())
if ($room->getManagerIp() === false) // No .ini entry for rooms without manager (do we want this?)
$roomBlock = PvsGenerator::generateRoomBlock($room);
if ($roomBlock === false)
continue; // Room nonexistent or empty
$section = substr(md5($room->locationId() . '-' . $room->locationName()), 0, 10);
$roomNames[] = $section;
$roomBlocks .= "[$section]\n" . $roomBlock;
/* output room plus [General]-block */
return "[General]\n"
. 'rooms=' . implode(', ', $roomNames) . "\n"
. "allowClientQuit=False\n" // TODO: configurable
. "\n\n"
. $roomBlocks;
* Generate .ini section for specific room.
* @param Room $room room/location data as fetched from db
* @return string|false .ini section for room, or false if room is empty
private static function generateRoomBlock($room)
$room->getSize($sizeX, $sizeY);
if ($sizeX === 0 || $sizeY === 0)
return false;
$count = 0;
$section = $room->getIniClientSection($count);
if ($section === false)
return false;
$cs = SimpleRoom::CLIENT_SIZE;
$out = "name=" . $room->locationName() . "\n";
/* manager */
$out .= 'mgrIP=' . $room->getManagerIp() . "\n";
/* tutor */
if ($room->getTutorIp() !== false) {
$out .= 'tutorIP=' . $room->getTutorIp() . "\n";
/* basic settings for this room */
$out .= "gridSize=@Size($sizeX $sizeY)\n";
$out .= "clientSize=@Size($cs $cs)\n";
$out .= "client\\size=$count\n";
/* output with grid */
return $out . $section . "\n";
* Render given location's room plan as SVG.
* If locationId is given, show roomplan for that location.
* If additionally, machineUuid is given, try to highlight
* the given machine in the plan. If only machineUuid is
* given, determine locationId from machine.
* @param int|false $locationId
* @param string|false $highlightUuid
* @param int $rotate rotate plan (0-3 for N E S W up, -1 for "auto" if highlightUuid is given)
* @param float $scale scaling factor for output
* @return string SVG
public static function generateSvg($locationId = false, $highlightUuid = false, $rotate = 0, $scale = 1)
if ($locationId === false) {
$locationId = Database::queryFirst('SELECT fixedlocationid FROM machine
WHERE machineuuid = :uuid AND Length(position) > 5',
['uuid' => $highlightUuid]);
// Not found or not placed in room plan -- bail out
if ($locationId === false || $locationId['fixedlocationid'] === null)
return false;
$locationId = $locationId['fixedlocationid'];
// Load room
$room = Room::get($locationId);
if ($room === false)
return false;
$room->getSize($sizeX, $sizeY);
if ($sizeX === 0 || $sizeY === 0)
return false; // Empty
$machines = $room->getShiftedArray();
$ORIENTATION = ['north' => 2, 'east' => 3, 'south' => 0, 'west' => 1];
if (is_string($highlightUuid)) {
$highlightUuid = strtoupper($highlightUuid);
// Figure out autorotate
$auto = ($rotate < 0);
if ($auto && $highlightUuid !== false) {
foreach ($machines as &$machine) {
if ($machine['machineuuid'] === $highlightUuid) {
$rotate = 4 - $ORIENTATION[$machine['rotation']]; // Reverse rotation
$rotate %= 4;
// Highlight given machine, rotate its "keyboard"
foreach ($machines as &$machine) {
if ($machine['machineuuid'] === $highlightUuid) {
$machine['class'] = 'hl';
$machine['rotation'] = $ORIENTATION[$machine['rotation']] * 90;
if ($rotate === 0) {
$centerY = $centerX = 0;
} elseif ($rotate === 1) {
$centerY = $centerX = $sizeY / 2;
self::swap($sizeX, $sizeY);
} elseif ($rotate === 2) {
$centerX = $sizeX / 2;
$centerY = $sizeY / 2;
} else {
$centerY = $centerX = $sizeX / 2;
self::swap($sizeX, $sizeY);
return Render::parse('svg-plan', [
'scale' => $scale,
'width' => $sizeX * $scale,
'height' => $sizeY * $scale,
'centerX' => $centerX,
'centerY' => $centerY,
'rotate' => $rotate * 90,
'machines' => $machines,
'line' => ['x' => $sizeX, 'y' => $sizeY],
], 'roomplanner'); // FIXME: Needs module param if called from api.inc.php
private static function swap(&$a, &$b)
$tmp = $a;
$a = $b;
$b = $tmp;
public static function runmodeConfigHook($machineUuid, $locationId, $data)
if (!empty($data)) {
$data = json_decode($data, true);
if (!is_array($data)) {
$data = array();
if (isset($data['dedicatedmgr']) && $data['dedicatedmgr']) {
ConfigHolder::add("SLX_ADDONS", false, 100000);
ConfigHolder::add("SLX_PVS_DEDICATED", 'yes');
ConfigHolder::add("SLX_AUTOLOGIN", 'ON', 100000);
ConfigHolder::add("SLX_LOGOUT_TIMEOUT", false, 100000);
} else {
ConfigHolder::add("SLX_PVS_HYBRID", 'yes');
* Get display name for manager of given locationId.
* Hook for "runmode" module to resolve mode name.
* @param $locationId
* @return bool|string
public static function getManagerName($locationId)
$names = Location::getNameChain($locationId);
if ($names === false)
return false;
return implode(' / ', $names);